Look into what Robert F. Kennedy has been saying. It now seems very likely he's been right all along.
If you think this is about politics, you misunderstand the depth of the chasm.
Drinking tea with Pelosi today is like drinking tea with Hitler while he was putting your people (the Roma, the Slavs) in concentration camps.
There are acts that are inexcusable and being a leftist right now is inexcusable. I can drink tea with people after they stop being abhorrent.
The disagreements we have now cut too deeply through the core of the human being.
There's no way I'm going to engage in more than a polite "hello, how are you doing" with my neighbor whose home is wired with Alexa, who's in her thirties but took the jab because "she doesn't want to die", who thinks her father is an abominable racist because he makes accurate observations, who cultivates a flamboyant gay best friend perhaps because they're such good friends, or because she thinks it's a virtue signal...
You can't play cards with people who do not even agree that it's not right to cheat at cards.
They tried to divide society along every line – race with Obama, sex with Hillary. But the division we really have is between the sane and the mentally ill. The mentally ill are a minority, but they have the current unelected government. And the mentally ill do not subscribe to any principle that a sane person respects. Because they are mentally ill.
Turner does support radical population reduction, so this could be.
The uncertainty regarding Tiffany Dover is beside the point when we know over 5,000 Americans are dead after the vax for sure, and when whistleblowers report the real number is over 25,000:
That's only in the US, and the number of young people who are affected is staggering.
Even if Tiffany Dover is not dead, thousands of others like her are.
RC might stand for the Rose Cross, or the Rosicrucian Order.
If by "one family" you mean the Rothschilds, note that this name is not properly pronounced "Roth's child", but "roth schild". It means "red shield".
I don't think technology is necessarily our salvation, as we can see right now it's equally as good to bring about a technocrat dystopia, but it can be used for good purpose, and besides our bombs and lead in gas, we have frequently used it well.
Now, here are a couple numbers considering our potential:
World power generation: 3.2 TW
Total power of the Sun: 410,000,000,000,000 TW
The first number is the amount of energy we are using. The second number is the amount of energy we could be using, if we build a Dyson sphere around the Sun.
That's how far along we are before we enter a true Malthusian state. Until we build a Dyson sphere, and we're consuming all of our Sun's energy, we can grow as long as we develop the technology faster than we reproduce.
(In case anyone questions, "yes but soil" – we can create matter out of energy. Granted, the exchange rate is very high.)
All health is fundamentally in the mind. The vaccine was not necessary, but now that she's had it, if she can truly believe and expect that it aids her health, and will not harm her, then that's the result she can actually expect.
This would have been the correct approach to the virus, too. As long as you don't walk around with the belief that your body is a deterministic machine, and that you are everywhere victim to viruses and bacteria that are out to kill you, you do not need to worry about any virus.
The problem is that the vaccines are having side effects entire orders of magnitude greater than the flu shots we were used to, and this is going to come out. When it comes out, people will panic about the safety of the vaccines, and this may actually create a much larger proportion of side effects and deaths.
Again, the body is not deterministic, but people believe it is, and this causes people to indulge in vicious cycles of fear that actually can cause disease.
The Covid pandemic was the first opportunity to go against the fear that is everywhere around you, and declare yourself in no need of being ill. If you did that, then you don't need any vaccine.
Your wife will now have a second chance, she needs to find the same faith in her personal health and safety once the fear porn about the "outcomes of the vaccines" is everywhere in the media. An absolute faith that her health is her own choice is the ultimate protection, but this needs to be accepted subconsciously. This means ignoring a lot of "science", but that is usually as easy as finding other science that says something else, or just recognizing that science is based on flawed assumptions.
Trump understands construction projects, he doesn't understand basic research. He seems proud for pushing a construction project to completion way ahead of schedule.
This is fine as long as only people with 5% risk of dying from Covid-19 get the vaccines, and only voluntarily. It is totally not fine if most of the population are pushed to get the highly experimental vaccines.
Trump understands construction projects, he doesn't understand basic research.
He's basically proud for pushing what he considers a construction project to be completed way ahead of schedule.
This is fine as long as only people with 5% risk of dying from Covid-19 get the vaccines, and only voluntarily.
It is totally not fine if most of the population are pushed to get the highly experimental vaccines.
You wouldn't want to scare people away from vital, safe vaccines by telling them about a handful of completely coincidental deaths.
So we don't count the "coincidental deaths". Since we don't count them, we don't know about anything unsafe. Since we don't know about anything unsafe, the vaccines are safe. Since the vaccines are safe, we must continue not to count the coincidental deaths.
Folks who won't investigate the quality of information they are accepting will spread (mis)information without verifying it.
It is necessary to at least skim the article if you're not yet familiar with Marek's.
