He asked the SS to open the doors because people were falling out from the heat.
Now they are playing Elvis' version of "I Wish I Was in Dixie". I've only heard that played one other time when I was at rally in Wilmington a couple of years ago.
He had security open all the doors so cool air would flow into the building. The building has large overhead doors all around it and there are tons of people outside.
Tell us you were at both Epstein and Diddy parties without telling us you attended them.
The one the government owns, not them 30 he owns personally.
Thanks for the informative post. Looks like I will be spending the next few days learning about this.
Q Post #2190
Thanks for the link.
I did some digging here and there is no simple handheld solution. The family members know they need to come to our house since we have hurricane supplies, but we were hoping to communicate. Thanks for the link.
Do you have experience with the radios that claim to have 40-50mile range? I know some at the sporting goods suppliers will reach those distances in the wilderness but curious about in a crowded area.
Pepe just appeared in the interview with RSBN.
Because without the sales of all the Trump merchandise the country would already be in Depression like 1929. Kek
Now prosecute the Health Dept. employees for issuing cards for fake Vaccinations for a fake Pandemic.
Ham Beast squeals REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, muh pronouns.
When I say immediately I mean in November before any change occurs.
I fear that Lobotomy is the only cure for this kind of stupid.
My state does not allow early voting without a legit reason such as being out of town on election day.
I believe it will be military and happen right away. We have been told the military is tracking everything and this would be the perfect timing for disclosure.
Some weather chick claiming her Juicy Smollett moment. I bet they hung a foot long piece of rope around her neck and said this is Trump Country.
President Trump has been highlighting in every speech now that if you cheat in the election process you will go to jail. I believe the election will go as usual followed by mass arrests immediately to show the world how corrupt the election process has been for a long time.
"Undercover Brother" is one of the best movies ever made. Tell it like it is Eddie.
No person paid for any of it just the general population. Shame the Biblical punishment of an "Eye for an Eye" is considered Cruel and Unusual Punishment.
They spelled "Instigators" wrong.
They must have clipped the part where they proclaimed, "HAIL SATAN".
Nice catch.