Only applies to covert hostile belligerent occupation my fren. If action was overt defense could go “hot” and be immediate.
Move. Downsize! Parent your own child STOP asking for prayers for daycare. Grow up! You’re going to be parents so start behaving responsibly.
Xi is a pretty bad hombre from a ruthless crime family. Would be surprised tbh.
STFU handshake and gtfo
Zero reason that you can think of. Re read op post again
Uh Q def said that JFK jr. was not alive.
War sucks. The vaccine was a dilemma but probably is going to cost fewer lives than 10 years of lockdowns, mass starvation, hot civil war on Main Street.
Grow up and grow a pair you sissy. Trump is leader and he will say when or -if- battle stays clandestine or goes hot. CTFO dude.
Yeah because kids never get bombed or become collateral damage in war. Grow up and stfu. Nobody likes it but evil still has some power. Man the fuck up and stand a post or get steppin.
Q settled flat earth. Stop the bs.
Shill or doomer? Sussman has been indicted and there was 81k pages of exculpatory findings delivered to his defense. You think that’s just for his case alone. Lol. Suck it.
Where did you buy it? Please don’t say Amazon
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Came here to say this
I want to donate
Forgot stock market crash
Oh lord the tendieman cometh!
Agreed, but how many would die and would the constitution survive open conflict and civil war?
Sometimes you have to show people...