bubble_bursts 8 points ago +8 / -0

Dude, death row and felony are two different things!

bubble_bursts 3 points ago +3 / -0

That was when he released Tik Tok from Chinese DS control

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have only read the book Pawns in the Game partially, but the WW2 chapter talks in detail about how Hitler had amazing plans to get rid of the International Bankers from the entire world and he did so by trying to create an alliance with Britain.

Who was in that meeting? Why the very same Ribbentrop in addition to Georing and Hitler! The whole meeting was about an alliance, even just a "No war between Britain and Germany for 10 years" while Hitler would exterminate the International Bankers everywhere including US. He was absolutely convinced that this was the only way to free the world.

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

This was not the reason for the Pact.

There are optical reasons and there are real reasons, for pretty much everything that happens. Nothing in history is one dimensional and very few major developments are organic as we are lead to believe.

This is the reason why we have narratives that does not make sense if looked at purely from optics.

I have come to believe that the best way to figure out the primary reason for some event is by looking at the final result. That is usually what the intention really was.

In the case of Molotov-Ribbontrop, the optical reasons can never explain why it backfired because if the only reason for the pact was for Hitler to tell the Soviets that he was not interested in anything beyond then there would have been no reason for the Nazi-Soviet conflict.

But if you look at Hitler's (and Stalin's) greatest achievement in light of what we know the real goals of WW2 (unification of Europe under a totalitarian - either Nazi or Commie - control) was that their actions - specifically the war between the two of them made this impossible.

I always say Hitler's greatest achievement was defeating the Nazis.

From this perspecive, a deal between Hitler and Stalin to get rid of the International Banker influences and their evil minions from each others' countries makes perfect sense.

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

He is the bait to end the centuries long Satanic agenda of human enslavement.

bubble_bursts 3 points ago +3 / -0

I should have had this version when the kids were young. Far more educational!

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

but they have put over 10% of them in orbit.

Where did they put the rest of them ?

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gen X are those born between 70s and 90s.

Whats the relationship of X to war though?

bubble_bursts 27 points ago +27 / -0

They can't put him into prison until his appeals are still going on. Doomers gonna doom regardless.

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are falling for the Satanic thinking. “If we put it out there and they dont oppose us, that means they consent”

No thats not how consent works.

Identifying him as master is different only because of the implicit meaning of the word.

bubble_bursts 9 points ago +9 / -0

It just occured to me. Tiktok is the only platform where he can freely reach undecided normies and thats why they were trying so hard to shut it down recently.

Of course a few years ago it was under the China Deep State, but Trump managed to free it. Now the DS does not like how powerful it has gotten.

bubble_bursts 7 points ago +7 / -0

So when the term "deep state" is used, we in a sense speak and consent a higher power into existence

No, using a term to describe the existence of what is hidden is not consenting its existence. Acknowledging the existence is imperative before we could tackle it.

The biggest trick by the devil was making the world believe it did not exist.

bubble_bursts 3 points ago +3 / -0

Even in the worst case, its will be well beyond elections that they can imprison him.

bubble_bursts 7 points ago +7 / -0

Randomly stumbled on this thread in the wild discussing the verdict. Normies arent as clueless as we think as we can see by the guys who jump in with facts.

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

The way the current system is, he is not going to be put in prison as long as he is appealing. Makes no sense for him not to appeal.

The precedent would already be completely set once sentencing happens. He does not need to actually go into prison for that.

How ever the only reason that might be allowed to happen is if they also need to have an assassination angle in this Movie. I have long suspected that comes to play as well but i sincerely hope it won’t.

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