Gotta replace those that were destroyed in Ukraine somehow.
Experts are baffled.
I’ve said it before and will say it again. A long painful death is what that are getting and it is well deserved. Fuck ‘em.
Ministry of Truth.
By lobbying you mean paying.
“Marching orders”
Grandfather should have passed on the wisdom of committing crimes has consequences up to and including death. Unfortunately he did not. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Where is his ‘insurance’ laptop currently? At the fbeeeye just under Hunter’s?
Brought to you by the Ministry of Truth.
Ya know what else might work? Not fucking spending more than you take in.
Controlled by white hats to wake up normies?
That's a whole lotta evil and ugly.
Can we split up the unused ammo that we paid for?
Please let there be tar, feathers, pitchforks and hemp. Lots and lots of hemp.
How did they get her into the studio? Pallet jack?
Hope all you want, shit pants.
Stop not doing your job.
55 is one too many.
One step at a time. Tick-tock.
$DJT & Silver enter the chat.
Is this real? The moment we’ve all been waiting for?
Zyclon B enters the chat.