Odd photo choice.
Saw a post about the Friends cast doing a satanic chant before recording each episode.
"Would've" is short for "would have" hence using the word "have" after "would've" makes for poor grammar.
They hire ex politicians and top military so they can use their clearances.
I get my 4 a day from my coop out back. Every day and I dry out the shells in the fridge a couple days and then grind into powder and add to my post workout shake. The most complete super food you can eat. It is an incubator for an entire organism and has every nutrient that baby bird needs.
How about because if it is true it is a huge problem!
Buddy give your head a shake. The media is telling you that Carney is winning so that you start dooming like this. We at GAW are more sophisticated than this. Look at how Ford won the Premiere race in a landslide despite the fact that nobody here in Ontario likes him. That's how badly people hate the Libs. It's a done deal the Pierre wins too big to rig.
11 hours!?!? Want to give an idea about what is notable here?
His book is available for free on his website and it is one of the best explained and researched end times predictions in my opinion.
They all moved from the Arab countries in 1948 to Israel over time so the numbers make complete sense. There are more Jews today in Israel than the total from the Arab countries so to me it seems to be in line with a migration of Jews from Arab countries to Israel while Arabs already in the Israel area stayed there and grew.
get the low odor stuff on amazon from Germany.
Cured a skin cancer patch on my scalp as an unexpected side effect of healing my shoulder. I used it topical 3 times a day on shoulder and drank 5 drops twice a day for about 2 months. Healed the shoulder as well as an old knee injury too. 3 cures for the price of 1!
He is doing a town hall in my area tonight and I plan to go.
I had a summer fling when 16 with a woman 24 and she taught me how to please a woman and will be forever grateful to her. It ended in September when she went back to University. Tried to come back for me when I turned 20 but was dating and in a serious relationship.
Man I can't listen to him for long. The way he speaks in tone and volume just unsettles me and is irritating. Thankful for his work though.
I was in the hospital in the ICU for 10 days in 2023 due to both legs and both lungs full of clots. They forced a COVID test on me the day before I was to go home because someone on the same floor tested positive for COVID. I had zero symptoms of a COVID type illness and that was the least of my worries at the time. Immediately after the nasal swab I had a burning sensation that moved from nose to throat and by the next morning I could feel the scratchy throat and cough coming on. I pulled out my emergency med protocol of C, D, Zinc, and Ivermectin plus cold meds to hide the symptoms. Test came back negative thankfully and I was released before the Canadian health care nazis could lock me up and try to vent me.
Is he threatening Trump with the "Please sir may I have another?" paddle he is holding lol?
I'm a bit confused about keeping track of all these "deltas" looking to see if it lines up. Are you calling Q some kind of profit? This feels uncomfortable to me.
Hair spray lady just make me laugh. Its all a movie.
He won't be in that role more than a month. We have an election in April. He is a Liberal party place holder.
This is interesting. If you have heard of the Last Pope prophecy it says that this current Pope is the last and when he dies it will lead to the destruction of Rome...
AI generated.
This money was money owed to contractors that already completed the work they were hired to do. I believe right or wrong on the price of the jobs in question, you have to pay them.
Their level of theft has made their "worth" quite high I would argue.