And who can make or break their career.
I understand that they are considering making the “contract” null and void due to withholding of information regarding lack of safety tests. In doing so, they may set precedence for other countries. Maybe Israel needs this precedent to occur for other reasons...just speculating.
Didn’t we hear back about a month or so, that the NWO wants ModeRNA to “win” the injection race so evil-ers like Turdy could continue to make money?
For your lower back, add some gentle stretches and ranges of movement, not full range, especially to your hip flexors, while you are listening to the vibrations. Make sure there is adequate blood flow to the area first, though...walk in place at least 10 minutes before you start, for reduce further injury.
The movements and stretches will help align your body with the energy of the Universe.
Just a suggestion.
Minnesota has zones 3a to 4b, so service berries, cherries, gooseberries, rhubarb, elder, etc would flourish. I love that your family is established to live off the land! I wish I could have chickens. My neighbours in the GTA here would probably have me shot if they heard any clucking!...or at least they would call the police on me and cause massive hassles.
Keep up the good work, fren. Blessings.
Blessings for you and your family.
I think following suit of Mexico in banning geoengineering is key to starting help the earth heal, and thereby everything growing on Earth. This is definitely a huge place to start. Nature will heal herself after, as she is wont to do, and does very well.
IMHO, the Evil is in its death throes and is doing its darnedest to take as much down with it as possible. I KNOW, deep in my heart, that it is failing, and desperate. For some reason, I KNOW that everything is all right, and is going to be, all right.
I applaud your getting back into gardening. I “garden” on my balcony, and I have a LOT growing. At least enough to supplement, and preserve. I dehydrate as well as preserve. I have fruit trees (cherries, fig, olive, calamandin), gooseberries, service berries, grapes, rhubarb, gogi berry, strawberries, blackberries, etc.; many, many herbs, and the standard veggies. I am hoping my avocados and mangoes take, and am adding elderberry and kiwi plus roses in to the fray this year. The bees love them all, and if I wasn’t in an apartment, I would have bee hives. I have to discourage the lovely queens from swarming as it is. I winter over indoors, the delicates.
If you are able to have a bit of help with the initial plantings, and moving pots two times a year for any delicates, expanding your “garden” is definitely possible. This way you can still exchange energy with the growing things in the symbiotic relationship we have with the earth. If you are in more a temperate growing zone, moving might not even be necessary. Is there some way you can turn your deck into a greenhouse? It will definitely help you decompress from all the information overload Awake people must currently face.
Knitting, knotting, woodwork, sewing, pottery, etc, etc, are all things that will be needed soon, so you could branch out if you want to bring back some skills you learned before. Or, you may even still be doing them.
Take heart, fren. You are loved. You are necessary. Blessings.
If she is trying to emulate a wig, then she should be charged with “culture misappropriation”. What a RATHITH! Trying to emulate blonde hair!
The dude definitely looks better.
They’ll be the ones that choke on the pill.
Clif High on Bitchute has good insight. Neil Oliver on GBN for some interesting takes on current situations.
May not be news, per se, but good info.
Of corthh. If you’re not wearing the rainbow!!! than it is rathith 😭 and tranthphobic!!! 😭 don’t you know?
From what I understood, every person put into these “quarantine” hotel was charged a fee for it, up to $2000 for three days, with very little inedible food, etc.
There were, however, three to four filled flights coming into each main airport, daily from India and China, without needing to “quarantine”, were given Canada Goose jackets, and provided free housing in the finest hotels, and free meals from the start of the plandemic. All this is still continuing (minus the “quarantine” suggestion), but the filled flights have increased ten-fold, and the countries the flights are coming from are no longer limited to the two mentioned.
Money laundering + bribes + population replacement.
There are some really based people in Vancouver, so don’t despair. Some are in the “Alternative Health” (aka real, old-style health) field. Maybe check any local Freedom rallies in your area to have the initial meet so you can suss them out. There are a lot popping up, especially since we are in the one-year anniversary of the Convoy. I think the time around February 18 will be helpful.
Raging dissident on Telegram may be helpful, too.
Good luck, fren.
Stupid is what stupid does.”
Plus Deepstate is what deepstate does.
I suppose informing him about 'chitin' he'd respond asking if that's the name for the Clinton residence in China.“
😂. Love your word play!
We have large pockets of it here in Canada.
It doesn’t even thank her for helping it, the shit.
It ain’t no moon!
Here in Canada, we call CAA if our car breaks down on the highway. I think I prefer ours. 😂
If a few years is “new”.
Maybe he only got the “B”/supporting roles because he would only comply up to a certain point.
Please keep James O’Keefe protected!
Reference Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan.