Whole Buffalo Powder Derived from Alphitobius Diaperinus larvae, this unique ingredient is rich in high-quality protein and iron—offering more iron than traditional meat sources like beef steak. Its mild, nutty aroma enhances the flavor while supporting muscle repair, growth, and energy metabolism.
Catholics don't pray to Mary. And the sins of man (even ones this heinous) don't and have never changed the fact that the Church is the spotless Bride of Christ, made spotless by His Blood, as are we all.
What does he mean when he talks about fighting with Russia and saying we hit them very hard?
I also just want to highlight for everyone reading this that our government in WA can legally hold you down and Vax you against your will. Section 185 Western Australian public health act 2016.
OP I will msg you.
I watched it live. It was kind of a shitshow. Australians are TERRIBLE at civil disobedience (I guess because we are not used to doing it, and we don't anger easily). They played into police hands. The gathering in Canberra is basically a bunch of angry karens yelling about pedos but with no real coherent plan or objective.
I get it, I'm mad too.
Glad to see hoodie reach this board. One of the few Aussies actually standing up for us.
Meanwhile in Australia... is over there friend
I want to stay here long enough to see mcgowan and the other traitorous cunts dragged through the streets
And for the faggot feds reading this board, no I'm not making a threat and have no intention of personally harming said cunts
First time in my 31 years of life I can say that I'm genuinely ashamed at what my country has become.
What and find another family too? Not an option to me.
No, I don't have anything of value to contribute because this post doesn't merit any input from someone able to think critically.
By all means post and discuss it though, as is your right, but pinning such an inane post to the top of the site is embarrassing. Mods need to be responsible more than anyone for parsing information presented here. 6 months ago a stickied post actually meant something.
Why is this stickied... Is this something everyone visiting this site needs to read? That's what stickies are for.
Has anyone thought they might just be looking for covid antibodies
Not to discredit what he's saying but he's one of the most hated and discredited public figures in Australia.
Think that's bad? The whole of new Zealand has been locked down because of 1 single case
All other cnn accounts have checkmark
This seems like a fake cnn account to me, created only a few months ago
Nutritional Value per 100g Energy 413kcal Protein 11g Carbohydrates 49g Sugar 44g Dietary Fibres 6g Fat 19g Saturated Fatty Acids 5g
These macros are ABSOLUTE DOG WATER