The Internet is not evil. It is a tool, nothing more. You don't attack the tools. Evil people will frequently use various tools to do evil things. Focus on the evil people and their actions, not on whatever tools they happen to use.
Squirrel! Where! I'm so gullible that way... gets me every time... said nobody with a functional brain, ever. The screenshot of the tweet is fake. Think of posts like these, from idiots like the OP, as practice to spot fake news. Practice critical thinking and discernment so you gradually become immune to propaganda going forward.
There are a lot of idiots posting idiotic things (redundant, I know - but it's what they do).
Taking down Etherium is not the same as taking down the Internet as a whole.
Other posts talk about taking down social media sites and some search engines. Again, taking those down is not the same as taking down the Internet as a whole.
The Internet was designed and built to survive a nuclear war. Keep that in mind when idiots are warning that the sky is falling, etc. Local outages are indeed possible, but the Internet as a whole will continue to function.
Most outages are fixed relatively quickly - the exception being fiber optic cable cuts. Those take a while to fix. In that event, have a supply of good books to read and DVD's to watch offline while you wait.
It's gonna be wild. It will probably include some nasty DS FF attacks however, so wild does not equal "fun". Hopefully the white hats will have neutered the attacks (like they did Jan. 6th), but regardless, this is war. WW III. Everyone is just going to have to deal with it, whatever "it" turns out to be.
This is a shill tactic. It does not work on people that have a functional brain.
I have discovered that the "block" function seems to work really well. When you notice particularly blatant examples of garbage posts, block the account. Poof. A lot of the crap just became invisible for you.
The mods don't seem to be able to figure this out (making the garbage posts disappear for everyone), so we have to do it for ourselves individually.
The real voting totals tell a different story. Hopefully those will be made public sometime soon.
The MSM lies. They lie about everything. Think mirror (mirror-image opposite of reality). They lie to make people believe that the leftist minority is instead a majority.
People can get a fairly accurate idea of what is true just by applying this mirror principle to the things that are said by the MSM. Whatever they say, think of the mirror-image opposite being true.
With any luck, the MSM will be destroyed soon, and we won't have to do these sorts of mental gymnastics going forward.
Yup. The only question is: who or what was in that building that the DS needed to destroy?
Some people are saying it was a warning to Ivanka and Jared that live in a nearby building... but I'm sorry - if the DS is out to get you and you think you can live a normal life in a normal building... then the world's average IQ would probably go up a few points after the DS does get around to killing you.
If you behave like a shill, you will be accused of being a shill. The solution is to not behave like a shill. Or, to leave the site. Pick one.
Also, new people do not automatically all behave like shills... you have to work at it. That behavior is not something someone would do by accident.
Well, yes and no. It is true that the data is not stored in the blockchain itself. It stores transactions and some limited data about each transaction. Bulk data is stored as off-chain files in associated servers, with the hash or key value for the off-chain files usually stored as part of the blockchain transaction.
Well, clueless people must think Fakebook is the Internet.
Those are all social media companies. They are not the Internet. When the social media companies and some search engines go offline, the Internet will still be working. You can still connect to work, get work done, etc.
The line where Q says the Internet will be paused is the only one that is concerning... as long as the pause is not too long, I don't care (I have lots of books to read).
No. Just about everything you describe is actually libertarian (small "L" - not the nutjob political party). Many people under the conservative banner are conservative on fiscal issues, but moderate (libertarian) on social issues. That is fairly common.
It also describes many independents as well. It is a big tent, with room for lots of different people that have the important things that really matter in common.
DS "uniparty" scumbags like Pence cloak themselves as social (religious) conservatives, and then... [think mirror]... do a lot of evil shit that goes against the teachings of every major religion.