Bigcentexisback 2 points ago +2 / -0

First, i totally agree with you .. never again allow this. I do not what state or county you live in but my heart goes out to you for what you had to go through. For me, I live very rural. When I went to small towns near by for feed for animals or groceries, it was all voluntary, so I kind of thought that's the way it goes in Texas. I went to Austin, thought I would load up on staples at Costco. I had no mask on and got about 1/4 of my shopping done, i was approached by a short mask wearing person in a Costco shirt. She asked if i was aware of a pandemic going on and that masks are required for everyones safety. I told her "No ...I follow the science, that is why I am not wearing one." I was proud of that and thought would trip hmer up and allow me to have some fun with this and educate whoever would listen too. Instead, she looked me directly in the eyes, with her eyes really squinting and said she and her backup would have walk me out if I refused to go on my own. But I was paying attention to those squinting eyes, then it hit me. She has a beaming smile under that mask. That is when I went mainly online for anything from the city.

Bigcentexisback 2 points ago +2 / -0

This story is about Tiajuana/San Diego border. This trench/canal has no relation to the Rio Grande. The border between Mexico and U S. is dry all the way from San Diego, California to just before El Paso, Texas. From El Paso to the Gulf of Mexico the border is the Rio Grande. I bring this up because all along the Rio Grande you see on the Mexican side giant raw sewage dumps all over near the cities (almost always on the down river side of their town). When you are away from cities you see large industrial suction lines thrown over the bank to irrigate their crops. Neither of these things are allowed by signed treaties, yet the practice is rampant on their side of the river. I see another commentor said "They think this is funny". I have heard this said all my life and I am close to 70.

Bigcentexisback 3 points ago +3 / -0

The bigger questions are who was paying to promote corruption and illegal DEI? Who was issuing the 4 am talking points? Who decided what those talking points would be? Can you say O-B-A-M-A?

Bigcentexisback 2 points ago +2 / -0

God wants his people (us) to be "free to worship freely". That is one of the main reasons He freed His people from Pharoh in the book of Exodus So, if we are to be free to worship freely, we must have freedom of speech and the right to congrisegate. Our forefathers knew this well, and that is why it is the first amendment.

Bigcentexisback 1 point ago +1 / -0

In the USA, Muslims could not hold any elected position until the 1980's when a bunch junior congress members changed the law to allow Muslims to hold office.. Who were these junior congress members? Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and the rest of their club In a Muslim neighborhood, they ENFORCE their sharia law and do not use city police or prosecurors unless it serves their purpose. Go to a Muslim neighborhood in Minnesota and announce you are going to build a Christian church. See how long you stay healthy.

Bigcentexisback 3 points ago +3 / -0

Or did they divorce just on paper to protect their assets in case Bill got caught doing what he has been doing.

Bigcentexisback 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any sauce on this claim? Says who? You? I wonder.....do you prefer more of incessant bullshit and lies from MSM and politicians alike? That is what doesn't work. The Bible says "you shall know the truth , and the truth shall set you free".

Bigcentexisback 1 point ago +1 / -0

You need to start with the US Constitution. The treasury shall set weights and measures and SHALL (in legislative terms "shall" is absolute) issue coins and money's of gold and silver. Sooo...where does the Federal Reserve come from? Now your conversation has a factual and relevant starting point. Buy two copies of The Creature from Jeckyl Island. You read one and let your friend read the other. Then you two and the rest of us can make this required reading for our posterity in the schools we just got back.

Bigcentexisback 2 points ago +2 / -0

I remember. After that my 1st grade teacher spoke about it at length as though we did not understand. I cannot speak for my classmates. But I understood. Jack Ruby dieing so quickly, baffled me then, as it does now.

Bigcentexisback 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a video Baghdad Bob would have put out when the Iraq war was on. This response is just as relevant now, as his was then...totally irrelevant to the facts on the ground.

Bigcentexisback 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes my eyebrows raised and I thought "Huh?" When I read it, but I'm sticking with Q and trusting Grassley.

Bigcentexisback 2 points ago +2 / -0

2020 first, then, with that established they look forward to 2024 and at the same time back to 2016 and before. What does this prove? That DJT won in a landslide all three elections (just as he has said many times) and that there have been rigged elections for a long time. Remember the "hanging chads" in the Bush/Gore election? They been packing our brains with disinfo for a long tine. This was when cheating started to go high tech. But cheating the old fashioned ways was rampant then as it still is now.

Bigcentexisback 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey dem-tards.. ...How does it feel to have your requests met with crickets? I did not hear you howl when FBI, DHS, DOJ, and many others ignored congressional subpoenas.

Bigcentexisback 2 points ago +2 / -0

We bought a Siemens double oven (electric). I was wanting gas but someone had ordered this and returned it because they could not figure out the controls of how to turn it on or use. It was marked down and the right size so we bought it. I have not had ANY issues with this oven including -outgassing. We have had it ten years, and we found it easy to operate even though the first owner did not put the owners manual back in the box.

Bigcentexisback 8 points ago +9 / -1

Now since this is the IRS, does it not seem fitting and fair that penalties and interest compounded over time should be demanded as well? I am just sayin'.

Bigcentexisback 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know how DEMS like to accuse their opposition of what they are doing? I wonder what the.correlation between those holdings signs that say "Musk Steals" a d those getting honeypot of money thru USAID and/or foreign aid.

Bigcentexisback 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree. Especially since I learned that switchgrass, which can be grown almost everywIhere in America, yields ten times as much bio gas per acre than corn

Bigcentexisback 30 points ago +30 / -0

I started doing exactly this in 2014 when my wife and I sold our home in Austin and moved to rural Texas. Built fences, bought cows, chickens and goats, fenced off a garden area tilled and planted a garden. Here is what stunned ne. When I solicited help from kids and grandkids, crickets Just toral silence and avoidance. It became just like the story of the little red hen who wanted to plant a garden. After doing it by myself for the next 5 years. I quit. Now I grow only enough for my wife and I. When they all ask about fresh food eggs, or beef I just ask them when they want me to help them start. So far ....no takers. This is not at all what I envisioned, but this is where I am.

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