ConcernedGrandma 7 points ago +7 / -0

I do love your site. Thank you😁

ConcernedGrandma 4 points ago +4 / -0

I tried to post a picture I took of billboards in GA telling people where to get an ID so they could vote. GAW would not let me. I'm old not to good at tech. But I did try

ConcernedGrandma 2 points ago +2 / -0

OH Honey, thank you for πŸ˜ƒ laughter with my coffee this morning Dear! How many times have we thought this will be it. Read something in Q posts that said 2025, no wonder the Bible says to pray for the coming of The Lord if this is still going on in 2025 I will be on my knees begging....now we got Gramps a laughing. Do have a great day ❀️ love. May your heart be filled with laughter.

ConcernedGrandma 1 point ago +1 / -0

I pray for my family that took it. We have heard there were some placebo's.. Also we are given power and authority over the devil. Since this shot is lucifairian I can come against any side effects in Jesus name. I pray the plans God has for their lives than any creation of the devil and man in Jesus name I speak life over my family and I pray they are given time to compete πŸ™ your plans for their lives. ✝️ Thank you God for your grace and Mercy. In Jesus name πŸ™ amen

ConcernedGrandma 2 points ago +2 / -0

I work 25 minutes from GA Gs. Talked to friend who lives 5 miles from it. It's down fb has posts from locals. County is Masonic. They are already pushing to replace it, saying its a touristattraction. It's down for now. Masons put it up originally. It's on the high stop, biblical high place for the county. Truth is this county used to be the granite capital of the world. Once it was erected the finances of the county started going down and never recovered.

ConcernedGrandma 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm so sorryfor your loss. Praying πŸ™ for you and your family. Q posts are easy find. ANONS Is short for anonymous. Qanon is the term the fake news came up with to try to discredit the truth. As with 99% of everything the fake news expresses qanon doesn't exist.

ConcernedGrandma 5 points ago +5 / -0

Restores my faith in the younger generations!!!! Love this post!!

ConcernedGrandma 3 points ago +3 / -0

The geographic high place. In the Bible the enemy places his alters on the high place. So if you find a topographical map you will find the guidestones were placed on the high place for that county, topographical.

2 is harder to answer. Please know there are people with pure hearts seeking God in all the denominations. Some just have more revelation than others. Nondenominational churches or churches that do inner healing and deliverance tend to have knowlage of the spiritual realm and its operating laws. You must understand the spiritual realm to deal with demons, inner healing, spiritual warfare. In the Bible the cities did their business at the gates.....think about the gates of your city. Is there a welcome sign with freemason symbols? Rotary other secret societies? I hope this helps Dear. You tube. Derek Prince, Ellel Ministries, Norval Hayes Demonalogy, Ryan Lestrange, Lester Sumrall

ConcernedGrandma 12 points ago +12 / -0

I would like to point out a piece of this puzzle I believe is missing. This is a spiritual battle, I live near the Guidstones. I am a devoted Christian, I have studied the Bible in depth. I see comments about man changing it, but I can assure you the God that created this world and placed all the laws, spiritual as well as physical, is more than able to keep HIS word intact. There are layers of cryptography, as well as verification by biblical constancy that are to lengthy to express here. That being said, the reason freemasons used to pay for stained glass, or put amulets into church foundations is to give the devil a place. A legal right to operate there. Satan has to operate within the laws of Father's word, that's why they have to show man what they are doing. God gave man dominion, read Genesis. Elberton County was once one of the wealthiest counties in GA. The Granite capital of the world. After a pagan alter was erected on the logistical high place of that county, it never recovered financially. We fight not against flesh and blood, but rather principalities and powers in high places. The destruction of an alter on the high place in the spirit realm denotes taking back territory. I hope this Granny is explaining this in a way everyone can grasp. The reason the enemy seeks to get something accursed in God's camp is because it effects the battle. Read Joshua chapter 6 thru 7. The destruction of this alter was a major spiritual victory for our country. If people truly understood spiritual warfare they would tear down many strongholds. I pray people would come to understand God's word. Spiritual warfare is not taught in most denominational churches, because the Seminaries, are funded by the same institutions that accredit and fund liberal colleges. The Bible is still very much intact and powerful. You need only ask Jesus to teach you to understand. May God reign ✝️ mighty in your lives. It's the most exciting time to be alive!
It's an interesting search to find the logistical high place in your own counties. Go see what's up there. Get some of God's warriors and go remove it. You can spiritually map any county. The principalities over one area maybe, greed, love of mammon, pharmakia, poverty, prostitution lust, tear down strongholds. Gods peace and love guide and keep youπŸ’œ

ConcernedGrandma 3 points ago +3 / -0

Praying in Jesus name. Father we lift up this child to you. I'm asking complete healing. I ask the anxiety to leave in Jesus name. I ask the Pancras to line up. Jesus please fill this child with your healing love. I pray into every cell of his body at the sub atomic level that the DNA would be written in the blood of our Lord. Father I'm asking for a fresh breath of life to be breathed into this child. Lord you are the light and life of man. I ask for extra heavenly host to watch over a gaurd him. We speak life. Lord your word says you came to give us life and life more abundantly. We pray as your spirit is poured out this child is filled. We Thank you for what you are doing in this Family. I pray strength and your peace Lord over this Mom and Dad that they would walk thru this into a deeper walk. Lord I have seen so many miracles you have preformed. I'm thanking you Lord Jesus for one more. How we worship you Lord how we praise you!! πŸ™ Amen

ConcernedGrandma 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow, they close one satanic business and replace it with another...any questions who owns the building....

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