When you see fear porn about more lockdowns and vax passports just remember. No one cares anymore. It is over.
No Donald, I do not trust the manufacturers. But that's not the reason I do not want it. I do not want it because I do not need it.
Try before WWI. It is coming to a close soon though. Soon being the next decade or two.
I swear he got swapped for a fake last March.
Not terrified. Mostly just clueless.
We are all sheep to them and they are the wolves. Their plan will work as is. The destabilization and chaos that erupts after a mass die off will do plenty to cull those who avoided the jab.
Just childish. You can feel the brain rotting as you progress through the entries.
Who knows what power they have not played on the board yet. You always save your greatest weapons for when they will have their greatest effect.
They know the art of war. Study up and do not falter while we have the momentum. They will destroy themselves if we persist.
Okay so I do not get how 522 relates to any of the rusty shackleford stuff. Not even a stretch. A fantasy maybe.
Tie the rope to Puget Sound you imbeciles. Stop making it hard on yourselves.
Really hard to find people willing to work right now, which unfortunately may work in his favor. Even with how bad of an employee he may be.
Like the matrix; if you aren't one of us, you are one of them. Everyone is just an MK Ultra experiment, a trigger away from activation now.
It's not going to pass so it is all for show. Just continue the airline boycott and let them bleed out.
They said a bunch of words but really they have no authority.
They are working as intended. What he really needs is real therapy so he can stop being a pharma junkie.
Undeserving of motherhood.
Lol. This is going to go pathetically bad.
It is funny looking back how forbidden that info really was. The feds would have preferred I spent my time in high school looking at porn instead.
Damn dude, I remember watching that in high school back when it came out. 9/11, World Religions, and the Fed. Been red-pilled ever since. The rabbit hole keeps getting deeper still.
Hard to tell if this is real these days.
Yes, look away from your screen to remember that no one cares anymore. Everywhere I go the majority of people are living life as normal. They need people to volunteer to be the foot soldiers and there will never be enough people who care enough to volunteer for this.
Best meme in a while.
Life is just a massive shit test.
Would appreciate as I have not seen them yet.