CovfefeNegro 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm an Optimist, I also trust politicians..... to BE politicians. I trust lawyers... to BE lawyers. I trust scorpions.... to BE scorpions.


CovfefeNegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeahno, he wants to send some 40 year old wheeled armored cars mounting 105 mm cannon. Not 'tanks', not modern 'western' main battle tanks or anything which could survive on a conventional battlefield today.

The nazis in Ukraine will gladly accept all donations so keep those wallets open....


CovfefeNegro 6 points ago +6 / -0

Are all the RINOs gonna be kicked out and jailed, all the seditionists and fraudsters tarred and feathered?

2024? At this rate we won't make 2024 Donald .... Mr. President.

CovfefeNegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lauren Boebert, Anna Luna and Mary Miller do not depend upon your generosity to be Ladies.

Brave and strong Ladies too.


CovfefeNegro 1 point ago +2 / -1

You are standing taller than most others, great job Lady!

And President Trump issued a note saying just about what you asked him to say. It included an update on his old statement saying he was not interested in the Speaker gig. It says he still isn't interested but if that is what the People wants he will do it.

Y'all couple dozen Patriots have toted the whole load uphill, half of America thanks you!


CovfefeNegro 5 points ago +5 / -0

Congress-critters if you please Ma'am, some of them are Ladies after all.

But yeah.


CovfefeNegro 0 points ago +2 / -2

Yeah, but he sold out those NFT thingys.

CovfefeNegro -1 points ago +6 / -7

If that were so why would Trump attempt to castigate Boebert for refusing Mcarthy?

I hope Trump is several moves ahead but he seems to be simply making more horrible personnel choices, as he has history of doing.

CovfefeNegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah Rachel Chandler has copies too, and she screwed up and kept some on her phone. Government agents or agencies or programs have those same videos and photos, because some were posted as proofs long ago.

Here's the bottom line tho- no one cares. No court is ever gonna care, same as when the head of the FBI sat in front of Congress and testified under Oath that yeah the FBI had conclusive evidence hillary was a traitor no one was ever going to prosecute for that.

The artist formerly known as 'Q' posted up pics from Rachel's phone long ago, the entirety of Epstein's rape files and island blackmail vids are in government possession, no one cares.

Our double damned corrupt government does not care.

CovfefeNegro 7 points ago +7 / -0

Honest people cannot make 'deals' and compromise on Principle, can they.

It is not up to Mcarthy to decide about these matters, is it, his is simply one voice out of hundreds.

Where did I read something about 'No Deals'?

CovfefeNegro 6 points ago +6 / -0

If things continue as they are today we will not make 2024.

CovfefeNegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mcarthy is not the right guy but he'll get it.

Why are you introducing Ron into this? Yeah all the usual suspects want Mcarthy and bidness as usual, but Trump is supporting him too.

Trump is either way ahead or way behind. Either way Mcarthy is not the right guy.

CovfefeNegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Frio River just outside Garner State Park, it's not really a secret but Texas has a lot of these hidden wonders.

You just gotta get out of the cities.

CovfefeNegro 10 points ago +10 / -0

Well they do play a semi-dangerous game of chicken here, but if it has to be a choice between Mcarthy or the islamic dude I don't see enough differences to matter, really.

Let the islamic dude get it, then maybe we finally move the needle.

CovfefeNegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Damn that sounds like fun, I'd go to that camp. In the 5th grade I was old enough to go to the church camp, that's where I learned you can light a fart.

Our camp was here, God's Country, just a few miles from Uvalde Texas.


CovfefeNegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep, one of our jobs is to help the Normies as they look around crying and stupefied. We have already done much in the way of helping Society but we will have more to do as they do understand reality.

Remember that the Enemy wants to cull us by more than 90%, how we die isn't germane to their plans. Every single Normie we save is one more to rebuild the planet.

That's our job at a minimum, if we must do more we are primed for that too. 'Military is the only way'.... We the People are the Militia and the regular Services, too, part of the Military. The term '3%' comes from the fact roughly 3% of the nominal population in 1776 actively supported the Revolution - we ARE that percentage today and much more, we are 20% at a minimum.

And we may yet have to do it all, the heavy lifting and the Normie diapers, yep.

That sportsball player chose poorly, he is no icon or hero. He was gifted a free education that he didn't even have to pay taxes on, and he chose very poorly even tho Society GIFTED him a primo education. He chose to ignore that education and listen to lies, he wanted to be their organ monkey. He chose.

He can not claim ignorance because Society gifted him more than they ever gave you or I, and he chose all on his own free will.

Others will also choose very poorly - we cannot save them all, the end is not for everyone.


CovfefeNegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

I used to read a good bit, haven't been reading as many books the last few years, seems like.

Got a new Churchill bio for Christmas, 'Churchill walking with Destiny' by Andrew Roberts. Churchill classified some things for 75 years after WWII and this new bio will prime me for digging into that stuff as it emerges. And a few new items show up in this, if you enjoy history and the people moving it this is great.

I also received Rick Atkinson's 'The Revolution Trilogy', haven't opened it yet but have read some of his other works and trust it will be great. His 'World War II Liberation Trilogy' is good reading but he doesn't go into details as much as others have.

Ayn Rand, the Federalist Papers, Hemingway, all the usual classics ought to be read, even such droll things as Tolstoy. Read everything, you don't know if it is worth it until you do.

CovfefeNegro 2 points ago +3 / -1

Well hell Don... none of us voted for our double damned corrupt government to steal elections either, or to throw a plague at us, or to then force an illegal poison masquerading as a vaccine upon us.

You seem to be pushing for 'The Same Old Thing', a RINO like Boehner or Mitch, someone who would resemble Pelosi more than resemble us.

It's like this, for me and millions of others like me. We have nothing to lose here, we've been reduced to suffering taxation without representation, we have no legit government, no legit infrastructures such as health departments or defense. Our laws are violated, our kids are violated, our economy is mostly destroyed, Evil is allowed to stalk the land.

We have nothing to lose, we can only improve, we can only go up from here.

Don you and the RINOs don't seem to understand - your fortunes and life of ease don't concern us, we are DYING out here while some of you play Games. But we're all in, us peons are All In, we either win or die fighting. Now. Not in ten years or three months when the fake vax takes us, Right Now!

You seem to be turning against us Don, Et Tu Brute?

Bring it, we may die off but many of us will insist on dying on our feet.

CovfefeNegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why not? It is still, sorta, a free country.

Why are people trying to cast aspersions on Ron?

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