Boozy_McFuckFace 3 points ago +3 / -0

The problem is once these tyrants expose themselves, how can you ever trust them again?

We see this a lot. People who went full nazi during covid, backpedaling and asking for forgiveness.

Tests of humanity and courage are not announced. They just happen. These people failed that test. There is no do over. When times were tough, and the authorities exerted their pressure, people failed that test. They turned on their own family and community, and they did it from a position of moral high ground. That is the greatest insult.

Covid was the great exposer. It allowed those people around us harboring inner evil and cowardice to step out into the open. Now we know who these people really are. And we know they cannot ever be trusted again.

Boozy_McFuckFace 5 points ago +5 / -0

If you really wanna get esoteric about it, Trump was already incapacitated when the election was stolen. At that point, the power already shifted. To prevent the handover of nuclear weapons to a foreign installed agent, continuity of government had to be executed. My guess is that it kicked off the evening of Jan 6 when he flew AF1 to the national command center in Texas, then to NORAD, and then to Offut AFB.

History is going to judge him kindly. If he willingly handed over the nuclear football after being told there was proof foreign actors altered the election, he would have been just as guilty of treason as anyone else. The highest treason.

That great man has put himself through the some of the worst treatment of any politician in our history, in order to obey the constitution and protect the republic.

He will be vindicated.

Boozy_McFuckFace 30 points ago +30 / -0

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? 6 year operation. We have less than one year left. Hold the line.

It’s gonna get get worse before it gets better. 2024 is gonna be fucking crazy. This Colorado decision is such an enormous red pill it almost seems like they are doing it on purpose to wake people up. What’s next?

Boozy_McFuckFace 1 point ago +1 / -0

If he dies, the plan changes. I still believe he has the nuclear football. Where does that go? Obviously it wouldn’t be handed back to the Biden administration. Most likely it would go to a general who is next in line, and public actions would begin immediately. Whatever they have planned for day one of Trumps presidency, would kick off immediately. The timeline would just move left. America would likely be informed on our phones via EBS.

These are not stupid people. Death is a possibility for a variety of reasons.

Boozy_McFuckFace 56 points ago +56 / -0

Don’t you think they have thought of this? Of course they have. There is definitely a contingency plan arranged in case of death, either natural or not. He is old. Stroke or heart attack is a possibility. If the plan hinged alone on Trump being alive, they wouldn’t have made it a 6 year plan. It would have kicked off publicly in 2020.

Nothing can stop what is coming. He is flat out taunting them. His removal from the ballots, him getting sick, aliens being discovered in underground bunkers, there is nothing the deep state can do to prevent the ax from falling on them. That is why devolution works the way that it does. For this specific reason. The power of the president shifts in case of incapacitation for whatever reason. Nuclear war, disaster, doesn’t matter.

Pray for him. But don’t worry that everything hinges on him being alive. It doesn’t.

Boozy_McFuckFace 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s interesting to watch CNN not make any changes whatsoever since 2016. It’s EXACTLY the same mindless propaganda. And yet, their numbers have been absolutely destroyed. The pollster himself just said, the more he is attacked the more people back him. And yet these mindless drones just keep doing the same thing. They are at the lowest number of viewers in their channels history, and they don’t change.

This is all the establishment has left. They have no plan b. They never considered that one day no one would be listening. All they have left is the same shit that didn’t work before. Brainless drones on a set in New York repeating illogical and easily debunked talking points.

The only exposure the majority of people now have to legacy media, are clips being used to make fun of it on social media. Yesterday I clicked on a video of CBS news talking shit about Trump, and the entire comments section was calling them out. On their own channel.

They have lost the normies now. They have lost everyone but the small percentage of die hard leftists. Everywhere they broadcast the people are speaking back at them. The Q operation has worked as intended. The legacy media has been absolutely destroyed.

Boozy_McFuckFace 1 point ago +1 / -0

My gut feeling is that the entire world changes either election night or shortly after. Cell phone national messages, helicopters in DC, military at the border. All of it.

They have had 4 years to prepare Americans to be grateful when the shit hits the fan. To feel saved. To feel as if finally someone in charge is actually solving the destruction of the country. To ignore the inevitable shreaking and tears of the legacy media that is going to occur when saving the republic.

He isn’t going to make the same mistake twice and allow the deep state to handicap him. Once the world sees that he wins the presidential election in a landslide, it’s on. He has the authority to do what needs to be done and he is going to do it.

It won’t take but a handful of public arrests to show the public that rigging elections will no longer be tolerated. How much evidence do you think they have on people in Georgia or Maricopa county? They were sloppy idiots that so far have only been saved by corruption. Once they stand in front of a tribunal corruption is no longer going to save them.

