Yea no fucking shit it’s permanent. That’s part of why all of this is so infuriating. You got Fauci and legacy media and everyone else describing it as “mild” myocarditis. As if it’s a pesky flu. And the normies just soak it up.
It’s godamn heart muscle damage. The fucking thing has to beat millions and millions of times, from tiny electrical impulses, and it has to be perfectly in sync.
The slightest muscle damage fucks that up. Those electric signals have to work perfectly in sync with the muscle tissue. What is really happening is that these kids are having their hearts aged prematurely. That’s the damage. They go from having a perfect specimen of a heart, to the heart of a 50 year old chain smoking alcoholic.
We aren’t even seeing the bad numbers yet. Give it a decade. 30 year old men are going to be dropping dead from cardiac arrest all over the fucking place. We are at the very beginning of the fatality curve from myocarditis.
Lots of stupid fucking parents are going to be burying their 28 year old kids from the useless vaccine they forced them to get cause the people on TV told them too.
These assholes are being captured forever on video. This is their legacy. A barely coherent dementia patient with a ball sack for a chin. Every public outing gets worse. In 100 years when people research this time period, these are the videos they are gonna see. What a legacy to leave behind. Eternal shame and embarrassment for your descendants.
Don’t care. Trump retruths Q phrases daily, makes air Q with his hands, has never once disavowed Q when asked by legacy media, and Scavino does the same.
Think about it. If it was run by the deep state, Trump would be out of the loop. They wouldn’t tell him. So he would know if he isn’t doing it, the bad guys are. He obviously is in the loop, because he endorses it. He has to be in the loop. It’s the only thing that makes sense.
Explain Admiral Rogers visiting Trump without any approval or orders and exposing the FISA spying and corruption. He went, on his own, and obviously did it against the wishes of just about everyone in government.
Furthermore, if Trump did create PEADs and COG plans via EO that were rightfully triggered by proof of foreign election interference, the follow on action by the military set out in the plans would be considered lawful orders.
Speaking to an empty theater. No one is watching you on these legacy media shows Pedo Bill. Americans don’t trust the press anymore, and they aren’t watching. The golden days of maintaining total narrative control via legacy broadcasts is over.
How many viewers were watching him talk? At best, a couple hundred thousand. In a country of 340 million. The legacy media numbers are astonishingly bad. And among them, the least bad is Fox News.
Legacy media has been relegated to the same bin as the infomercial channels selling car wash. They are nothing more than informercials for the out of touch establishment. And the normies are ignoring them.
They don’t have a second game plan. This is all they know. Put on a suit, go to some fancy looking building in Manhattan and sit for some softball questions with some CIA plant, and pretend to be the adult in the room. I’m convinced that even if the viewer count reaches zero, these dipshits won’t change thing. He is a typical boomer. He has no idea about the size and scope of the information network the public now uses outside control of the establishment. They call it QAnon, but that’s just because they do not understand what they are up against.
QAnon is boomer speak for everyone and everything outside of their control. Substack, Rumble, Bitchute, X, this website and the hundreds of others outside of the beltway, all of these are QAnon to them.
They don’t know what to do besides the same thing they have always done. Use appeal to authority logical fallacy as if the only arbiters of truth are the ones associated with the mega corporations. Q hasn’t posted in more than a year. And yet here he is sobbing about QAnon.
This old pedo moron has no clue how fucked they are.
Remember when the airline employees all called out sick from United the week their jab was supposedly mandatory and crippled the airline for 3 days? And then the CEO had to give up on it? The media never said a word. Just blamed it on the weather and staffing shortage. Of course, it was a staffing shortage, because more than half of the employees called out sick at the same time.
If all you did was watch the legacy media, you would never even know it happened.
How much other stuff has happened in the golden years of legacy media that they managed to hide?
Yes. Most production does take place in LA, unless specifically shifted to Canada or the UK or Atlanta. If they stay within X miles of Hollywood, they don’t have to rent hotels an do a bunch of other shit for the crew. The majority of things you see on TV are written, filmed and edited within a small radius of Hollywood in order to save money. Netflix, Amazon, Disney, and all of the studios have their media centers in Burbank or Hollywood. This is for a reason. So they can do everything within 50 miles and no one has to be paid for hotels and travel.
