BufordXL 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yea? Prove it. 'They' have told so many Lies that there is NO ONE with an IQ. above 30 that believes a word.

BufordXL 2 points ago +2 / -0

People are weak minded now because in my world we/ I would have said FO. and found another job in two hours.

BufordXL 5 points ago +5 / -0

The key to all MSM lies is this, they twist and lie every day without an ounce of proof, yet when MAGA actually has proof of their lies and crimes, they refuse to 'report' it and liberal/communist judges refuse to allow it in court. They make a point to 'report' that NO proof of the 2020 Fixed election has ever been proven and that is because none of the obvious Proofs have Ever been allowed to reach a jury.

BufordXL 2 points ago +2 / -0

Looks to me like proof that everyone knows all of pharma are criminals.

BufordXL 1 point ago +1 / -0

LMAO. IF i am 'radicalized' it was the criminal obama that did it by stealing my health ins. and giving it to illegal aliens and only a moron would care about anything the woke thinks.

BufordXL 1 point ago +1 / -0

The actor pretending to be Pres. of Ukraine has stated he will build a NUKE. That will make every US. official sending him money a war criminal.

BufordXL 3 points ago +3 / -0

He is not dumb, he is an evil liberal/communist own by soros. He IS however a traitor.

BufordXL 5 points ago +5 / -0

One of the ONLY jobs of the Fed. Gov. is to protect the US. borders. These morons have never read the US. Constitution or maybe they can Not read.

BufordXL 11 points ago +11 / -0

obama and clinton had already destroyed the Dem. party. That is why 50 million Working Democrats are Now MAGA and have elected Trump 3 times.

BufordXL 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see 'Escape from NY' as the solution. Put them all in NY. City and take down the bridges. It is almost there now.

by raxlore
BufordXL 16 points ago +16 / -0

Check their bank accounts for 'soros' and China money. The thought that top military members can be Owned with money sounds like treason.

BufordXL 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Fact that pelosi planned and directed every act of the Jan. 6th 'riot' has to be spread all over Cal. This criminal can no longer be part of OUR Gov.

BufordXL 1 point ago +1 / -0

The 'rifle behind every blade of grass' is Real. Once they declare war on the American citizen, there will be No Where for them to hide.

BufordXL 26 points ago +26 / -0

IF, Trump needs 'it', he has an army of 120 MILLION men in the US. Militia that are prepared to defend the Republic, Per The Law.

BufordXL 2 points ago +2 / -0

The USA is Not a democracy and never has been and The 'Trump agenda' is what MOST of America voted for in a landslide. So, this ( plan ) is obvious sedition against The People of the USA. Arrest and trial is next.

BufordXL 8 points ago +8 / -0

The evil and corrupt/stupid of the world have the delusion of 1984 being real and that Americans are the same sheep as the people that have given up their Firearms and become slaves. The largest army on Earth is the 120 MILLION man US. Militia and once ANYONE declares war on The American citizen, the Purpose of the 2nd Amendment will be delivered first hand.

BufordXL 12 points ago +12 / -0

He could have said, I am amazed that the citizens of NY. would elect a brainless bartender to the US. Congress.

BufordXL 8 points ago +8 / -0

Someone may pretend that the States (MOST every state) that voted for Trump would somehow elect a liberal/communist to Congress. But Not Me.

BufordXL 20 points ago +20 / -0

It was No secret. WE ( I ) knew it on Jan 7 and have stated it a hundred times here. The entire Jan 6 event was preplanned by pelosi (and others) to prevent the FIXED 2020 election from being discussed on the House floor. Why would pelosi scream NO !! when Trump offered NG to guard the Capital? Because it would have killed her plan. Why was there an 'emergency' evac (and then she came back) Before anyone entered the Capital? Because their planning sucked and MSM jumped the gun and reported a 'riot' that had not happened yet.

BufordXL 1 point ago +1 / -0

The lies of MSM are 90% of what liberals believe about Trump yet they have Zero proof to back up their lies. An intelligent adult would go back and see the Failed muller circus, the 2 Failed impeachments with zero proof of a crime, and the criminal Jan 6 'committee' that was nothing but lies, and think 'what Is the truth'?

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