Explain how this is a huge victory like I'm five.
At what point is the SCOTUS going to step in and drop the ban hammer on the demon-lawfare?
This was pretty close to the real McCoy to be honest!
try harder pede
This wins the day
I can tell my grandkids I was alive when a reality tv star, a pillow salesman, and a retired NBA player saved humanity.
Kamala starred in the live action version of Swallow My Children.
Is this why they are trying to turn the military limp and gay?
It's hard to find people who can get a fast food order correct, is it so hard to believe his pilot sucked?
Deep State would nuke themselves to protect their lord & savior Barry Santoro.
Not sure enjoying is the word I would use.
His biggest negative is his voice. Nobody can listen to that shit for more than 30 seconds. Sorry bro.
Unmasking isn't sufficient. Need to ID them. What branch of gummint do they work for? CIA? NSA? FBI? DEA? HS? IRS?
"I gots ta know..."
Well, if she needs an autist she should get the autist hard first.
Time is just an illusion - stated by numerous physicists much smarter than me.
Not very convincing. Can we focus on stuff that matters, please?
- Gates/Epstein
- 2020
- 10 days of darkness (Sen Sat phones) etc.
Be better to keep her alive via head in jar for as long as possible - maybe a few hundred years prior to her trip to eternity!
That's not truth that's stupidity.
This needs to be on OAN and Newsmax nonstop.
If you have a 3rd grade English comprehension level you can see the words in the link. JFC fren.