People cheated cause they could. And they knew it. What happens when they don’t believe that anymore?

Boozy_McFuckFace 7 points ago +7 / -0

They will soon be getting a visit from the Space Force “experimental” X-37B, and up close imaging and pictures taken im sure. That thing was up there for 2 years straight. They just bring it down to refuel and maintain it and send it right back up.

If you don’t think we are actively investigating and cataloguing everything up there from our enemies, that’s just naive. Of course we are. It’s classified to the tits and always will be, but you know it’s happening. Gotta know where their stuff is, and what it is, in case we need to destroy it. It’s called a “space plane” for a reason. It has freedom of movement. It’s a fancy drone.

Whatever the Chinese are putting up there, someone somewhere in space force knows exactly what it is and likely has pictures of it.

Boozy_McFuckFace 2 points ago +2 / -0

They can’t do it because they won’t have the algorithm this time. We are about to see what the numbers really look like. Trump himself said he won all 50 states. There will no longer be conversion of red to blue in precise algorithmic fashion. They did it before, in 2016. I assume they monitored it again in 2020 to track all the data and record the real results for their own use. They just chose not to interfere. Q said it himself. What event has to occur for military intelligence to supersede domestic? A stolen election with proof of foreign interference. A capture of the US by China and Ukraine.

The numbers are going to be so astronomically bad they won’t stand a chance trying to bluff it with fake ballots. It had to be this way. They have to show the public the truth. How many of us are there. Who the majority really is. So when they execute the next steps, the storm, the optics appear in line with what a majority of Americans just voted for.

He is going to be winning by a landslide as soon as they start counting, and it isn’t going to let up. The numbers are going to be mind blowing. The years of fake polls, fake media, censorship, information war are going to go up in smoke in one night. It may be the most lopsided victory the country has ever seen. It’s not just for us. It’s for the future of the country. It had to be this way.

Boozy_McFuckFace 9 points ago +9 / -0

Ascension is also one of the most remote islands on the planet, a tiny rock with a tiny population. And for whatever reason, it has a Space Force base on it. It is basically halfway between Africa and South America, and possibly British or some shit. It really is a nowhere place, and it’s tiny.

And yet there is a Space Force base of some sort on it.

Maybe a coincidence. Maybe not.

Boozy_McFuckFace 5 points ago +5 / -0

It doesn’t matter.

National Emergencies negate the constitution. This is established legal precedent. The President has absolute power in coordination with the military to do anything and everything required to save the republic. This goes all the way back to Lincoln.

We are in a legal declared national emergency that started in 2018 related to foreign election interference. That emergency has been extended every year and is still active. Just because we aren’t seeing black helicopters landing every day on the Capitol lawn, doesn’t mean this national emergency doesn’t exist. Legally, we are in it right now.

Trump is flat out saying what is happening. “We are doing it different” “We are in a pause, which is good.””We had to show people just how bad it is.”

Meaning since he was handed that red routing folder, “we” (the military) chose to do it different. Do what different? A military coup. Instead of publicly seizing control of government and potentially kicking off a civil war, they have allowed a controlled chaos to show the public how bad things are, in order to pave the way for the changes that will come in 2024.

Meaning yes we are having a military coup, but this is a 5th generation warfare coup. It is being done in the least traumatic way for optics and to prevent as much financial damage as possible. It has to appear as if the American voter is choosing our own fate.

That is why 2024 is the final battle. Appearance. It has to appear that Trump wins in an overwhelming fashion. Why? To grant validity to the storm that is about to come.

We all wanted the storm to happen post election theft. We got our timing wrong. It is going to happen post election, but it’s gonna be 2024. If he wins in a landslide, he can claim a mandate both domestically and globally to take serious actions. Like immediately deploy active military within the US to shut the border. To immediately begin the largest deportation operation in U.S. history.

No civil war Q said. This is how they are doing it. They will not allow the algorithm this time. Like in 2016. Without the algo switching red to blue, and with the amount of votes he is going to get, a suitcase of ballots under a table won’t be enough. It’s going to be an obvious and visible landslide larger than any election in our lifetimes.

Less than a year people. We are so close. The most complex operation in the history of the U.S. military. We will have our vengeance. Trump will have the legal authority to do what needs to be done to save the republic. He already had it; we just can’t see it the way we want to see it.

Boozy_McFuckFace 1 point ago +1 / -0

They have no backup plans. No plan B. CNN is doing the same exact thing they did in 2016. Only this time, no one is watching.

It doesn’t really matter what they say anymore. They are only useful to point and laugh at. How many people 18-39 were watching that broadcast? Statistically, these legacy media outlets are getting so few viewers they may not as well have any.

They are screaming into an empty theater and can’t even admit it.

