out of all the things we've learned recently, this one really made me laugh. like look, we could basically do anything else and it would be a better system.
after seeing the place hes talking about, I do see some value there. they should keep that but for cold storage. all systems go offline, emp destroys everything, okay we'll restore from paper records, which'll take forever but its there. that is basically what places like this are for, to keep a copy of your data offsite.
there is no reason why archiving your data like this should hold up the entire process.
Anyone know what was said/who fired the engineer? Just curious that’s all.
I’ve seen this before but it still made me lol
You know what my thoughts were watch this… how could I have done some BS study and collected a few million. Seems like we’re just handing out money to literally anyone.
The next deep dive will be, out of all this money sent, what percentage of it actually went towards doing the BS thing described.
Well also we have no other info on this besides some supposed insider complaining on Reddit. How I read that is they’re using him because of his coding talent. Hes evidently providing some valuable skill digging through was is likely decades of email.
I knew that when I wrote that lol. I’m not a law scholar I just know generally if you don’t pay they’re coming after you.
A lot of people have no idea how he could make this happen. Though I have a simple idea. How about they just stop enforcing any laws related to not paying income tax. Or rather do away with any of these regulations.
Then those of us who chose not to pay it won’t have to worry. Those who enjoy giving their money away,.. good for you.
Take away all their benefits and I think we’ll see a steady number self deport. Many of us read the recent article about how impossible the government made living for a lawful J6 citizen. They would only need to be a degree as creative to have a huge effect.
Also, if they’re actually focused on known criminals/threats than this is already a huge benefit to the citizens in then communities these people have been removed from.
This reads like something out of a movie. They truly did everything possible to destroy this guy. I’m curious where all the J6 footage is now. There were many people live streaming the whole thing that day. There are thousands of people who seen what really happened this day.
I’m glad these guys got pardons but that is not justice.
He was denied at one church. He met with the Pope later that year (unsure if related) who told him that he should take it. I remember some sort of casual announcement about it.
thanks for the lulz
This is pretty wild to hear. It’s funny there are kids out there doing live streams that get more viewers than this. And as pointed out, most of these aren’t actual viewers. I know people that just let it run as background noise.
There has been an infiltration, there is no denying that. But the truth is still and has always been the same. There are good Catholic churches out there still, we just can't let yourselves be consumed with this type of nonsense.
Authors bio: "Emma Cieslik Emma Cieslik (she/her) is a queer Catholic scholar focused on material culture and LGBTQ+ identity within the church. She founded and directs Queer and Catholic, A CLGS Oral History Project based out of the Pacific School of Religion."
I found the article on the site, and the comment section largely does not agree with this (thank goodness).
While I'm admittedly not failiar with this magazine, I am a Catholic and it does upset me to see some of content this author is posting. Their site has a nice professional feel, but from what I skimmed, it does not represent the true Catholic faith
The cartel talk I’ve seen makes sense, however are there any stories anyone can share showing this has been the case in the past?
Perhaps these people are just so deranged they would defy these orders because they think they’re above it all. I feel like this is more the case. Otherwise why comment at all.
After seeing his 60 Minutes clip, I’ve become a huge fan.
Exactly what I was thinking… I’m pumped he won but it’s clear this still wasn’t a fraud free election. I really hope there is some effort to investigate all the reports we’ve heard about over the last few weeks
My wife and I voted Monday. This was my first time early voting. It took exactly an hour and from what I over heard, it'd been like every day.
I watched a couple of his videos today where he says things like, people like Trump or Vance don’t want to hang out with you or be your buddy. They laugh at you behind your back.
I’m just like ugh, and what you think you have much in common with the average American? I just found it to be a weird argument, like hey listen to me a Hollywood guy. We can relate. Trump is an elite and thinks you’re suckers.
Well the bills are specific to CA so at least we have that going for us.
But for people who don't know better, this could be an excuse for platforms to simply remove content for everyone... maybe claiming its to difficult to block for known CA IP ranges. Or that CA residents would still be exposed could still be exposed to this conent with blocks in place.
Also, the mention of AI and deepfake throughout these different articles is misleading. These say that basically any any type of deceptive content is banned. And as we all know, to this group even factual content will be considered deceptive if it doesn't fit their narative.
There would be no point in all the theatrics. EDR software like this already has complete control over a machine. It already scans everything and monitors every event performed on a machine, including what is typed. This is no different from other software vendors.
Not just a ladder. If you look like a service tech, maybe carry a tool bag or a meter, no one will question you. I spent many years doing telco work and would often go into restricted spaces to complete work. No one ever questioned what I was doing.
I’m surprised drones aren’t in use to help identify things like this. I also notice a water tower in the background. Seems like that’d be a good spot to post a couple guys. Perhaps things aren’t as secure as I’m used to seeing in movies.
Well perfect may not be the right word but Catholics do believe she is without sin. It’s a complex topic but the short of it is she was saved just like everyone else but it just so happened it was before she was born and that grace continued throughout her life.
When considering all these things it helps to put everything in perspective. If you’re a believer you already believe in Jesus miracles; instantly curing disease, walking on water, raising the dead, dying then coming back to life. It’s like, how could something like Mary being sinless be more difficult to accept than some of these other things.
I think this is highly probable. Or to repeat what others have said, just a figure head used to communicate what was already known.
I work with some teams who conduct financial related audits that take months or even years to complete, and his team knew exactly where to dig? I just naively thought he has such a crack team, this is nothing for them. Hah that still maybe true but I still think there was some serious planning and intelligence provided before anything kicked off.