Why did you answer the flat earthers?
Well the debbil is in the details... not 'faith', Religion... not freedom of press but a Free Press, the old fourth estate which we do not have today.
Remember the government is not supposed to release informations close to an election which may taint the elections.
Yeah I know but it's a real thing.
And they knew long before then, but as we all know and understand laws are only enforced in one direction.
Short answer - because Trump pointed them out a while back when he was raided.
Longer answer - because people know about them, it was reported many times about tons of documents obama and biden took, but no government agency or media cared because corrupt.
Yeah, it is entirely possible that Trump has done his work and someone else has to Lead now.
I don't think there is any sort of 'drop' which will move anyone's needles.
MTG just denounced us again, Trump seems to have turned away from us.
There is much more we 'could' say or show, but I don't see any real value to it. We have reached a point of diminishing returns as you alsop recognize, where our efforts may still have an effect on an individual or two but most everyone who is capable of understanding, DOES understand enough of what is happening already.
My own Wife understands a lot of the Evil we fight here, but recently told me she didn't think Trump could be elected again, that no Justice is ever coming for hillary or biden or any of it. People who are capable of understanding, do so understand now, for the most part; and no one seems to care is the point. No government entity is honest enough to care, no one is going to stop crime or welfare slaveries or queers in schools.
Unless WE do it. She says that we can not prevail until Christ returns..... and while I still have hope I do agree, we will not vanquish Evil.
What use any more 'drops'? They would not rebuild support for Trump, they would not serve to rally people to our cause, they would only serve to distract people who only see shiny objects. Are 'you' missing something you desperately want clarified or explained? Yeah, we all are, but drops won't help much if at all, and would create consternations beyond their value.
I see our role as I have for years now- to help people come through this in as best shape as possible, so we have people to help us rebuild. I try daily to redpill folks but I do it softly now, everyone who knows me has heard at least bits and pieces. I wear shirts with hints and do engage strangers in public - that often attracts a crowd by the way. I prepare continually for a societal collapse, we can live without infrastructure and improve our ability to do so with regularity.
Our focus is on trying to help others, Spiritually, intellectually and physically. We can not force others to see as we do, to understand. Folks get upset with me when I do this but I will sometimes say - 'I can show you evidences and historical fact, I can explain the science to you and show you where to verify it yourself, I hope you 'will' research it all yourself and not just trust me. But 'you' have to understand it, I can explain it to you but I cannot understand it for you'.
As was mentioned in the drops - we are ready.
The pic of Grandma in her scarf inset on the table, yeah that is a real pic. Her daughter videoed her as she was dropping her Mother off to do her sentence at the prison, she was terrified and recovering from cancer treatment but she reported to prison as ordered.
Crenshaw wasn't a TEA Party favorite tho. As someone who was TEA Partying in 2008 right there in Houston I can tell you that 10 years later, when crenshaw came along, he got in only by circumstance. Ted Poe was leaving and a couple of the RINOs seeking his seat were known as RINOs, so crenshaw snuck past them all and got elected. He fooled us all, yeah, but by then obama's IRS and other fedbois had gutted us TEA Partiers, we morphed years earlier.
crenshaw seemed to be a more honest choice than the other repubs running, no one knew his WEF connections and like that, he fooled us. But we were not, then, TEA Partiers, we mostly all became anons and Trump supporters prior to then. As TEA Partiers we had serious scrutiny from the feds, had to evolve away from the persecutions of government and street thugs, it was life threatening at times.
She's looking to get paid, there simply is no money in Doing the Right Thing.
I might have described what a whore does but I didn't call her one....
The pic below is why we fight, but not what she's in it for. That's the Grandma from Jan 6th, in her daughter's car as her daughter dropped her off to begin her sentence.
Ah, putting on the RINO costume just as we suspected is she?
Yep. In fact I daresay pot actually helps protect you, as long as that is all you smoke, no tobacco or fentanyl or whattheheckever.
Don't stress out woman, all you need to do is knock down the wall behind the stove and pick up your knives.
Also, if you are in the UK turn yourself in to the coppers, you ain't supposed to have knives.
Access denied!
I have been saying all along that there better be a cadre of military historians writing all this up daily, yeah.
I wanna read the entire catalogue...
That's the same as our picture - law enforcement cannot contain the BLM terrorists and queer terrorists and woke terrorists. They can contain this Grandma tho.
Sleight of hand, diversion, trolling, lost a bet, any number of reasons why he would do that.
'Q' only really ever asked people to think for themselves, when people wanna denounce that it is same as denouncing knowledge, questions, data, science, reality, God.
All honest citizens who have pondered the drops know full well why we are in this thing, we're good even if we are gullible. I mean, my friend the dog would laugh and say yeah, he is gullible, watch me get a bite....
Slightly off topic, Congress has limited authority, it cannot make laws which are outside it's specific Constitutional Authority.
