BarrBQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had an eye exam earlier this year. January, maybe? No questions about vax status. But I'm in KS, and it takes a few years for cultural norms to get to us.

BarrBQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, at first glance I thought I saw my username.

BarrBQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

For a split second I thought this was about me...


BarrBQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

And that strategy will work for them right up until the Great Awakening. Once we enter the next phase of this Saga it won't matter what the history books say, because they'll all get chucked in the trash. I'm talking about 20, 50, 100 yrs from now.

BarrBQ 6 points ago +6 / -0

I told two very good normie friends back in the summer of 2018, that Donald Trump will be regarded by history as the greatest world leader of his time, and possibly of all time. Their incredulous reaction prompted me to double down and post that idea on Facebook. It got no support. I look forward to revisiting that comment in the future. Not because I was right and others were wrong, but because I was able to see through the smoke before the fire had even started. And that put me in a position to help others through the fire.

BarrBQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm interested in reading about that laser targeting system. Can you share a link? I must be searching with the wrong terms because I can't find anything. Thanks in advance for your help!

BarrBQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was about to point out the same thing. Listing 40 names out of 535 doesn't substantiate a claimel of 89%. As OP replied below (above?), any percentage is too high, but let's keep ourselves in line with the truth.

BarrBQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

Red Tsunami is probably the next step up.

BarrBQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

What a great description of the purpose of our joy in this season. This is less about WHAT Jesus acconplished, and more about WHY.

BarrBQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with what you're saying, but in the $100 gift scenario, the value isn't in the bill. The value is derived from being backed by the Full Faith and Credit of the United States Government. The reason for using gold-backed digital currency is convenience. Gold can only be transferred in person. (Before you get defensive, remember that we're on the same team. If you have a differing opinion I'd love to hear it and work towards a mutual understanding). God speed, fren!

BarrBQ 10 points ago +10 / -0

The harder we vote, the harder they cheat, and the easier it is to prove they cheated.

BarrBQ 5 points ago +5 / -0

He goes off on Trump for a moment, saying that Trump only "knows how to learn catchphrases to motivate a crowd" and "he's a dick" and is "only doing this to make money".

It's a bold strategy, Cotton...

BarrBQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

This spoke to me. Specifically the part about a flood of tears. As I drove 1.5 hours to a family gathering yesterday morning, I was playing some of my favorite Christian music. Songs that I jam out to, sing aling with, know all the words. Between songs I would thank God for his recent work in my life and heart. And during one song, Flawless (by MercyMe) I started getting choked up and couldn't sing. It lasted for most of that song, and all of the next one (He Reigns by the NewsBoys). I has tears streaming down my face and couldn't make more than a squeak with my normally powerful singing voice.

I was consumed by visions of all the terrible things that have happened in my life, amd the lives of those arpund me. All of the horrible injustices that are being perpetrated by God's enemies, right now on Earth. All of my sorrows and regrets were oarading through my mind.

And underneath all of that was the deepest gratitude that I have ever felt towards my Creator. "Thank you for carrying me through everything I've experienced. Thank You for allowing me to suffer through the emptiness inside me before I began searching for You. Thank you for being available to an awful, selfish, hateful and hurtful person like me. Thank You for what you are taking all of us through right now. And thank You for what is waiting on the other side. I believe that You are not only good, but goodness itself. You do not only love, you are love itself. Please take all of me, and cast out what is unnecessary. Use all of me to pursue Your will. And let the glory be Yours and Yours alone. Amen."

It was quite an experience. Still getting chills just thinking about it. Thanks for the post, fren. I hope your day is filled with God's Love, and the endless wonder of His glory.

BarrBQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Make America Great Again.

BarrBQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cash bail means you give the court money as a promise that you will show up for your trial / hearings / arraignment whatever. Don't show up? Court keeps the money.

The CRT crowd claims that it's racist because only white people have money. Eliminating Cash bail means that a bank robber / wife beater / rapist / drunk driver can stand in front of a judge and say "yeah, sure... I'll show up to face the consequences of my actions in a few months". And then when they don't show up (because why the fuck would they?) the court issues a warrant for thier arrest.

And then they stand in front of a judge and say "yeah, sure... I'll show up to fave the consequences of my actions in a few months". And then when... well, you get the point.

BarrBQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

"I'm a Capitalist. I have no problem taking profits from a private company and redistributing wealth to people who vote for my political party."

BarrBQ 5 points ago +5 / -0

No one's gonna comment on the game he's playing?


Dylan Mulvaney doesn't want the pair that he already has. Maybe the game should be called "Snip a Pair"...

BarrBQ 5 points ago +5 / -0

Or, you could choose not to be a doomer.

Edit - chin up, fren! I saw in another post that you're feeling down. That's okay. Think about the things you're grateful for (like the fact that you haven't been conquered by propaganda!). I hope your week gets better, and you can find some peace in these turbulent times. =)

BarrBQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Isn't the FDIC promising to cover all depositors? And if the FDIC covers all the depositors for these smaller banks that have lots of huge accounts... will they have anything left to cover the deposits of regular Americans when larger banks fold? Honest questions, not trying to start a flame war. =]

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