My naturally-bestowed estrogen recoiled.
I know that the “photos from ground penetrating radar” in Canada turned out to be tree roots! The poor trees! Their roots deserve REPARATIONS, by gosh! We have to apologize to the trees for exposing the dark past of their roots!
All this was to create false flags and declare “white people bad” crap. Most likely this is the same crap happening in South Dakota, if your government is anything like ours.
I think this is the event that, although hush hush, ignored, etc now, is going to be a big Holy F**k in 12-weeks. This is NOT good news.
No one should be overly surprised at this. I’m not. Anyone placed in any position of Power regarding “health” will be corrupt and toe the company line.
Thanks for posting, though.
I enjoyed your Delta 9 post.
They are being sent to Toronto, though.
Let’s send them to Ottawa. Turdy has lots of room.
We’ll tell them to make sure they honk, and caterwaul, morning, evening and night in Ottawa.
Very positive. I am not at that level of kindness, yet, and I may never be. I appreciate his words, and their message.
I’m Canadian and have seen tomfoolery going on with our Elections for about a decade now. It may have been earlier, but I didn’t know to look for it. I have inquired about various anomalies in the last two elections, and have received idiotic replies from Elections Canada and Ontario Elections, and have no money to take up a fight. Unfortunately, our concerns get dismissed easily and even ridiculed, as have the MAGA voters. The further downside is we in Canada, if I can generalize, get given bull like “you’re cucked”, “you voted your asshole in” crap, from nasty, egocentric Ps of S. I know that the doomsayers are often there to discredit and ridicule people when they are over the target, and try not to get too concerned.
I think everyone, who thinks and is Awake, is massively dismayed with all the shenanigans designed to wrest power from the People in every single country. I know that I very much appreciate everyone, in every country that fights tyranny and injustice, and I provide my small support whenever and however I can. I know many that add their support to mine. I thank everyone for calling out “irregularities”, shenanigans and downright criminality in the US Elections. I know the huge task that all hoping-to-be-free-from-the-cabal countries face. I know that United we are strong. As is our mantra Where We Go One, We Go ALL!
Blessings for all Patriots in the US in their Midterms. May true freedom prevail.
Look at King Turdhead... grinning ear to ear so he can get his 40% cut. Comments for the most part, are excellent.
Slaves of Ukraine Sweden Sweden Sweden, etc... Gheesh.
Definitely British Isles background if using the word “vexed”. Love that word. Same with “whilst”. Let’s make language GREAT again!
I’m Canadian, of English/Scots/Irish/Welsh with a smattering of French, and Danish and Norwegian ancestry. Probably went A-Viking a time or two in my ancestry.
Nice to meet you, European-American, from a European-Canadian, and damn proud of it, too!
Seems to be a trait of Narcissistic Psychopaths.
Many Ontario peoples want a figurative piece of her, too, for interfering (aka threatening Premiere Cheescake), and sending vehicles that otherwise would be a declaration of war (large wreckers to remove trucks) during Canada’s Freedom Convoy.
What a PoS she is.
Just two at a time? This may take awhile.
Actually, infrared saunas are not good. Marketing is marketing. Just like “fluoride is good for your teeth” marketing in this instance. Let’s see the long-term results, unbiased, please. Give me the fifty year data. Oh, wait...
Good old fashioned sauna with water on rocks, every time, or steam, if you prefer. Sorry.
Oldie but a goodie. Warms the cockles of me ‘eart.
Plus, being a Karen!
I wholeheartedly agree!
Here is a sample of the files. I don’t know if it is new, but the person who forwarded it said it was new. I do not presume to know many of the files in any earlier posts. However, here it is, if anyone wants it.
Me, too. Especially if it’s stollen!
Is that you, Elon?