When I see post like this, I say: "congratulations on your new bi yearly subscription", I then ask: " how many times are you going to get boosted? (Through a number out there) more than 25?.. The usual answer is: "yes, as many as it takes"! My reply: " So you're addicted, like a heroin addiction" ? Usual reply: "no I don't do drugs"! My reply: "but you're willing to put needles and experimental substances in your body multiply times. Also you seek it out and plan your life around it".. Usual reply: "Yes, but I need the vaxx and boosters so I won't get sick". "I could die without it".. My reply: Surely you see the similarities, Also WHERE THE FCUK IS MY MICROWAVE..
Show them the pics and ask them are these nazi better than the ones that gassed their relatives long ago. Whatever the answer just say so not all nazis are bad? Then make them explain to you their actual position on the subject. After the nonsensical answer or lack there of ask so why should I care if commies fight nazis.
Mostly I just ask questions that confuse their thought process in a very rude and sarcastic way, Mostly for shits and giggles.
I'm putting this on a tshirt.
I think the "new found converted conservatives are the ones propping this chick up. You know former leftist who just been redpilled. They're still open to the brain wash because the new sense of freedom just formed.
Holy shite, the comments are just.....🙃
Even the sharks won't eat her.
Don't forget the benadryl.
We need soldiers in this battle we call life.. We need you. Cry out to God I mean really cry out scream your frustrations out to him with a clear sober mind, then ask him for strength and wisdom. You don't need much skill to start out working in construction. Use that mind and body that was gifted to you and if it needs repair do it. Now in days people are most attracted to confidence. Get some or fake it till you understand what it is. Life can be bleak looking but it's your outlook on life that makes it what it is.
FAV=? seems like comms to me.
Lmao and they gotta walk around pretending this is OK. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Handlers: Buzz words buzzwords just throw every buzzword at them see if it sticks.
What's a good word for shill journalists? How bout pussi.
He spelled Democrat slush fund wrong.
Work a customer service job. You will hate anyone with low iq in 10 minutes .
That glowed so much my eyes hurt..
Dudes pushing 70 right? Sometimes old people need walking boots due to joints etc. I worked in medical supplies and they always flew off the shelves.
Whatever happened to the saying if it ain't broke don't fix it..
Don't do it... Starting over is hard but it's do able.. I wanna see you in heaven pede.. Love to u from a stranger..
😂😂 Oh wait, you're serious.. Let me laugh even harder 🤣 😂 😅 😆 💀 😏 🤣 😂 😅 😆 💀 😏 🤣
So it's true... they just throw a bunch of silver ware in the air and name their kids based on the sounds it makes once hitting the floor..
ching chang Chong Bing bang bong
Oooohhhh I'm to petty... Good luck y'all..
James O'Keefe wouldn't kill him self..
So should I dump my 1 share of aapl or what?
He was the best boy .
I'm hoping it's the stress and panic that's melting her mask off revealing the real lizard troll she is..