No but you take it Greek.
Came here to say the same. The 4am sheet was delivered and all the toadies and tools are in lockstep. They want him out.
I call top bunk!
I donated directly to Trump.
Red Dawn-style attacks are very, very possible. All those fighting age illegals. Open borders.
I donated to Trump, and set my Federal withholding to zero.
First read, my brain saw Satanist. Stalinist, Satanist - same diff.
I'm just waiting for a leader.
This is the way.
Nope! She's in.
Commie loser
They'll mostly be concentrated in their various shithole enclaves. Just sayin'.
Gotdam fecal freak!
Same with the military.
Same. Several years ago it started with triple numbers, then morphed into 11:11. So much so that I thought I was going nuts. In desperation, I took to the internet for answers. I was absolutely shocked to discover websites, chat forums, movies, books, and youtubes about 11:11. Comes and goes in intensity. I don't know what it means.
PDJT was given a very rare sword dance welcome to the Saudi palace. They respect him.
[They] found out real quick that Americans were happy to comply, unhesitant to close businesses, force vax or end employment, and that the sheeple will turn non-compliers in with glee.
Cern is cranking up 4/8 too.
Artificial and homosexual.
1 spectator dead, one injured, shooter dead.