I don’t understand how someone writes a paper like this and doesn’t include a list of references.
I would bet this is true, or at least partially true, but it amazes me in 23 comments no one asks for a source other than a Gab/FB post.. dangerous game my friends.
Unless there is a source, and I can’t find one and apparently neither can anyone else here after 12hr of being up, this is complete bullshit. Misinformation goes both ways guys.
It’s all the same, no matter if it’s in the USA, the UK, Western Europe, India, or wherever. It is pure Marxism and Bolshevik communism being promoted by the media and whoever has the loudspeaker in these countries. They (should is use the parenthesis?) use critical theory to divide people based on class, religion, race, sexual orientation, etc. Then the weak, ignorant sheep who think history can never repeat itself or who don’t know the history of the USSR, Weimar Germany, or Maoist China (to name a few victims of the bolsheviks) go all in with the propaganda while thinking they are righteous and virtuous; never even questioning if they are puppets in a much more sinister game. Once you see their Marxist critical theory and Saul Alinsky-ite tactics it all becomes so obvious, you can’t unseen it.
“I done told everyone”... Just some friendly advice, your argument will garner more respect and attention when you appropriately utilize the English language. FYI and IMO: If what you’re saying is true regarding you calling attention to the boogaloo boys, you may have lost people through your rhetoric, not the actual substance of your argument. Go ahead and call me a grammar nazi or to fuck off, I don’t care, but you need understand you sound ignorant when you start a phrase with “I done told everyone”. That being said, I do agree with your stance on the boogaloo boys. The proud boys are a different story, but the boogaloos, from videos I have seen, seem too be paid and playing a role for some other nefarious group.
Sorry for being a prick, I just hate the bastardization of the English language via the promotion of Ebonic/hood slang; it’s just another step the elites/MSM promote to dumbing down society.
Here would be my response: 1.) I like to avoid politics in the workplace and I understand the vaccine has become somewhat controversial. 2.) My medical information is private, so unfortunately I cannot disclose HIPPA protected information... If that doesn’t work move to 3.) No it’s ok I’ll just continue to wear a mask because masks work 100%, don’t you listen to Fauci? (Sarcasm) 4.) while I continue to wear my mask, because they work, enough people will get vaccinated for us to reach herd immunity. - if they then challenge you for being selfish by making others get vaccinated but not you to reach herd immunity then ask them - but wait, I thought you wanted to get the vaccine? Are you saying you are taking a risk by getting the vaccine?.. you can normally catch these people in their own logical fallacies if you keep your cool and use their own words/ideas against them. Look, I’m not anti-vaccine, but there is no getting around that this is still experimental, not FDA approved, and it is the least studied medication/therapy that will be given to the most people (by far) in history. It is fair and even logical to question the long term effects when they are not known. Finally, while mRNA delivery mechanisms of proteins have been used for a few years, it has never been done in a vaccine (to my knowledge). So once again, this will be given to the largest population ever, is the least studied, and it is the first time we are using this technology in a vaccine? Nah I’ll pass for now. Plus I’m young so my risk is > my reward considering my survival rate is 99.99% and the vaccines are only 95% effective..and while we’re at it, for how long is the vaccine effective? Oh that’s right, we don’t know. - end rant.
This right here ^. Modern day Weimar Republic.
I feel like this needs a shit post flair or anonymous source tag. Seems like BS or a joke. Don’t get me wrong, if normies saw the videos played today their eyes should be opened as to how the dems constantly lie, project, and use Alinsky-like tactics, but I doubt this tweet is factual.
100% Fake news. Why post this bull shit?
This is from Mike Lindel’s documentary on voter fraud. Watch the last 20-24 min. He has a guest on that says they have thousands of pages of IP addresses and countries that data was sent and received from regarding the election. That data also shows votes being changed. This image is showing those IP address locations. https://michaeljlindell.com/?fbclid=IwAR1gkjss2xUXcfDlMFGbjRWmkneZ2A3vCbKL--Phb2xxXnE8XnsUljnkIO8
Wait where did Alan tweet about Q’s and guardian? The tweet this post is based on was sent from Gen. Jay Raymond
Zuckerberg is from Racine,WI? A simple search says White Plains, NY..
Damn..this takes me back to waiting for President Trump to take the podium at a rally. Good times, hoping for more in the future.
Them: “Democracy has been restored with Trump being out of office”. - My response: Hah, you’re right, nothing says democracy like 5 swing states all shutting down their counting at 2-4 AM, sending poll watchers home, then during that time they told everyone to go home they all experience massive ballot dumps where 90-96% go to Biden. Then when this is brought up in lawsuits the judges and people making the cases are threatened resulting in every case being thrown out in procedural merits; thus, none of this data has actually been examined and ruled on; no audits or signature verifications have happened. Also, nothing says democracy like states violating their constitutions and no one doing shit about it: say like Pennsylvania ignoring their state legislature and just making a rule to accept mail in ballots after Election Day ( unconstitutional - needs to go through their state Congress and voted on by the people) or say Wisconsin sending out universal mail in ballots to people that didn’t request them, then when this is found out they refuse to perform an audit to find these illegal ballots (Wisconsin’s state constitution requires people to request them). Oh and yeah not to mention Biden signing what, 35 executive orders in his first week in office? That definitely screams democracy in action. Oh and finally, we’re a constitutional republic, not a democracy. - End rant. Sorry I know you know all of this but sometimes I need to vent.
I believe you’re thinking of Nick Sandman, the Kentucky High School kid that smiled at the Indian.
This. If people think the Forbes list of the world’s wealthiest people is accurate, well then I have a bridge to sell them
My thoughts as well. If you zoom in on the background objects it looks like a painting.. idk could be something with the focus and I could be wrong, but it just looks off
Listen you are correct but the MSM did not cover it this way. They were reporting the first deaths occurring in a Washington nursing home a few weeks later. So it’s not that the news cycle turned on a dime the next day after acquittal and they started talking about someone dying from covid. What is more alarming is that during that time Pelosi, Deblasio, and others were telling people to go out and party in Chinatown. I wonder what fang fang was telling swallwel during that time? Oh yeah remember when nothing happened with that? You can just sleep with enemy spies while having access to all kinds of gov’t intelligence and nobody gives a fuck, Congress doesn’t do anything about it. They’re all snakes.
There was something else going around about the Bible Biden put his hand on having two upside down crosses on the binding. That was very easily disproven from the inaugural footage ; crucifixes were right side up.
He has been impeached by the house. It then goes to the senate, they have a trial, then vote to either acquit or convict. It’s all partisan bull shit, but that is how it works.
I always liked Gavin Mcinnes’s rule, depending on how friendly you’re feeling of course. His rule is that a women can hit you 5 times before there are consequences for their actions. You warn them multiple times and remain calm while they’re doing it, but when it reaches strike 5..ok, welcome to true equality. Not saying you knock them out, but you show them you’ve been letting them hit you, like a child, and that now it’s serious and they don’t want to do it again.