I agree except for the Peterson comment. Guy is a classic gnostic, to much bloviating and overthinking from him. Not everything is a metaphor of a metaphor lol.
Nerdrotic kicks ass.
I don’t bother arguing with Prots online anymore. Anyone who can’t recognize the fact that Sola Scriptura is a basic circular logic fallacy isn’t worth engaging with. Debates between Eastern Orthodoxy and Catholicism however, I find pretty interesting.
When whites were even just loosely culturally united, we had Christendom and the Renaissance, aka peak humanity.
Guessing some version of non denom prot? Judaism does not exist anymore, it’s only Talmudism now. The old covenant was fulfilled and ended. The Catholics and Orthodox recognized this up until the 20th century when the Marxists infiltrated the world institutions.
Trump was my first, second, and third presidential vote in my life. I sorta want to never vote for a president again so I can say I only ever voted for him lol.
You’re welcome.
Exactly, it’s just like Christmas Eve, just the night before the day.
I don’t know where the thin veil idea come from originally, but I bet you’re correct about it being a pagan ritual originally. I’m not aware of any reasoning behind it other than it’s for sure a satanic belief meant to mock the idea that we are asking the saints to pray for us that day, so they say the veil is thin so they can talk to all the demons.
Fair enough friend. God bless you.
No offense to you personally, but that last bit makes no sense. Of course you can have faith in the Lord and use your firearms for a righteous cause. Did the Christians of days past just say “It’s in God’s hands” and lay down their arms as the Ottomans invaded? Heck no! They said “It’s in God’s hands” and killed some fucking invading Turks for daring to attack their home and families. I’m not telling you what to do, of course. It’s your life. But don’t be a defeatist when the moment is the hardest.
Venting out loud anons, don’t take me to seriously. Trump must have a plan right? Why go through all this for the third time just to let them steal it again? Cause if he doesn’t have a plan, and Camel Toe “wins” the election through “fortification”…it’s over right? He can’t do anything at that point. I just want the election to happen already and get this all over with lol.
All Hallows Eve is what is now called Halloween. All Saints Day is November 1st. It’s a traditional Christian Holy day to remember and celebrate the Church Triumphant, aka the Saints in Heaven, and ask them to pray to the Lord for us on earth, aka the Church Militant. The dressing up and asking for candy thing is a modern invention and has nothing to do with the original holy day. As for the thin veil thing, that’s a satanic idea that’s been around for a long time, a mockery and inversion of the actual celebration. Pretty much all satanic customs are inversions and mockeries of traditional Catholic customs. Satan hates the Church.
Voted yesterday afternoon. Huge line, around 150 people ahead of me when I got there. Four MAGA hats in the line that I could see.
You can pray for your enemies as you vanquish them. Righteous anger and justice are the way of the Lord. As long as you aren’t seeking vengeance, and keep your heart true.
He really has. I have to say I was suspicious of him at first, but he’s proven to be one of Trump’s biggest assets. I’m glad he’s on our side.
Your username fits you.
You are the only person that said anything about one being better lol. The Byzantine Catholic rite has many Marian devotions, including the Theotokos rosary from 800 AD which actually pre-dates the Rosary of St. Dominic by almost 400 years. Just admit you made a mistake and didn’t know what you were talking about lol.
lol no. I will not STFU while I see a bunch of Feminist Karens larping as pastors. God’s laws are more important to me than anything. And of course I pray for Donald. I can pray for him while calling out BS as well.
Bro, the Byzantine Catholic Rite has been around for almost a thousand years. Relax. They are not schismatics by definition, and pre-date Vatican II by nearly a millennia. I think you are confusing them with the Eastern Orthodox.
The Bible explicitly says women are not to be pastors, nor lead men in a Church setting.
It's not a moral extreme to say you can't murder your baby for any reason.
Serfdom was way better then this, let's not insult the medieval peasant lol.
Don't watch Meg 2 lol
Again, you're just making stuff up lol.
Completely agree. Several Catholic Exorcists have been warning about how AI is a conduit for the demonic, and just another medium demons use to turn people away from Christ.