Yeah, very much so. I was appalled to learn that, instead of people using the lockdowns to get in shape, seeing the obvious correlations about who has bad outcomes associated with Covid, they instead got fatter. Some lost weight, but most gained it, and the average millennial who gained weight gained 41 lbs. (!)
I find this abominable. What the f...? And then these people walk around and tell you to wear a mask, because if you don't then you are at fault for their health?
In 2020 the project total births are 3,660,000. That is 88,000 less births than in 2019.
Let's see what the numbers will be in 2021, now that vaccines are causing miscarriages. ?
I thought there were 450,000 covid deaths.
There aren't. They changed accounting specifically and only for Covid:
CDC Skewed CCP Virus Fatalities Higher, Peer-Reviewed Study Claims
Based on data for all recorded U.S. deaths through Aug. 23, 2020, the new CDC system counted 161,392 that were attributed to the virus. Using the older system, the death total was only 9,684.
“We allege that the complete absence of the appropriate Federal Register records is evidence that the CDC knowingly and willingly violated the IQA & PRA. As a direct consequence of implementing the two documents below without OMB approval, there was significant inflation of COVID-19 case and fatality data.”
I have looked into that and found it quite cringeworthy. It's up there with "sovereign citizen" theories.
Just wait until it becomes a federal crime for anyone to say we won't tolerate it.
We have no disagreement on late-term pregnancies, closer to baby than embryo or fetus, where a baby is capable of being live-born.
We have a disagreement about whether a fetus – or even an embryo – has the right to squat in a house for 30 weeks (say, from week 10 to week 40), destroying it in the process, just because it entered.
In Texas, there exists the right to shoot people who enter your property without permission, and the permission can be rescinded.
Another post said there's no firm expiration date like that, and emphasized it's important to keep holding. It stands to reason that those who lent the shares would give leeway to borrowers so they can be returned later, a bankrupt entity cannot return anything.
To type your post above is purely evil.
You know better than that. If so, all rules that we agree to would be evil because rules can have harsh outcomes.
By your logic, a mother of a 2-day old infant should not be forced to feed, swaddle, or care for their infant. It would force that mother into servitude.
She should definitely not be forced. The child would not be served by having such a a resentful mother. That's why safe havens exist, so that mothers who feel that way can pass the baby to others who will care for it.
As far as I'm concerned (i.e. not the law currently), same can go for 24-week abortions. If theoretically, the baby can survive outside the womb, then let someone adopt it and pay for the NICU. But if a fetus can't survive outside the woman, then forcing the woman to carry it is evil to the same extent that you think removing it is evil.
That's disgusting, immoral and God will ultimately have his say
God is having his say 100% of the time. Our disagreement with God's outcomes is a matter of our ego. The moral outrage you express is ego-based, not spiritual.
If you believe in a God of the Old Testament, that's up to you.
It's at $334 right now. Doesn't look to be over at all!
no one has the right to snuff out another life with the exception of self defense...
Which is exactly the reasoning of the Roe vs. Wade decision.
The reasoning is not that the fetus is not a life. It's that the fetus does not have the right to force a woman to provide physical body services which can and do harm the woman – in the same way that you or I don't have a right to force someone to give us their spare kidney, just because they are a match, could save a life, and maybe don't truly need the kidney.
I wrote the following recently for a liberal acquaintance. In his case, it almost certainly fell on deaf ears:
The core of leftist ideology is this:
"I do not control myself, my thoughts, my feelings, my actions, or my outcomes. My safety, freedom, economic and emotional well-being are threatened at every step by outside forces which I can't control. These forces include the economy, diseases, disasters, and people who keep saying things that hurt me. For me to achieve safety, freedom, economic and emotional well-being, I must subjugate these forces. Since these forces are other people, this means I must subjugate THEM. I can do this by banding together with other people who think of themselves as victims, and then exerting force top-down through the State."
This is the leftist mindset. It is wrong in its every assumption. If you think closely, this is the mindset of a mentally ill person that a good psychiatrist would try to dissuade them from. When this mindset manifests in society fully, it creates tyranny. It creates oppression and truly bad outcomes for the scapegoats, but it does not actually solve any problem. This is because the problem was never outside. The problem remains within the mind that has convinced itself it is powerless, and is painting itself into a corner as a victim.
What is happening now is that this victim mindset is pushed on all susceptible persons through the loudspeakers of the media. In recent years, this now also includes social media. This is done because when people think of themselves as victims, they WILL give someone ultimate power. They will give it to the perceived savior ("Save us from Trump!").
And there is indeed someone who wants that power and is chomping at the bit to use it. You can watch CLOSELY at what is happening after 1/20, and you will see how that power is being used.
Check out my username. I've been historically a liberal until I realized liberalism is fascist.
Almost until the 2020 election, I was one of the idiots who thought Trump was a half-moron.
For some reason, you continue to think that...
Maybe patriots are in control. But if they're not, then God is always in control. And God is a good guy, generally. :)