If anyone is ignorant, it’s you. Research the unions and how typical Hollywood production works and you will see why everything from The Office to Escape from New York was filmed in LA. Even when movies are filmed in the UK, every single other portion of the process done in LA to keep production costs down.
The sooner the entire industry dies the better. And it’s well on its way.
Too bad. Hollywood is nothing more than a propaganda dissemination office run by unashamed communists and pedos. We would be far better off if they had dissolved 20 years ago. Their collapse is necessary in the great awakening, and it’s unavoidable. They would rather go out of business than return to making traditional content that the consumers demand. Their woke movies have been bombing for years, and they still choose to destroy stories like Snow White. Money isn’t their first goal. “Progress” is. If they can’t push the message, they don’t want to push anything.
The country is short of skilled workers in every category. The tradesmen will have no issues finding new work if they are willing. Especially if they are willing to leave socal.
Silencing the largest mouth piece of the globalists is a necessary and inevitable step in the process we are on. Fuck em. They have earned it.
This happens every day all over the world. Especially in the middle of the night when most senior leadership is asleep and it’s just on watch junior officers and enlisted.
If you are on surveillance, or loitering somewhere just to be there, you usually have a box assigned to you. What you do in that box is up to you. If it’s 4 am and you are bored, coincidentally your course changes may end up on a chart looking like a penis. The person approving the course changes is like a mid 20s JO just as bored as you are. Doesn’t hurt anyone and most of the time no one ever finds out once the next watch takes over.
Drew many huge dicks on submarine nav plots in my career. Happens all the time. Just like everyone in control quacking when it hits 22:22:22 on the ships clock in control. It’s old school so the 2 digit looks like a duck.
Anything to relieve the boredom and stay awake.
Why would they let him be so publicly anti-vax, and so publicly open about the deep state and JFK? He shits all over their agenda on a weekly basis. Compare him to Sean Penn, whose name was leaked as an asset of the CIA.
The ones backed by the CIA move in lockstep. They aren’t hard to spot. Seems more likely Joe liked Bakers tv show and like most normies thinks spies are cool.
It’s possible. Just seems like if he is handled by them, they aren’t doing a great job of keeping him on message. He’s not even anti Trump.
Rogan can be a goof, but his red pill from Bernie supporter and California democrat to full on awakened has been glorious to watch. The cabal has spent decades and hundred of billions of dollars to control the media and the narrative, and it’s being undone by a pot smoking cage fighting commentator. It’s no small deal, the reach he has. On everything from the vax to the deep state, his message is important. The cabal wants us to feel alone and isolated. Like we are just a crazy minority of tin foil hat wearers. For the normies, a guy like Rogan lets them know it’s ok to question everything. How many lives did he save with his vax messaging?
He is gonna get Trump on at some point. And it is going to be the most watched and downloaded podcast in history. And it’s going to reshape American politics. People are no longer willing to accept staged legacy media bullshit. We want real conversations like average people have every day.
And there is nothing Biden can do about it. He wouldn’t last 15 minutes without his handlers. Let alone 3 hours.
Crazy times. The history books are gonna be crazy when the story of the great awakening is written.
The entire premise is idiotic and false off the bat. The number of ICBM an Ohio class submarine can carry is not classified. And the actual amount they carry varies. There is no set number. Not every tube is hot. Or they may all be. So it’s impossible to break the law in the way described.
The detection range is also not a set number. In what conditions? What submarine? What enemy submarine? What speed? What depth? What is bottom depth? Was active sonar being used by enemy sub?
In order to actually convey Top Secret info about detection ranges he would have had to include all of those details. What boat. When it happened. Where it happened. What enemy hull number. And even then; the top secret issue wouldn’t that we were not detected, because that numbers changes constantly. It would be that we got so close to an enemy sub, probably by accident; and nearly caused a collision and international incident.
