Pronouns are it/it.
Her pastor?
She is as Godless as they come. A demon.
They will just cheat (again).
He probably wants to eat it.
Solution: get rid of CDC.
BLM = Baalim.
Mnemonic programming goes deep.
Insert the Matt_Walsh_vs_ tranny_Twit_from_yesterday.png
“I’m the only Pedo in the village!” Said King Charles. Probably,
This is pure racism!
When Hell freezes over?
Rich wasn't dead on the street. He was taken to hospital where the DC cops finished the job.
Romney was defending Trump. The white hats have the blackmail materials.
I hope you have invested in popcorn futures.
Here are some lawyer-written points about the bogus charges:
Sounds like DJT is the Little Horn.
I'd suspect something fishy if this didn't happen at 2:35 am in SF.
Too easy. I want him to face justice.
Liar liar etc.
He should focus on portion control. Doesn't he know that white woman trumps black (fat) man?
"Unintended" in this case.
- fewer gun sales.
Wait… at which university is he studying?
Or Libs of TikTok
Don’t be a porn actress and a prostitute.
Problem solved. Now all she needs is a Time Machine.
I think the system has already failed. It just hasn’t collapsed yet.