Boozy_McFuckFace 65 points ago +65 / -0

Trump would have nothing to do with it. That’s the entire point of military tribunals.

And that’s why they are scared. They know they have committed treason. They knew Russiagate was fake. They knew covid came from Wuhan. They knew Jan 6 was fake. They knew 2020 was rigged and they actively participated in a coup. Milley knows his call to China was intercepted by NSA. All of them know what crimes they have committed.

And they are scared. Rightly. They know Q is real. That is why they are so positive that they are gonna get hammered. Just like everything else, they know Q is real while at the same time telling us it’s a conspiracy theory.

It’s a catch 22 for them. They can’t admit Q is real, but they have to try to defend themselves from it. So it makes them seem deranged.

Nothing can stop what is coming you treasonous fucks. I hope the view from your cell at Gitmo is nice. It’s going to be the last thing you see.

Boozy_McFuckFace 3 points ago +3 / -0

It won’t be hard. The trick is to do it properly. You make it a national emergency and do the paperwork to make it possible for the military to be deployed to the border. Then you use the extra-constitutional powers of a national emergency to force every sheriff and police department in America to hand over every single illegal they find.

It’s going to happen. The largest deportation operation in history is coming. They had to get everyone on board, including Dems in sanctuary cities. And they have. What are black democrats in Chicago going to do when the buses show up and start taking illegals out by the thousands? Are they going to riot and protest Trump? No. They are going to celebrate in the streets.

Every single day it becomes more clear why it had to be this way, why Trump says this will make it easier “to do what needs to be done.” Because democrats had to feel the pain in their own backyards. Typically. Illegal migration had to become a personal pain felt by all the voters in these sanctuary cities. And now it is.

Shits gonna get fucking real.

Boozy_McFuckFace 3 points ago +3 / -0

What a damn legend and an incredible asset to have on our side. Dude is single handedly altering the course of the entire planet. His name is going to ring in US history books for eternity right along side Trump and Adm Rogers. He’s cementing his legacy more every year.

Boozy_McFuckFace 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are so damn ass blasted that their attempt to vax pass the entire country failed. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. There is a reason that they attempted to ratchet up the pressure month after month after month. We were supposed to take these things at 90+ percent. It would have then made it impossible to refuse these new ones, because it would turn our phone apps red and we wouldn’t be able to travel and do all sorts of shit.

These naive arrogant WEF billionaires really did think they could make us all do it. Sitting in their big meetings with fancy meals and private jets. Calling themselves elite. They do not understand the psychologically of us at all. Their own tactics ensured their failure. The harder they pushed, the more pressure they applied, only confirmed our suspicions and hardened our resolve. The American spirit of “fuck you, make me” is still alive in enough people.

This is why they are so so desperate to replace us with hordes of immigrants with lower IQ and more submissive tendencies. They want a population that will absorb propaganda and fall for rewards as absurd as free coffee, lottery tickets, and 100$ bill to take their newest clot shot.

The fucking balls on these people. To think that all of us would fall for these tricks. Of course some did, but the notion that all of us would is flat insulting. They really do think that everyone outside their little club is a complete imbecile.

Boozy_McFuckFace 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not surprising. Ukraine didn’t have air superiority for 99% of the fighting. They got trained by NATO, but those tactics only work with the air under control. What is the first thing the US does in a war? Bomb the anti-air, comms, and airfields and begin taking total control of the airspace. Our entire fighting strategy relies on not only owning the skies, but having air support available on standby 24/7.

Every single one of these talking heads at the Pentagon is either a moron, or a liar. Mcrystal, Austin, Milley all made so many cocky statements about how certain victory was, how brave Ukraine was, how important it was to give them vehicles and ammo. It was bullshit from day one.

Without WW3 level intervention by NATO, Ukraine has been at the mercy of Russia since day one. The only reason the entire country hasn’t been taken is because Russia doesn’t want it. And anyone who knows how NATO doctrine works would have understood that immediately.

This current group of fuckheads in the Pentagon is going to be judged extremely poorly by history. Once Biden is out and the propaganda mill is unraveled, the abject failures of the last 3 years are going to be impossible to hide.

Milley particularly is going to be considered one of the biggest failures to ever do the job, and is extremely lucky if he isn’t charged with treason.

Boozy_McFuckFace 3 points ago +3 / -0

The paper ballots are needed to backup the conversion of red to blue votes. The 2 systems work together. You can’t have the electronic data saying there is 10 million blue votes and only have 6 million blue ballot slips.

This is how they are going to secure 2024. Without the algorithm, the ballots aren’t enough. It requires both running at the same time. Especially if you get into a scenario where it’s an overwhelming victory. It was bad enough in 2020 that Trump broke the damn algorithm. Now imagine what it’s going to look like without it completely.