We don’t need to crawl up the ass of enemy subs. Water is a remarkable transmitter of sound. The hardest part of tracking is keeping range control and staying the established minimum safe distance away in order to avoid collision.
The story sounds like some bullshit made up by some idiot civilian who heard a rumor and just ran with it. And then some idiot prosecutor who wouldn’t know a Russian sub from a Chinese sub ran with it.
And that’s the last thing. We aren’t up the ass of Russian subs anyway. We are up the ass of Chinese submarines. We usually only get near the Russians when they are doing war games because they have a huge area of sea near them wired with sensors. It’s not worth getting our own subs noise signatures captured by Russian surveillance to try to get close to them for sound cuts.
It makes my stomach hurt to read shit this stupid.
Edit- I forgot about start treaty. Most people don’t know this, but the Russians can show up randomly at will at our SSBN bases and demand to see a missile tube. They go right down to the waterfront, they point out a boat, and they say tube 12 or whatever. They put a cone and a light on that tube, and everything is dropped to move the boat to handling shed. They sit in an RV and watch all night to make sure no one moves the cone. I would know. I have had to leave house at midnight because the russians showed up and we have to move the boat.
They get X number of random visits a year. If they pick an empty tube, oh well good luck next time. If they get a full tube, the Russians get to see everything. They pull everything off so they can see the warheads. We are not allowed to invent some new way to carry more warheads without violating the treaty. If we come up with some new missile for the next SSBN, the Russians will get access to that too. Although I hear they are just still using the Trident D5 and the entire point is moot because the Russians already know what’s in them.
We have the same rights for them as well. We conduct surprise inspections in the same way.
Bet you didn’t know that.
Redditor spotted.
Please. War is war. Look at the Afghanistan withdrawal. We left them how many billions of dollars of weapons? We left them Blackhawks that they then used to throw civilians out of on video for propaganda. How did those innocent civilians in Kabul work out?
Despite the propaganda, Israel’s military is getting its shit kicked in. It’s not just Hamas killing civilians. Hamas is overrunning military bases all over the place. I have tried to find every single war video I can, and so far, 75% of the dead bodies are people in uniforms.
This is different. This isn’t random terrorism. Hamas is targeting outposts and bases and they are capturing them.
Who is still gonna be fighting next year? You think Ukraine is gonna have any bodies left a year from now? It’s been a massacre. They are yanking 50 year old men off the streets. More than half of the vehicles they have been given are burned out hulks, they are transporting troops in mini vans and pickup trucks. They have no aircraft. The Abrams they are being given are going to be destroyed as soon as they use them.
It’s been 140 billion dollars, 18 months, and Ukraine has “taken back” 3 villages. Less than 1/100th of the captured land has been taken back in 18 months. And it’s cost them everything they have. They haven’t even reached the first russian defense line, and there is 3 of them. All they are doing is driving into Russia mines and drones. It’s absurd. The only reason they haven’t given up for a peace treaty is because the US won’t let them and keeps sending them dollars.
Unless NATO starts WW3, Ukraine is over. Russia owns the Donbass and nothing short of total invasion by hundreds of thousands of NATO forces, aircraft, and vehicles is going to change that. They have air superiority. It’s over.
Ukraine can keep “fighting”’for another year, if by fighting you mean sending men and vehicles in peace meal to get blown up by mines or drones 5 miles before they even get to the first Russian line.
It doesn’t matter. That money won’t be directly used to fund the war, one of the supposed pre-requisites is it is meant for humanitarian uses. But that whole idea is idiotic in such a naive way it’s hard to believe anyone would think it would work.
Iran creates a budget in which they set aside a billion dollars on roads and hospitals. Then they go to Quatar and say we want a billion for roads and hospitals. They get handed a free billion dollars. This means they no longer have to use their own funds, and have a free billion dollars now laying around.
Even if they haven’t got the money yet, it doesn’t matter. They have a free 6 billion dollars waiting for them. They don’t need to spend that specific money, money is liquid. Either way their account balance is up 6 billion. They can now use money from anywhere in their budget to fund whatever they want.
