Battlefield 3 points ago +3 / -0

The posted Q post seems to be suggesting a domino effect, i.e. the first unseal leads to more arrests further down the line.

Battlefield 1 point ago +1 / -0

The racist demokkkrats think America First is a white supremacist slogan because they don't regard minorities as Americans.

Battlefield 2 points ago +2 / -0

The photographed gun part has both messages. F*** Joe Biden is on the right.

And I agree with you. Let's go Brandon is perfect for situations where Fuck Joe Biden can't be used, e.g. church, school, etc. Stadium chants should always be Fuck Joe Biden, though.

Battlefield 11 points ago +11 / -0

Let's go Brandon has its uses. But in stadiums, the chant should always be F*** Joe Biden.

Pedo Joe can never attend a sports event ever again, because his handlers know how the crowd will react.

Battlefield 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lots of people are waking up. I know of sheep who were duped into getting the clot shot who are angry now that they have been told they need a booster, and they are refusing to get the booster.

But like you say, there are also some people who refuse to wake up, because to do so would involve admitting they were fooled, and they will never do that because they value their egos more than they value truth and their health.

Battlefield 2 points ago +2 / -0

In Star Wars, only the bad guys wore masks.

Battlefield 4 points ago +4 / -0

10-15% chance of a miscarriage equates to a 1-2.25% chance of two women having a miscarriage which is indeed unusual. Possible, but unusual.

Battlefield 2 points ago +2 / -0

META. Make Everything Trump Again.

Battlefield 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember reading a post a couple of months ago where the hospital refused to give the family relative ivermectin. So the family asked for privacy to pray for the relative, then when the hospital staff were out of the ward they rubbed ivermectin paste on the patient's lips. They improved soon after that.

Battlefield 4 points ago +4 / -0

Another statistical fact which proves the VAERS deaths are not background deaths are the splits between different vaccine brands. If these deaths after getting the clot shot were coincidences, then they would be spread evenly between the different vaccines based on the number of each vaccine given. However, that is not the case. The J&J vaccine has caused more deaths as a percentage of vaccines given than the Moderna vaccine, which in turn has caused more deaths percentage-wise than the Pfizer vaccine.

All the vaccines are dangerous, but the VAERS data shows that the short term risk varies depending on the vaccine. The long term risk for each vaccine may be inverse to the short term risk for each vaccine, we don't know that yet, but one thing we do know from the data is that these are not background deaths. The true death figure is likely much higher than the VAERS totals.

Battlefield 1 point ago +1 / -0

I pray that God's enemies will have their power and influence taken away from them. I pray that the liars will no longer have the ability to deceive millions, that their lies will be exposed, and that those who were fooled by their lies will have the humility to recognize that they were fooled.

Battlefield 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are stupid, but plenty of us were stupid at previous times in our lives. None of us have realized everything there is to know in life yet.

We should be grateful that God warned us of the evil pushed by the liars, because without God's mercy we could do easily been part of the millions who were fooled.

Battlefield 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thank God that he blessed me with the knowledge that the vaccines are evil, and that I was humble enough to listen to his warning.

I could easily have been fooled, I've been fooled by the lies of the world many times in my life, so I am extremely grateful that I wasn't fooled on this occasion, even though I so easily could have been. At the start of the propaganda, when those fake Chinese videos of people collapsing in the street were circulating, back when the 'experts' were saying there was no need to wear a mask because masks did nothing, I ignored the experts and wore a mask anyway. That was a foolish decision on my part, but thankfully it had only temporary consequences. I was lucky. Those who fell for the propaganda and got the clot shot now have permanent consequences to deal with. They have ruined their immune systems forever. Some of them are arrogant idiots, but some were just frightened fools who made a bad decision. I've made plenty of bad decisions, and I thank God that I made the right decision this time.

Battlefield 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's the 20-49 age group.

For the 0-19 age group the recovery rate is an order of magnitude better, i.e. 99.997%.

Battlefield 3 points ago +3 / -0

The exact figure is a 99.997% chance of survival for the 0-19 age group.

And the 0.003% who don't recover have on average 3.8 other comorbities, so basically, healthy kids have zero risk.

Battlefield 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of the 4 studies I've read, 2 studies found cloth masks statistically very slightly increase people's risk of infection, and the other 2 studies found the difference was statistically negligible.

But in terms of bacterial pneumonia, the clot shot weakens the victim's immune system, so they very likely will be more at risk from bacterial pneumonia.

Battlefield 2 points ago +2 / -0

VAERS data indicates the risk of adverse reaction from the clot shot increases with the 2nd dose, so it's possible that the risk compounds with every subsequent dose.

Battlefield 2 points ago +2 / -0

In a nutshell, the vaccine is non-sterilizing, so it doesn't kill the WuFlu, it just hides the symptoms slightly for 4 months (then leaves the victim with a ruined immune system).

What this means is that the vaccinated become super spreaders. If they catch the WuFlu during the 4 month period, they have less symptoms, so they carry on their life as normal, passing the WuFlu onto others in the process.

Battlefield 4 points ago +4 / -0

The UK data confirms this is now becoming reality. The gullible sheep who took the clot shot have ruined their immune systems.

All previous attempts to produce a corona vaccine led to vaccine induced AIDS in the animals used as guinea pigs, so it shouldn't come as a surprise when the same thing is happening in the human population.

Of course, technically AIDS is defined as being caused by HIV, but whatever you call it, the end result is the same. The victims are left with no immune system.

Battlefield 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a matter of assessing which truths certain people are ready to hear.

For example, I have a Facebook friend who is a hardcore socialist, but he's anti-Clowns in America, so even though he is brainwashed in many areas, there are still some areas where he is receptive to the truth. Another friend has been completely fooled by the WuFlu propaganda, but he's becoming increasingly aware that Pedo Joe is a pedo.

Even if someone isn't ready to accept all truths, there will very likely be some truths you can use to help them wake up. For example, BeagleGate has got many normies angry at Fauci. Use whatever truths are most likely to succeed.

Battlefield 7 points ago +7 / -0

They can hide the direct data, but they can't hide the indirect data.

Karl Denniger is an expert at finding things in data that the corrupt government officials didn't want us to find. For example, over a million net people have left the employment pool in 2021. No net people left the employment pool in 2020 when we were in the middle of an alleged pandemic, yet over a million people left the employment pool once the government started delivering the clot shot.

The only way you leave the employment pool is if you die, you become permanently incapable of working, or you go to prison. The VAERS figures are just the tip of the iceberg.

Battlefield 6 points ago +6 / -0

To rescind an EO relating to a national emergency, he would have to declare the national emergency over. He's not going to end the WuFlu emergency declaration, because the democrat politicians love using it as an excuse to be fascists, and his few remaining voters are addicted to living in fear. Ending the emergency would be LOSE/LOSE for Pedo Joe.

Battlefield 1 point ago +1 / -0

That was similar to my reaction. I was personally angry at Fauci for torturing dogs for no reason, but I also realized that it's a chance to turn the normies against him.

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