CanadianPedeMan1571 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oof! He ran the side of his boat into the end of the dock right at the end. So much for the new wrap. You have to allow for wind direction pushing your boat sideways.

CanadianPedeMan1571 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Pro Hamas lol." Man you have got some research to do. They are anti-genociding shooting innocent people in barrel sized prison camp for 1.9 million people. Israel is doing nothing about Hamas which they fucking created.

CanadianPedeMan1571 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Flu Vax you would never support" but you did. You allowed a second dose... Why?

CanadianPedeMan1571 1 point ago +1 / -0

I appreciate your point of view here. I have read several opinions in books where they discuss both ideas and I feel there is more evidence of my stated view. Even the verses you cite seem to describe my point of view here. It clearly states that those who know Christ and have passed are "asleep" and will be raised up when he returns and their bodies will be restored while those who are still alive will have our bodies changed as well to an immortal form. Are you saying that the spirit goes to heaven immediately but then has to return to the grave to get the physical dust and reassemble the bones and such? I read that just as it states. We die and we are asleep. Judgment happens later at the return include non-believers. Are you saying non-believers spirit goes to hell rather than asleep to wait for judgment day? If we die and our souls goes to heaven right away then non-believers must go to hell right away. Do they get released at the judgment day and stand before God for judgment and then return to hell?

CanadianPedeMan1571 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well we would need a much longer convo to cover this topic but when we die we are all asleep until judgment day. That is why when he returns first the dead arise to meet him in the clouds and then those still alive and who have accepted him as saviour join them. Or do you think all the saved in heaven have to go back down to their graves to be resurrected again?

CanadianPedeMan1571 3 points ago +7 / -4

Who the hell is comparing kids given hope for the future of their country (MAGA for Germany) after being shafted by the west after WWI and over run by Bolshevik "name stealers", to the indoctrination by those same Bolsheviks going on in our schools today? This has to be the dumbest meme ever posted here. It is literally the same crap that led to needing a Hitler to save them from this garbage.

CanadianPedeMan1571 1 point ago +1 / -0

Show me in the bible an example of Jesus telling his disciples to do what you are saying?

CanadianPedeMan1571 1 point ago +1 / -0

Talking to the dead and asking them to do things for you is praying to them.

CanadianPedeMan1571 4 points ago +5 / -1

So when a bully finally gets punched back in the nose as the Russians have finally done here to NATO and its puppet, I should feel sorry for the bully on the ground?

CanadianPedeMan1571 4 points ago +4 / -0

Haha yes I saw this yesterday here. His lawyers smirk in the background lol.

CanadianPedeMan1571 4 points ago +4 / -0

Word of caution about Zinc. I took 50mg/day from 2020-until about 4 months ago. My naturopath was looking at different levels to figure out some issues I was having. Turns out I had zero copper which is very bad for you (liver health especially). She asked about all I was taking and was suspicious I was taking too much zinc which will deplete copper uptake from food. I stopped the zinc and added 2mg of copper daily and reversed the problem in about 3 months. Stick to a lower dose daily or only take when you feel an illness coming on.

CanadianPedeMan1571 6 points ago +8 / -2

Praying to anyone other than God/Jesus is breaking one of the 10 commandments and is a slick way the Catholic church has gotten many good hearted Christians to pray to false gods. The various "Saints" were added to mimic the pantheon of Pagan gods.

CanadianPedeMan1571 0 points ago +2 / -2

Watched an interview with an ex MK Ultra/military wet works ops guy thaat said Shawn Ryan is controlled opp.

CanadianPedeMan1571 1 point ago +1 / -0

Scapegoat to throw under the bus. Its all fluff to protect his puppet masters.

CanadianPedeMan1571 2 points ago +2 / -0

You hit the nail on the head here. I have been saying this a long time. They hear voices telling them to do bad things or just torment them. My sis works with teens and children who are disturbed and she prays over them and demands the spirits leave in the name of the blood of Christ and the voices stop. Then they come back.

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