Boozy_McFuckFace 3 points ago +3 / -0

What the fuck am I looking at? Look how close that is.

Is this video of AF1 refueling a F18? It’s either that, or another F18 doing it. But look how close it is. The wing would be in the way. Why would they refuel so close, it’s a dangerous operation.

Pretty sure that fuel boom is coming off the passenger jet they are flying in. Which means either AF1 has the ability to refuel fighter jets, or Trumps plane does. Either one is mind blowing.

Did anyone else know AF1 has a refuel boom on it? I can’t recall that ever being discussed or released as unclassified info.

Boozy_McFuckFace 10 points ago +10 / -0

This is useless info that can’t be corroborated in any way. Of course it’s possible. They didn’t spend 500 million dollars on Gitmo to close it. They made it bigger and added a courthouse. At this time, the GWOT is over and there are roughly 35 jihadis left. Down from hundreds.

Using that info, it’s obvious that there is some perceived need for high level trials and detention by military courts. Logically, you would expect the place to be shrinking and getting budget cuts. If one courthouse was enough for the entire GWOT, that means they expect something else to occur that is larger than the gwot. A hospital, new cell blocks, new admin areas, new press areas, new SCIF areas, this is very important data. They didn’t build all that shit on a whim. There was a perceived need. People sat around and discussed what they needed to build for the estimated numbers that would be incoming.

This lady may be right. But she does a shit job at giving us something to corroborate it.

If they have already started tribunals, we won’t know unless they want us to. They can bury that shit under a mountain of classification.

I am waiting for people to disappear or to die of “natural causes” in a way that can’t be coincidence. That will likely be the only way we will be able to tell until 2024. For example if Pelosi, Bush, Schiff were to all die in a single year. Prominent people involved in the core of the treason falling off the face of the earth or dying. A bunch of them.

I don’t expect any of the fun to start publicly until 2024, after Trump wins in a landslide. For the optics. There can be no question that the public is behind him.

Of course it’s possible tribunals are already occurring. I just don’t expect any real confirmation of it yet.

Boozy_McFuckFace 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol for real. This looks like a fuckup.

My buddy had his first night standing duty chief in port on a sub, and someone unclipped the line off the flag and replaced it with one that was way too short and no one noticed.

So, his first time doing colors, with the damn CO standing there watching, the doofus trying to raise it could only get it up the pole like a foot. Jesus Christ it was a sick burn. We never figured out who set him up, but he leaned a lesson that day. When taking over as duty chief always make sure you got the colors and stuff ready to go and it’s not all jacked up.

Boozy_McFuckFace 12 points ago +12 / -0

Listen to his voice. He’s not shocked. He knows more. He knows it all.

Holy fuck the absolute destruction of the establishment that is going to result from the inevitable exposure of the rigging. Every politician, judge, law enforcement agency, social media company, and legacy media outlet has said for 3 years it was the most secure election in history.

This is the Wuhan lab, clot shot, and Ukraine effect happening again. It starts with outright denial. Then very very slowly the inevitable truth leaks out. Slowly. They first attempt to hedge and spin. Maybe the virus came from Wuhan lab accident. The clot shot is only 75% effective. Ukraine just has to have a good counter offensive.

Slowly, reality busts through the lies. The DOE confirms the virus came from Wuhan. Under oath Pfizer admits they never tested for transmission. Doctors admit lockdowns were useless. The media admits Ukraine is in desperate straits and having to recruit 50 year olds.

And then it breaks and they give up. Ukraine is being pushed to go for a peace treaty and they aren’t getting the land back. Lockdowns were useless and caused more damage than worth. New covid shot uptake is only 12%. Everyone assumes the leak came from Wuhan.

Election theft is next. They will resist this truth more than all the others. But it’s coming. It’s inevitable. It’s going to be very slow. But it’s coming. It had to be this way.

The establishment is going to be forced to eat the biggest shit sandwich in the last 200 years, and we are going to be around to point and laugh.

Boozy_McFuckFace 9 points ago +9 / -0

Eventually, Elon’s name is going to be included in the same paragraphs as Trump, Rogers and Flynn. He is a needed asset in the psy-op. He is considered a genius by the normies. Someone with impeccable intelligence, drive and judgment.

It’s a sly trick. If Elon publicly acknowledges something as true, that allows normies to then also accept that idea. He is capable of shifting the Overton window by himself. His very public gradual awakening is dragging along all the normies.

Boozy_McFuckFace 5 points ago +5 / -0

No wonder they try to keep this shit so damn secret.

They look like a bunch of larping old faggots.

Next time some idiot says his grandpa is a mason and it’s just like a VFW meeting, im gonna tell him his grandpa is clearly a closeted homosexual.

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