Yes, I read a book (can’t remember the name) about Mafia ties to assassination and a shooter in the sewer and escaped through Canada… I want to say it was Meier Lansky east coast boss in Miami…
… just another day at the office…
Like most out of touch butt-hurt liberals she had a privileged upbringing with private schools etc…
He lost all credibility with O’Bummer Care. Traitor.
You may be right about Epstein Island but this loser is a foreign born prince on our soil, trashing our 1st amendment, profiting from membership in several Industrial censorship complex NGOs, tampering with US elections, cooking the books of his “ foundation” setting up fake shell companies and ripping off disabled veterans- rotten person who needs to GTFO of our country
Pretty brave talk from across an ocean- saber rattling from a tin pot dictator…
They should however issue DLs which denote the bearer to be mentally ill… for example- having that info right up front would answer a lot of questions and avoid a lot of problems for law enforcement
How do these acts of vandalism hurt Elon? Do they think if dealerships are burned or shot up in a couple of states that Elon suffers or that Tesla will close? Are these people that stupid?
If true, that’s more than a month away- do they just keep killing each other in the meantime? “Inconceivable!” …”I don’t think it means what you think it means”
“Resist we much.” Al Sharpton
Is there such a thing as a “legit” Congressman? 🤔 Asking for a friend…
No one to build them - GE Electric boat laying off or not hiring…
I thought AI was like programming a computer - doesn’t AI learn from natural intelligence?
Don’t think she is a naturalized citizen either…
Miserable people. SAD
Hey, Mikita, America did learn their lesson and passed the test in 2024…
Is that an Adam’s Apple?
Hope his CV is current…
Good luck with that…
Follow the money- who is influential/rich enough to actually be preventing this list from coming out? If JE was FBI and Mossad just throwing the list out to the public could have worldwide fallout- not to mention the fake MSM who will put their own spin on any names revealed…IMO we will have to trust Bondi and Kash and their timing on this.
I believe they have determined these folks have a vitamin deficiency I have read that many non verbal autistic children have been helped with vitamin (A)?? Can’t remember the vitamin…but it’s a technique in its infancy that hopefully will succeed.
IMO this was planned. The woman behind him appears to be holding back laughter- the man next to her has his hand over his mouth-JD motions “get him out” before Johnson even calls for order…the speech starts at 9:00- it wouldn’t be hard to coordinate exactly when he began to protest with the time of the post bearing his name…AL is fixin to find out…
No sorry… this book was considered total conspiracy at the time- I wish I could remember the author.