You ain't lyin' like Lyin' Ted Cruz, because I'm no ordinary anon - I'm the greatest PRESIDENT, the one and only, Donald J. TRUMP........'s biggest fan eva kek
It's really gone down the toilet
It already was unless it was comprised of precious metals, which i assume it isn't. So not only the composition, but also the reputation, is now worthless
Flynn stating what I've felt ever since Trump won the election. Sure, he won, but that doesn't mean they'll let him assume presidency so easily.
These demons deserve a special place in hell
One week ago
Shutdown. We bout ready for some wild times
They banned me years ago for calling out too many fake listing's of precious metals
Same, fren. Loads of respect for him
You're a good tard, fren
WTF hasn't u/purkiss80 yet responded to such fortune and fame!?
$DJT gonna gobble it up!
*decalcify, but hell yeah I'm game
Don't you mean run "on" the right circles?
Raised on the northeast coast and lived there 21 years, never heard of "stay on line" in my life to mean the same as "stay in line"
His original video says "stay online, don't go offline":
CLAIM: Adrenochrome isn't psychedelic.
AGAIN, FALSE. In fact adrenochrome is listed first in "Legal Highs" by Adam Gottlieb published in 1973.
It even clearly states that "Adrenochrome causes chemically induced schizophrenia. Its semicarbazone does not."
Semicarbazones are crystalline (powder) compounds that form when adrenochrome reacts with semicarbazide to create a (non-psychedelic) shelf-stable version.
Thanks fren, just added to my archive. Time to dig in
That's a good redpill, thanks fren
Today, my girlfriend and I voted for Donald J. Trump for President! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Including generational taxes stolen from our ancestors if they've since passed