I experienced the exact opposite. Guys were getting the boot for any little thing. One guy got overheard by the CO saying, when somebody asked him where he would like to be, saying, "shit anywhere but here," and he was gone that day. Despite the fact he actually cried and begged to stay explaining that he was only joking. Guys getting "pushed through" is nothing I've ever seen before.
My only thought is that he wants libtards to get it and become sterilized while decent folk(all of whom support him) don't. And we continue to out-breed the libtards like we already have been, with the vaccine accelerating matters. The dems see the trend if the right growing in numbers while the left refuse to have kids or just outright murder them. Hence they are desperate to import voters.
I'm starting to worry the only people with a well laid out plan is our enemies.
I'm starting to think the plan for us, is to string us along with bits of hopium and hope that pacifies us until the 2022 elections, and then the 2024 election. I hope I'm wrong.
The majority of the country begging for intervention can be a dangerous thing. The enemy could use that as a excuse to federalize the police or something. When people are begging for change, change is going to come for better or worse.
30s and 40s.. in London in the 1800s. When people started congregating in large cities there was a time life spans were dramatically shortened, but that wasn't the norm. For most of human history living into your 60s was the norm.