BeyondWithin 0 points ago +1 / -1

Twitchy? Nah she just like that.

BeyondWithin 2 points ago +2 / -0

NC is beautiful, and has many based frens. Charlotte is a cesspool, it's our democrat run shit hole bank hub. Outside of Charlotte (even just a little) is usually based as fuck. Asheville is a mini Portland, but has some based elements but as far as NC goes those places are pretty captured. When the shit hits the fan as long as you aren't in the heart of those cities you will prob fare well in NC.

BeyondWithin 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's shit like this that makes me want to learn how to fly a helicopter and say fuck it I'll do it myself.

BeyondWithin 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's posts like this that make me feel so blessed to have found my rebel princess ❤️

They are out there fren. As the great wheel of time turns, more people will be opened up, unlocked some will say. These newly unlocked souls will need grounding in the truth. You are that lightning rod. Be prepared for the storm.

BeyondWithin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Still woulda been nice to keep a few Bitcoin from 2014.

I lean towards the theory that Bitcoin was devised to keep people from investing in physical gold and silver, to keep prices artificially suppressed, and to pull the inevitable bait and switch so those holding BTC will be SOL.

I'll stick to my gold and silver now. At least they will have to pry it out of my cold dead hands if they want it.

BeyondWithin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Personally, the DNA is less worrisome than the intended product itself. The (modified)RNA being used has a brand new, artificial base built into the sequence. If that gets up taken by reverse transcriptase, you now have artificial bases in your genome. You aren't one with God anymore. The materialistic illusion has infected these people, and I'm afraid it's permanent.

BeyondWithin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey, I just lost my job a week ago under shady circumstances as well so I can relate. I have a phone screening for a job tomorrow...

I'm trying so hard to keep the faith right now. Every hour it's getting harder and I'm hoping for the blackout or bank collapse at this point, I don't have much more to lose.

BeyondWithin 0 points ago +1 / -1

Vivek is on our side. Trump will always be the first choice, but nobody wants to address the elephant in the room of what if they do remove trump? We have to be honest with ourselves and recognize that before they allow a repeat of 2016 they are going to to try to repeat 1963.

I don't want this to be the case, but we are staring into the face of true evil and nothing is off the table here. If Trump dies is there any way to stop the civil war they have been setting up?

BeyondWithin 8 points ago +9 / -1

Alex Jones did an expose on it yesterday at the start of his show, addressing the bloody mattress, the discarded child clothes and car seats. He says it looks like human trafficking.

Alex Jones is paranoid, not controlled. I feel for the guy it can't be easy being Alex Jones.

BeyondWithin 1 point ago +1 / -0


I'd venture to say that number is very off if you count independent journalism.

BeyondWithin 2 points ago +2 / -0

He has stores all over nc, the one in Cornelius is the one with all the local stuff that I shop at

BeyondWithin 3 points ago +3 / -0

I noticed in increase in activity in NC as well. Everyone got sick after the first few rounds.

BeyondWithin 10 points ago +10 / -0

There is a local chain in NC called apothica. They sell mostly CBD products but they have many medicinal tinctures as well.

They also carry local meat, honey, nut butters, jams, ECT.

Awesome, and thriving business model, and the owner is a cool guy.

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