The only way this would work is if Iran had no money. And that 6 billion was the only income they have. Of course, that’s preposterous. Even the smallest 3rd world countries have budgets. Let alone a country with oil reserves that has no issue defeating sanctions by selling China and North Korea oil for cash on ghost ships with no AIS.
Too bad Israel hasn’t been keeping up their corruption game. Zelensky got there first. We don’t have any munitions to send to help and the propaganda machine has been touting Ukraine for 18 months. No one is going to give a shit about Israel unless they abandon Ukraine and devote the bullhorn to Israel.
Fuck Israel. I hope the Arabs take it all. Would be cheaper for us.
Can’t say I disagree. Jim Jordan is one of the few GOP that seems to know what the fuck is going on. He is one of the only ones that asks questions that matter when given the opportunity. He asks questions that I would ask given the chance.
And the democrats hate/fear him. Would not allow him on the J6 committee. That makes him qualified in my book.
That date though
That’s what happens when run afoul of an EO during a national emergency related to election interference. The DOJ isn’t in total control like they wish to appear. Do you really think they want to prosecute Smartmatic a year away from an election? Of course not.
The corruption case of Sen Menendez is the same thing. Why is he being prosecuted so publicly? He’s a very powerful dem, head of foreign relations committee. On what planet would Biden allow Merrick garland to do this?
Who is next? I got money on Schiff. They already set the stage for him with legacy media articles about his donations and earmarks for contractors.
Smartmatic is a big win that the media isn’t saying shit about. You don’t see the ghost. You see the machine breaking.
Lol you don’t even have any idea what x looks like or what content is available. Do you also like to comment on artwork that you have never seen before? Are you able to diagnose medical problems without seeing the patient?
At least I have seen the damn thing before forming an opinion.
You probably consider yourself an educated and well informed person too. Which is baffling considering how strong an opinion you have of something you haven’t even bothered to look at.
It’s hard to say. How many sealed indictments are we at now? 600k?
Have you been tracking the LiDAR survey planes? We are at 60k flights in the last 6 months. Every square inch of every populated town and city in the country has been mapped. The same way you do before invading a country so your infantry has accurate maps. 60k flights. This is not a small operation. That is a fucking enormous amount of resources to spend. I can’t believe it’s just a coincidence that with everything going on, the military decided they needed up to date maps of the entire damn country.
Something big is coming. Arrests on a biblical scale. We can see the indictment count. The question is, who is in there? Is it us? Or them?
Yes. That is exactly why. Killing the petrodollar would have been the scandal of the century if Trump was in office. It would have been Russiagate level propaganda against him. They would have castigated him as bad at foreign relations and destroying the American economy and dollar.
But it happens under Joe Biden and no one says shit. Most Americans don’t even know it happened.
I just find it so hard to believe how stupid people are when all of us carry the biggest library in human history in our pocket. You would think as soon as they were forced to admit the shots could cause myocarditis in young men, parents would immediately open their phone to figure out what that means. Hmmm. Basically a cardiac death sentence, for a respiratory virus that essentially killed ZERO children.
I will say this. The silicone valley communists have managed to sanitize the search engines remarkably well for any information that doesn’t fit their narrative. It’s been slow and insidious. Before covid, if you searched ivermectin it would be nothing but articles on how wonderful it is and what the drug is used for. There were articles on how it’s used as prophylactic for malaria and is harmless when used for visits to the jungle. Now it’s just pages and pages of the cdc and fda and Rockefeller linked medical groups making it sound scary and how it’s not found to be effective for covid. Of course, they don’t mention they haven’t tried.
It’s the same for finding true numbers for how deadly and dangerous the jabs are. Some idiot boomer using generic search terms is never going to get the good info on the first few pages of results. You have to know how to work your way around the censorship or all you are going to get are results from sites linked to the WEF or government agencies.
I have found using the Russian engine Yandex to be useful for getting accurate results. Which is poetically ironic if you think about it. The roles used to be reversed. We have now reached Soviet Union levels of information censorship, while they have shaken free the shackles of it. Really makes you understand why they hate Putin to their core. He is a figurehead for the destruction of communism and returning Christian patriotism to a nation.