If American still holds all the gold, we will not be selling it and turning it into digital coins. It’s also wild to look at “gold will destroy the Fed” and think gold means BTC; gold had to be killed to create the FED. I understand why the guy with 2% or something wants literally every monetary asset class to be emptied into it, but it’s a no for me dawg.
Pam thinks Israel is our greatest ally and Lindsey Graham is thrilled… I’m not stoked.
It’s a largely meaningless article to say that a private company is estimated at any value. Fox News is probably getting ready to call Arizona again. DJT is priceless. DRS is the way. Stock pundits are stupid.
CNN: Parishioners express joy at Kamala event.
And not have their “assets” (treasuries) seized over a disagreement. It will still be a while though; “little by little then all at once”.
I call them gray states.
I agree with this; but I would like to point out that while they seem to use Judaism the most, they similarly use Muslims and Christian’s to the same end. Any centralized power will be targeted by the globalists for subversion.
Classic small hat tactics.
But.. I loathe the WEF. The sane countries are accumulating gold. I have yet to read a technical or logical reason to add crypto. Trust is the issue, so why not just copy central banks and eliminate counterparty risk? At least insofar as to hedge against downside risk. I hold stock for upside. I don’t hate crypto, I just don’t trust anything anymore, and hey, BTC could go to a million dollars, wouldn’t surprise me, but it could also get hacked, or controlled.
But I am curious, why ripple, like.. is it an investment, is it money? And why should I trade stocks or metals for ripple? Which central bank are you talking about? The IMF, WB, Fed, Treasury?
If money, what is the use case? That USgov will mandate it? I see that as neither likely nor appealing if that’s the reason.
If investment what is the catalyst? Essentially why would anyone care or what is the source of the supposed yield?
I would like to like ripple, but I’ve never heard a single cogent argument for it, which is not to say there is not one!
Occam’s Razor agrees with this assessment.
Already voted in FL. Did it by mail, I couldn’t wait any longer. I like voting on voting day, but I dunno, once I knew I could start filling in bubbles I had to go. Plus in FL I can track my vote online to see that it’s been received.
Well PA is a bit different. Primanti Bros is to PA basically what the Steelers are. Going to that place is treated as a right of passage.
Pretty sure people who are regulars just picked that place because they have been going there with their families for 50 years and never suspected there would be a problem. Why would there be?
I didn’t know they didn’t like DJT either and I’ve been loads of times.
AshkeNAZI, lots of “Jews” are actually just the Nazis they pretend to fear. Why do you think the Azov battalion exists? The Semitic Jews are genealogically Jewish, but they don’t run shit, because they don’t blackmail the people in charge with kiddie diddling. Remember all of the scientists that came from the third Reich to run our government? They were “forced” to work or something was the story… just read the names lol. Since then they learned to change the names.
They just want to make their shitty pay, bang their fat wives and watch football. They’re cowards. 40% of them are complete cowards, that’s all it is.
Diddy arrest just to distract from assassination attempt with direct ties to Israel.
And this is from early 16, lots believed the media programming then.
They failed to pop DJT and this guy is too connected Quick, blow up the pagers and saturate the media!
Seems more likely that Mossad failed to pop the Donald, and is much more closely tied to this guy, so they pop these pagers, and get the media to wall to wall cover it. I only care about America. Fuck this story.
Supposedly Lindsay Graham also knew he was going to play golf. So ya any of them, maybe all of them? Look for Graham vid.
You know exactly who it is.
Wear the PVS-15 night vision goggles you’re required to buy to fix the baby’s sleep schedule you say doctor?
It all depends on how deep the holes are that they dug; and we have no way of knowing that. But we can just HODL and see. DJT, GME, Phys AG/AU, TSLA all seem good to me. Might take a very small bite of BTC, but I need to sort out how to secure it before I do that. Also DRS any securities.
Tf is a “Panama canal”; the Americans built the America Canal… don’t remember any others.