'“Most incredible is the fact that current Laws enacted by the United States Congress appear to make the coverup actions LEGAL!”
Nope, we perhaps will never have a legit DoJ to act upon it or a court to hear it but when Congress attempts to create illegal laws it is tyranny. Our double damned corrupt government is not going to arrest itself or suddenly find Jesus and become moral, honest; We the People have to force the whole corrupt mass back inside Law. Military is the only way; We the People are the Military. We are Active Duty, we are Reserves and Guard, and we are the Militia. WE are the way.
We all agree on the general tone of the drops, rereading them from the perspective of Time is always illuminating tho, we appreciate what we see more and more.
In the Service I was trained as an Observer, seems funny but there's a difference between looking and seeing, between seeing and observing. I think we truly are watching a long series of movies, planned meticulously in multiple versions and alternate realities, as it were.
Yeah I think it true that plans existed before Trump became a viable candidate, and that plan A was swapped for plan B when he did emerge as the Guy. Plan A was drafted for a hillary win, it likely did not resemble this one.
Yet such is the very old corruption and depth of the Enemy that even with an upgrade to Trump we have to take losses along the way, in order to control the amount of blood spilt we must let it out as doctors leeching wounds.
The Enemy is not going to arrest itself, we all know the only solution is in fact, us.
Pray for Humanity, not everyone survives.
Rifle says he could use the exercise.
I admit to being lost, why would Trump support Mccarthy? Long game then, must be layered and foggy.
What's to discuss? I'm not gonna buy NFTs or go to DC for a peaceful protest, I see the frauds, you see the frauds, most here see the frauds. We are at stasis, not much we can do but hunker down and hope to ride it out.
I go back and reread drops sometimes, would like to do it more. Each time I see more, sure, but we still end up Right Here Right Now.
I try to help Normies, might do other things I would never discuss in fora, like book clubs or knitting societies.
What's to discuss, really? IF any one of us knew for certain what every word in every drop meant, we would be fools to lay that out in here wouldn't we?
But since we do not know, what's on your mind?
This is about trying to stuff the corrupt double damned congress back inside Constitutional Law. To that end the 'rebels' have been trying to accomplish several orders of different things.
First and best option would be to force Mccarthy to withdraw, not likely to happen.
But after that they are trying to force him to use the illegal powers of the Speaker office to end those very powers and revert to honest government. Put simply, reconcile everything against the Constitution, all other doings are illegal.
It is not about personal power, hopefully. The Ideal is at stake here, America's soul as it were.
Yeah I hate snakes so I used a scorpion. If 'we' get the concessions we think we're getting we should have the ability to force Mccarthy to be honest tho. That's half the fight here, the left illegally vested powers in the office of Speaker that should not exist.
For instance Congress only has limited authority to write legislations, they cannot adopt 'laws' or regs outside of the specific authority granted it in the Constitution. Therefore every bill or law or act or anything Congress does has to be reconciled directly against the Constitution, must be enacted per precise parameters of authority. Therefor no riders or compiled packages of bills may ever be legally passed - each and every bill must stand on it's own merits and justified under the Constitution. All other matters are States' Rights or Individual Rights, not a function of Congress.
This is, hopefully, a battle to correct corruptions of the last century or more. Our double damned corrupt government is operating far outside Law, almost none of it is legal. Every legit bill should be heard on the floor, no illegitimate bills should ever be heard, if it does not reconcile against the Constitution it is illegal. No agendas.
Forcing the Speaker to give up those powers peacefully will allow us to move back to Law. It will still be uphill but we will have one more legal tool.
I know, we have long had tools and evidences and we have long known the government is corrupt..... yeah it will still take force and blood will be spilt but all these preps we make now reduce the inevitable bloodshed.
Pray for Humanity, not everyone survives.
Ok, how about pedo instead of republican?
No one seems to have any video of why she was arrested tho, ain't that kinda funny.
Damn people, AGAIN let me point out that Texas requires all shoots to go before the county Grand Jury, we let a jury of your peers decide if you did anything wrong or not.
The double damned corrupt HPD and the corrupt lesbian DA are NOT recommending charges, but once the guy turned himself in and talked to the cops he had to be referred under Texas Law. Referred without prejudice, no one thinks he did anything incorrect, unlawful or improper. It was a good shoot, and the Grand Jury will also decide it was kosher, no charges will be recommended. The Grand Jury cannot indict because no laws were broken in this FAFO. It was a good shoot.
Under our law he had an absolute right to protect himself and others present from the visible mortal danger - he did not know the gun was fake until after he ended the threat. And he has the absolute right to continue using deadly force against the threat until he is certain the threat has been removed.
It does not matter how many times he fired or anything, once the legal threshold for using deadly force is met he can use whatever force is necessary to end the threat. He did, and under our law it must go before the Grand Jury for his peers to review. No charges can be had tho, it is formality.