DarkSamus61 10 points ago +10 / -0

IDK ICU seems to be whats killing the Covid Patients so it might a blessing.

DarkSamus61 24 points ago +25 / -1

I was thinking about how to promote parallel worlds after relistening to the mass psychosis video on YouTube. I realized some of this is already taking place unofficially just by turning the TV off and spending time and money at places that share your values, I also go out a lot more often than I did before COVID because it is also a form of protest for me. It’s also amazing to watch people walk in with a mask see all the people having fun and realize there going to stand out like a sore thumb if they keep the mask on.

My purchasing isn’t perfect but when I find something local that shares my values I often will try to move my purchases to them coffee roaster, alcohol is what I started with as that was the easiest to find but when I go to the grocery store if I see a product from Texas vs somewhere I’ll usually buy that item same with USA over foreign, unless it’s on the boycott list.

DarkSamus61 1 point ago +1 / -0

your right, I reread what I wrote and facepalmed. I could blame the Whiskey, but yeah it needed to be cleaned up it was bad!

DarkSamus61 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is not right. I would rather date or be friends with a based person from another race than a liberal of the same race and I find that especially happening a lot more lately. Take a look at Hispanics that have hugely shifted there votes toward Trump in the last election and I see it a lot for myself even in the liberal hellhole of Austin. Some of the most based people I have met are not even white here.

DarkSamus61 10 points ago +10 / -0

I mean, when a gay bar in Austin of all places has "don't get vaccinated(trust this message)" written on the bathroom stalls and when less than 5% of people, including most of the staff, do not wear a mask you know a lot more people have opinions that differ than the mainstream narrative. It feels like two different universes in Austin.

I will go to HEB grocery shopping and everyone masked up even though its not required. Then everyone's partying maskless everywhere on weekends and holidays. Shows me people just do the things they do because they are afraid to stand out or cause controversy not because they believe in it.

DarkSamus61 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yeah its kinda like new where are from etc. Though usually they will ask me if im vaccinated in my case. Though I don't mind to be honest it saves me time from to get to know anything else about them.

DarkSamus61 7 points ago +7 / -0

You know the only vaccine I really saw trump get worked up about was when J&J got paused for the short time, saying something alone the lines of putting a lot of work into that one. Most of the information I can find out there is on the MRNA vaccines and for some reason the J&J one is the one they are specifying you get a MRNA booster if you got that one. I still don't trust it as it still can give you problems but I do notice how it definitely less pushed than the other two.

DarkSamus61 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm guessing twatter is going all hands on deck on covering up for the child trafficking case.

DarkSamus61 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is how I looked at the jab from the beginning and family months ago told me that it would reduce the odds of dieing from the virus. Even if that were the case(even though its proving false), I would voluntarily be playing russian roulette with poision while at least covid if I got that, it would be by mere accident and a less than 1% change of dieing from that.

Then when I bring up complications that people are getting later on from the jab, the counter argument is that covid causes these "long haul" symptoms as well in some people that jab does. As if that is suppose to make me feel any better, if I get those symptoms I will take my chances with covid not voluntarily inject something in me and hope for the best. If I get linger symptoms from covid so be it.

DarkSamus61 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wish I had the article at hand but I remember the dems being offended some red state(I Think Oklahoma) would consider a forensic audit. That says a lot. It comes off as please keep eyes on Arizona but please don't look under your own bed.

Yes we need Arizona but if you reveal the fraud in the Red states its easier to prove the fraud in other states.

Edit: Also who steps in when all the elected officials results are decertified? How does that work?

DarkSamus61 7 points ago +7 / -0

I mean this fraud is definitely effecting down ballot issues too. I want trump in office but I would much rather know my vote is being counted no matter who is in office. So this absolutely a red state issue. Even if Oklahoma decertifies before Arizona it still at least starts the ball rolling.

DarkSamus61 21 points ago +21 / -0

Hmm since there is a case of fraud even in states that trump won. I think even red states should participate in decertification then.

DarkSamus61 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was trying to watch on my ipad on the rumble app and was having issues. No problem at the rumble website using Brave Browser via Windows. I haven't verified if the IOS Brave works in the same manner.

Just something else to try if your having issues.

DarkSamus61 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sounds like Covid Classic or Lite would be up your alley then

DarkSamus61 1 point ago +1 / -0

most likely they won't enforce the mask beyond getting in. especially if you have a drink in your hand. It BS that you even have to do something like that of course I don't know what state you in but I live in Austin and even in the damn gay bars people take 5 steps in the mask falls off once your in nobody wears a damn mask except for the few virtue signalers and staff(which is hilarious considering who most of these people likely voted for and really confusing). But then again I guess it depends on your state too.

DarkSamus61 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, see now that my state Texas has lifted the mandate. I it will make it much easier to see who I want to associate with. I am 100% fine with people still wearing masks if they want it will help me filter out who's brainwashed and not.

by skanon
DarkSamus61 8 points ago +8 / -0

My problems are impulse spending, sugar, processed foods and porn in that order. But slowly making gains in each of those its a constant battle and have found that by making small successes in controlling my habits in one of those areas(sugar for example) has affected and has made it easier to improve other areas because I have shown myself I can do it.

by skanon
DarkSamus61 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree with you there is better things to do. I guess I have come to realize human's are rebellious and hiding things don't make them go away. When Twitter banned Trump, Alex Jones and countless others. Did they go away? If anything it makes peoples resolve more apparent. In the case of porn if it were banned what will they redirect their energy to? Something better would be the hope for sure, but it could be something worse?

by skanon
DarkSamus61 5 points ago +5 / -0

Normally I'd agree but after seeing the way the world is going with censorship. I'd rather it not be banned but to win on idea of porn being bad instead of hiding it. Having the conversation in the open is always the better option. The argument against porn will stand on its own in the end if its truly right.

by skanon
DarkSamus61 21 points ago +21 / -0

I can't speak for anyone else. I myself have always felt better the longer I have kept myself away from porn. Personally for me I found myself more productive and happier when keep myself away from it. i'll add though that anything I try to practice self control all add up to a growing snowball of confidence for me.

by BQnita
DarkSamus61 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only missing in that image is Woka Cola for product placement.

DarkSamus61 12 points ago +13 / -1

Although its not Bill Barr I find the headline fascinating considering Q's use of Alice in Wonderland on many posts.

DarkSamus61 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some periods on earth where the most abundant life wasin in periods of higher CO2 and "warmer" climates. Brought about some really large critters too.

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