Cheesecakecrush 5 points ago +5 / -0

Just another thong dedicated to their true goal of population control. They've been shown to not give two shits about a womans "right to choose" if they dont choose abortion. Fuck the demonrats.

Cheesecakecrush 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is the risk that someone develops Myocarditis in their lifetime naturally? THe "620% higher" number, while nothing to sneeze at on its own, might not be significant enough when weighed against the chances of natural instances of Myocarditis. If you have a .0005% chance of getting a disease in your lifetime, then something causes it to jump to .0020%, you're effictively 300% more likely to get the disease, but its misleading because the chance is still small.

Cheesecakecrush 1 point ago +1 / -0

Probably them: "I''m ALLOWED to be racist because I have the correct politics"

Cheesecakecrush 4 points ago +4 / -0

Might be pissing in the wind here, but steel doesnt have to MELT to have its structural integrity compromised.

Cheesecakecrush 3 points ago +3 / -0

All of the 'it was faked' things just show me that nobody understands guns. Nobody can deliberately hit someone in the ear, at 100+ yards, with a low quality AR-15 with a RED DOT. He had no magnification optic!

The only real issue is how he was allowed to not only mill about the area for over an hour, crawl up on the roof unopposed, and then spend ages lining up his shot without any response before he actually fired.

Cheesecakecrush 3 points ago +3 / -0

I stopped using "African American" years ago when someone pointed out a black guy, asked "Is this guy african american?" and when some yuppie said "Yes, of course!" and the first person said "No, he's british you daft cunt" I wasn't the yuppie, I just watched the interaction

Cheesecakecrush 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thor of Pirate Software called a kid's mom, the kid was doing some stuff to threaten donators of Thor's. He said to the mom "He's just clever enough to get himself into a lot of trouble, but nowhere near smart enough to get himself out" I'm paraphrasing a bit, but I think this describes AOC very well.

Cheesecakecrush 2 points ago +2 / -0

This would be top shelf satire, but he's 100% serious. Nobody is afraid of Harris, she was such a joke she didn't even get a full percentage of support in her own primary.

Cheesecakecrush 3 points ago +3 / -0

I see, that makes sense. They pulled the old "racism is now prejudice+power" bullshit

Cheesecakecrush 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you think KH would give up that seat that she knelt, sucked, and fucked to get, you are insane

Cheesecakecrush 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly this. Biden's shitshow debate performance basically put the nail in the coffin, and the Trump assassination attempt was proof the enemy is desperate. Then the OBVIOUSLY fake bullshit about 'turning down the heat' when they're the ones who have been twisting the burner nob clear off the stove!

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