This is fake news lol we can easily shoot them down.
Well 16 is legal age of consent in like 10 states, guess not his lol
It needs to self delete.
I care because it entertains me
Fuck around and find out....
Not a fan, dont know why everyone else is.
Yea but npr provides literally nothing, elon at least made cars and shit.
Towards the arrows*
It would be different if he weren't trump and some random.
Trump basically exposed her church to the entire country as blasphemous.
She shot herself in the foot essentially...
$$$ let's get them paid as well.
They should have walked out...
Cope, she was always a smoke show bombshell, but no women is one after 40. Doesn't mean she wasn't stunning before...
They dont want to come back, they were screwed over. Why go back when it will absolutely happen again with something else.
I assume it was a roofing torch without looking into it. Like the ones elon sold.
You are retarded
I've never posted so nice lying cope faggot.
And I've been here for over 4 years, never been on reddit.
Lying to make yourself feel better? Poor baby needs to cope hard.
Incoherent rambling, you are one dumb motherfucker.
Who's arguing any of that? Not me...
Are you arguing with yourself then?
Their cameras only catch what's in front of them, and I never said they don't have a right to be protected.
They are already protected retard, they can always arrest you for interference with an investigation.
You argue like a liberal emotional idiot.
That's because you use your emotions to argue and not logic, like a women or child
It just proves you are an absolute idiot and you opinion has the same weight as a child's.
Learn reading comprehension dumbass
Who argued to not have police? Are you retarded?
Sidewinder missile...easy. next