In the age of gaslighting, you fight gas with gas.
He had to.
His choice in life as write for the global elite or be a drunk.
Any man in that position would have a difficult time .
It is no coincidence that most of his stories feature or include a drunk writer.
That is where you lost faith?
Not the child orgy at the end of It part 1?
Im telling you.
We the people need to enforce , full, unadulterated democracy.
We have the tech.
Politicians are obsolete. Query every citizen, or stop pretending to be democracy.
Im guessing they saw the movie
He's as real as the granpa you dumped in a home.
Now there is a reason you dumped him in a home, god only knows home Joe Blow evaded such fate.
Ironically, Of mice and men was mandatory here in french canada.
Man has king drunk alot of koolaid since he stopped booze.
Quick side conspiracy here.
Tarantino. He is on the list. As a film snob, i know more than i should about Quentin.
In Grindhouse a film produced by Weinstein, there is peculiarly odd scenes where Tarantino plays a bad guy. It is extremely rapey. But that's expected in these types of film from which it takes its title.
Part of me has always wondered. Was he trying to express the backstage goings in his performance.
Time will tell I hope. But i can't unsee this perspective.
Please, it died long ago. You just now realise , because extreme measures were put in place.
This goes way back.
Shit man, 2001 is a bump on the road to now. Read your god damn histories.
Never too late to start!
Really all I lack is someone saner to present the case.
im about 30.
There is no reason to believe ANY election in ANY state of the world was legitimate. It is simpler, more logical that corruption is rampant.
in 2022, We could poll every singular citizen using emails and block chain, literally making the dreams of the greeks a reality, where every man,decides equally on law.
By appointing specific people to positions of power you will never find democracy. you find a guy with power, telling people that what he wants is what everyone wants.
Its the same scandal. How do you think they did logistics?
Im 100% sure that was the point. Then again, ive spoken to Alice, he hosts the radio near here.
Alot of musicians / artists tried to say it in a poetic shape to go around censorship. But normies are normies if the tune bangs, they dont read into lyrics.
To my , admittedly limited knowledge, Alice was one of those guys stuck in a system he despises, but his dreams were hostage to the corruption. Between doing what you dream of and just not. Like most folks he picked the fun option. No hero, no villain.
As foretold on the carvings of the pyramid of giza
Maybe he's a big HP lovecraft fan.
I can explain this!
So um had he spelt it correctly, Twitter would then prompt him with a warning saying that normal people dont tweet this sort of stuff (any insult, slur, swear in english)
Now, twitter is wrong, as well all know, insults is how normal people talk. But Rome isnt built in a day.
That's exactly what the WEF, a coalition of corporations, is.
Dissapointing that you expected better from them.
Have you not read your history? This has always and will always be reality.
Yeah i couldnt find this either.
Its like this guy never read a book about the medieval era.
Its not shocking, its inevitable.
They did to Elon what they did to Youtube when Google couldnt back down from supporting Pewdiepie. Same companies.
Who wants to tell them that the Ye stuff is happening on pre Elon rules?
And can we call this "Elon-Gate"? The meme needs to become real.
Oh its real. Nato does exercises, scares the russian side, they do drills. Scares Nato to do more drills. Till it isnt practice .
We are, by definition, in Cold War.
"To whom does it profit?" / "Cui bono?"
-Some old roman dude 2000 years ago
Truly a beacon