You root your beliefs in what Jesus admonished those of His time for. You are either Christian or Jewish. You should make uo your mind.
Ignore what you saw with your eyes and ears There wasn't anything that happened recently. This is all hogwash by terrorists linked to Russia. Now, how are we to win this war against EastAsia--I mean, Russia? My grandparents and grand children both died fighting this threat to our very way of life from our eternal enemies!
(1984 reference)
Then you shouldn't be proclaiming, you should love your brothers and sisters as Jesus instructed and show them the Light.
Oh, then Bill.Clinton was a great Christian. So was Al Gore. They both hooted and hollered about their Christianity. Proclaiming demonstrated their lights, right?
Why are you using the Jewish books of the Bible, then?
Jesus broke bread with those that did not believe in Him. Even those society rejected - and not all of them became His followers. Jesus bade us to be loving of our brothers and sisters and gave us the golden rule. He spoke against having hardened hearts.
Why? Because darkness seeps into mens hearts where the light does not shine. If you keep the Light to yourself, you are helping evil setup shop in your neighbor.
Question: Assuming you dont eat during the blackout, can you combine the supplements? Why/why not?
Question 2: Is a cup of black coffee (no additives, just bean flavored water) or tea (again, no additives) appropriate consumption pairing with the supplements? Why or why nae?
I dunno if the left is really all that crazy for believing in beer guts.
Well, ghats three paragraphs of nothing.
How will it "cost Italy" $65b dollars?
What about the agents on the ground?
When will we get some common sense ladder control?!?!
So no correlation to turbo cancers.
So, the pink is supposed to be 5g? WHICH "5G" are they mapping? UWB? I have that in my rural area and I'm in a state that has lowest turbo cancers according to their terrible chart, its also not marked as pink on the map. 4G with tricks labeled 5g by the carriers? Well, that's been everywhere for 10 years, why isn't the turno cancer everwhere?
"Blocks access to data for researchers"? Can a Euro tell me what that law is for/about?
Congress is specifically exempted from those rules.
A lot of people want a constitutional convention, and i only support it if the amendment is "all laws created have equal force for any person, place, or function of government".
Let's see how hawkish they are about disarming the citizens when their security details have to use garden hoes to patrol NYC.
Comedy is funny because it's true and relatable.
Everyone knew then. Just like everyone knows now, even if they pretend they don't.
Knowledge was forced into hiding after WW2 when morality became a government project instead of a relationship with our God. People stopped telling their children things that were true because they might be implicated as "the bad".
I really dont understand why companies are allowed to make donations in the first place.
I kinda-sorta understand an individually-owned company being able to do it - but why has the SEC not jumped all over fhe waste of investor's money that is a donation to any cause?
Yup. So old you got nothing but lies snd grade school to fall back on.
Conservative sleeper cells are everywhere! The just jump up on cue and ruin Dem lives by asking the wrong questions!
Oh, please spare me. You've already sold any authority you might have had down the river. Pretending you've "been there" while you link me to recent UN talking points is trite garbage.
The problem with ALJ use is that it creates a judge, jury, and incentive against the individual all in one person. ALJs don't care about whats constitutional, they only care about their specific job. And, since everything is seen as "legal" until someone with millions of dollars can stand against the apparatus and go through multiple levels of fines and business losses just to get to a real court, its nothing but oppressive.
Ah, projection and denial. The NPCs best friends.
"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
I've read over a hundred research papers on this, many from before "modern" science.
Most of the "evidence" you find is alarmist nonsense with terrible methods and/or data trying to get you to give up modern convenience and live like the serf you are supposed to be.
Like with microwaves. Do you know how they affect the body in particular? They heat the water. If you pump enough energy into a cell to get past the water and hit the genetic structure, it doesnt matter - the target cell and most of the cells around it have already died. Hilariously, one cold war study said microwave-based weapons were a bad idea because you could easily defend against them with water.
At the same time beta males were clutching their nuts over something they didn't understand and were terrified about, they would go home and get bombarded by a particle accelerator. And that was given the same treatment as the microwave ovens were. As was electricity. Phones. Satellites. Cars. Quick meals from the store. Traditionally cooked food. Convection ovens. Aluminum. Steel. Air conditioning. Non-oil heating. And, now, oil heating.
Higher by how much? Which phones? Which modem pairs? Even if we assume that every cell phone innexistence is underreporting transmission strength by 50%, that means your 256mW transmission is actually 384mW. This doesnt make a cell phone more likely to penetrate you with beams.
Why would you assume nicotine is a cause of brain cancer?
As for causes of brain cancer, why is this focused on a cell phone? Most people talk on a cell phone for less than an hour per day. Where are all the cancers of the thigh and ass from keeping it in your pocket? Breast cancer from women keeping them in their bra and men keeping them in their shirt pocket?
A lot of radiation is safe. We have thousands of generations of ancestors who lived and worked in full sunlight 8+ hours per day.
We have 50-60 years of multiple 100,000 watt carriers in major urban centers covering millions of people.
We have another 60 years of regular exposure to 600-1000 watts in most homes.
And then we have 30-40ish years of the mW to 1W transmitters in not a majority, but not a small fraction of homes.
Then the cell phone and wifi router came along and we are suddenly ded. Every one of us. No hope left. And the generation number (not the technology or any other thing like that, just the number of times the government has recently financed an industry-wide upgrade) indicates just how completely screwed you are. 2 is more than 1. That means we are all double- wait five?? - oh shit Quintuple Fucked!
There are specific types of radiation that will completely fuck us up. You going to carry uranium in your pocket for luck? Well, you're going to strike the cancer lotto.
The most a cell phone has been shown to do is heat up your outer layers of skin by a very small amount when in constant use - much less than what youd get by taking a walk during the day time. If you talk on a speaker phone or through a wired headset, you eliminate this "risk" entirely.
Note that Alzheimer's tau degredation acts like a cancer by "targeting" (for lack of a better word) Reelin-producing neurons.