'Reelect' NO ONE.
Soros is running for the fourth time. Idiocracy/insanity.
The 'Dems' have accomplished 'Idiocracy' and have screwed Working Democrats to the point that they will never win without cheating.
But, is she actually 'sick'? This absurd criminal lie of rampant 'CASES' has to stop. A case is a test result and the 'test' has never actually Worked.
'They' are not that stupid. SO, they are criminals.
Start a petition to seat a Grand Jury and tell your DA why. He may work with you. Criminals and politicians fear any Grand Jury for a reason.
A Grand Jury can here ANY case. Every Free State should seat a Grand Jury for the crimes of this liberal/communist COUP which would include Fixing the 2020 election, the lies of the plandemic and the destruction of the US. economy.
It is too late. MSM has lied about everything to the point of treason. They are Not that stupid, so they can not pretend they did not know they are lying.
I carry a copy of the Warning on every box of masks. Warning, this mask is not for medical use and does Not prevent Covid-19 or any virus. That is on the box because they can not claim that they work under law. How is fauci and the CDC not being prosecuted for this obvious criminal lie?
That O/U is way too slow. The Mossberg pump holds 6 and is easy to reload.
Go deeper. All of this was run by Pelosi from the start. She could not allow the States that KNEW their election was Fixed to stop the 'appointment' of a fake pres.
The greatest stupidity of communism was attempting to destroy the US. Constitution 'Before' they established gun control. There are now 120 Million well armed Americans. The proper response is, 'Come and get them'.
LMAO. No, it was built BY us, while you were cashing in on affirmative action.
I wish Trump would finally say what actually happened to elect him Twice. 40 million Working Democrats along with about 70% of Working Republicans joined the 'Trump' party and abandoned the deep state that has been ruining our Gov. The liberal/communists and the far right will not survive if He Will organize Americans.
My question for the liberal/communists is, do You think that You will survive the anarchy that you are trying so hard to cause?
I actually thought they were intelligent. Causing Fear makes them open to first strike to offset their advantage. The NUKE is not used because all sides know, no one will survive so pretending that threatening the world will subdue them is stupid and dangerous. A bully always ends up on his back.
Life is for living. Being 'safe' is for sheep.
On Jan. 6th and 7th there were several private phone videos posted that clearly showed 'pelosi's' capital police OPENING the fence and waving the 'rioters' into the building. They are still out there somewhere and you can bet Trump has them.
The 'truth' is Pelosi was responsible for the entire circus, while Trump was still speaking to His people. I bet $100 that biden say nothing that resembles Truth.
MSM is the greatest enemy of the people in history.
Chicago+gun control=762 murders every year. SO, gun control has never actually controlled a single criminal or stopped a single crime.
It did not work. It Never worked, and the inventor told Them it did not work. How many crimes are involved here?
Make them Prove it. The PCR 'test' was a lie and Never worked, so what are they pretending to use Now? These are the same people who want Us to believe the yearly flu, magically killed No One in 2019/2021. NOW it is back and has had sex with covid?
Trump beat biden by More than he beat clinton. If the Fixed voting is not stopped, clinton can walk in just like biden.