Be_Banned 2 points ago +2 / -0

I used to commute several miles a day on a bike. During 2012, I slapped a Ron Paul sticker on it. For months, people were constantly honking at me even though I obeyed the rules of the road, stayed out of the way - giving plenty of room to pass, and politely made my way to and from school. For the longest time, I kept thinking, "Damn, these are some rude assholes around here!" Finally, it dawned on me when someone yelled, "Ron Paul!", that people were liking the bumper sticker.

Be_Banned 1 point ago +1 / -0

Love my ppq. Unfortunately, so does the wife. I'm a nice guy so she gets dibs.

I need to get a small conceal carry like the Ruger you mentioned.

Be_Banned 3 points ago +3 / -0

Be prepared for them to use the media to "debunk" the audit. You know all the normies will only believe what the television says. We need to have a plan for that scenario, even if it's taking to the streets.

Be_Banned 8 points ago +8 / -0

That's an interesting take. You'd think 1 mil would be chump change to these crooks.

Be_Banned 1 point ago +1 / -0

You nailed it. I talk with lots of people who are aware of the election fraud, covid hoax, and the criminal cabal. Those are all topics some associate with Q, but they don't have to be associated. It's a spectrum. I entertain the possibility of their being a "plan" (although I truly doubt it) and enjoy reading the posts here, but don't consider myself a "believer." However, the Great Awakening is real and nothing can stop what is coming as we reach critical mass and momentum.

Be_Banned 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha, I've been telling my mom that vaccines are not to be trusted and why. For years she tried to convince me to vaccinate my kids, and I would explain again how they contain mercury etc. Then Q posts about it, and next thing I heard her speaking ill about the vaccines. Of course she'd never admit I was right or that she was wrong.

Be_Banned 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right?! The only place I encounter tv is at my parents house, and it provokes a revolting feeling just being around it. That anyone would PAY to be propagandized is beyond my comprehension at this point.

Be_Banned 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not gonna happen.

This is all starting to sound a lot like the Jehovah's Witnesses. Oh, don't worry, Armageddon will be here in 1914. Oh, wait, looks like 1925 is the year. Oops, we got ahead of ourselves, make that 1975. Well, darn, surely by 2000, it will come...

Be_Banned 4 points ago +4 / -0

And any suggestions otherwise are assumed to be "debunked" or fake news. At a meeting, I mentioned a few reasons for my hesitancy, and the response was, "Where did you read that, parler?"

They are in a cult and you can't tell them anything. I no longer even try. I just hope that nothing happens to these people as a result of this experiment and they can just keep calling me a conspiracy theorist.

Be_Banned 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, come on over then.

Be_Banned 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've had to do the same. It's funny how many people suddenly have an M.D. now that they've soaked up a year of wall to wall news coverage on covid-19. They're offering up all kinds of medical advice and recommendations that should only be given by medical professionals.

Be_Banned 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been doing the same. I never drink diet anyway though, because aspartame is really bad and soda is bad enough on it's own.

Be_Banned 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm shocked today as well. I'm not a q follower, but I enjoy the news and hopeful outlook. Been slowly peeling back the curtain to see what it (Q) is all about, but if free thought will get you banned here, I'm in the wrong place.

As far as I knew until today, the book burners were the other guys.

Be_Banned 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been experiencing a similar feeling in myself. I am a long-time, ardent agnostic atheist who characteristically scoffed at religion. However, after 2020, and the election specifically, I've become increasingly dumbfound by the events of today and I have no explanation. All that could go wrong did, and monumentally at that. And yet here we are with more and more people walking up to the corruption of the system day by day, soon to be reaching critical mass. Only a higher power could have orchestrated this mass awakening. I feel like I'm being reeled into a mass "great awakening" almost against my will. Like I said, I can't explain it, but it's happening to all of us at once and it is very exciting at the moment.

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