OK. Most normies do not know that there were Minsk agreements, can not find Ukraine on a map, took the vaxx because Fauci said so, and think that the currency is not coming to an end.
However, this crap is TOTALLY fine. They are so dumbed down.
This is Idiocracy come to life!!!
Very timely. There's one podcaster in particular that I follow/followed for years that I think might be controlled opposition and/or just a shit disturber.
The goal posts keep moving (ramping up) to show Trump in a negative light. This guy became disenchanted with Q, and now rags on Trump/Trump team, anons, book of Q every chance he gets. At one point encouraged voting for Kamala. Very critical and negative voice towards Trump. Did not start out this way.
I am not looking for a cheerleader.
Trump is not God. He needs to answer for the vaxx. I do not understand all of what he is dealing with the DS. There might be a good explanation here. The dust has NOT settled by a long shot. I can wait - ultimately if you took the vaxx they can not take it out.
Pam Bondi. Optics are not good. BUT, without it, would we know about SDNY level of corruption? Some yes, but this deep? IDK.
The guy states that 5D chess is no way to lead. Seems pissed all the time that Trump isn't doing what HE wants. OK fine. But he turned his show into being all about getting his listeners into being pissed all the time too.
This is not just being critical - it's being a little shit disturber.
I am a transplant to MN from WI and IL.
The "mildly retarded Minnesotan" is a phrase that is used to describe most Minnesotans.
It is similar to how Minnesotans say that they are Minnesota Nice, but those that have come from other states (transplants) know that they are really Minnesota Ice.
So, they shot a mannequin, and their guns jammed, and then they set it on fire. What exactly is the message? That the Ukraine army sucks?
Russia, please, end this now. Ukraine is yours. Please, bring some sanity to the region.
Exactly. We were primed with the corruption at usaid. Anyone paying attention had the 'government is corrupt' paradigm is place. We SAW the corruption of usaid - spending $$$$ on tranny operas. 🙄
Now we begin to see how deep the government corruption goes.
Anons know this - now it's time for the normies.
Who gets to decide 'normal' religious expression?
Basically, one will strap on an explosive devise OR be so numbed out that they do not describe themselves as particularly religious?
'Normal' is being defined as disconnected from God.
Everyone has a God-sized hole within them. It can only be filled by God. Some try to fill it with other things - work, pleasure, etc, but it can only be completely filled by God.
What about those individuals who are on fire for God, AND would NEVER strap on a bomb? Do we numb these individuals out as well?
The hypothesis is dangerously flawed.
It ignores basic humanity.
Did USAID fund this one?
The infertility quote reminds me of this one - Chelsea Clinton recently doubled-down a previous declaration that she wished her maternal grandmother had utilized the services of Planned Parenthood.
Chelsea of course is not a politician, but is trading on her political heritage.
All the posts are within minutes of each other as well. Between 3:05 pm and 3:19 pm.
Ursula von Der Leyen and Antonio Costa have the exact same verbiage and timestamp.