Getting the vax isn’t going to help you get over the covid you have now. Some people have long haul covid, you could have symptoms that last beyond a month. I know people don’t want to believe it but taking Zinc and Vitamin D regularly can do more good than bad. If you can get your hands on other therapeutics like ivermectin or others do it, those are going to be better than partaking in a massive human experiment. It’s hard to know what the truth is with the vaccine, I didn’t get it and would tell others to stay away from it but saying it’s going to be a mass extinction event is a bit too far for me. I did hear today that 1 in 1000 people will develope myocarditis from it which if I’m not mistaken is pretty much a death sentence. Only time will tell how bad it’s going to be. I have covid at this very moment, I’m on day 10, it sucked but I’ve been way sicker. One thing I can say for sure is that the media has caused mass hysteria with this whole thing and done a massive disservice to the entire world. Hang in there, take care of yourself and don’t believe everything you hear, we’re going to get through this. Besides, do you really want to get the shot and have to wonder the rest of your life if every little health problem you’re experiencing is because of that one decision you made to get vaccinated. I’m way too paranoid for that fren.
Oh good, see you in 10 years.
I catch myself doing this all the time.
Isn’t a crutch used on the injured side? Or am I retarded?
This is brilliant.
This is straight fire..
Pretty easy to avoid garbage.
Did you just assume your own gender??
That’s crazy, I just clicked on one and the girl had a cold sore on her lip.
Yeah, the video said nothing about that.
We are all decedents of Hillary Clinton.
Wrong, they are each other’s gynecologist.
Holy fuck, that might be the best proof yet.
Too bad it will backfire massively when people find out that majority of people assaulting Asians are black.
Yeah, I came here after the Donald became shill/ Seems to be more enthusiasm over here.
Then kindly fuck off back to Reddit
Yeah, seems like they’re trying to make white people racist because there is so little supply.
Blood drains from brain into penis......C’mon Maaan!
They say imitation of a dead woman is the most sincere form of flattery.
Solid Snake Oil