Dee68 8 points ago +8 / -0

I agree with you. The term "liberal" has been co-opted by the left and twisted.

When I think "liberal", it is more the Thomas Jefferson kind.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just ordered this. A friend was telling me about this book. Sounds fascinating.

Dee68 8 points ago +8 / -0

Love it.

However, in order for me to find myself in the hospital, I would have to have been in a near fatal accident of some sort requiring trauma care.

For everything else, it's "suck it up buttercup." Try some herbs. 😄

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. I received this pitch too.

Basically the Michael Douglas fear porn.

I declined as well.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's the same logic used when giving boys the gardisil vaxx to prevent cervical cancer.

Of course, in this case, gardisil supposedly protects against the sexually transmitted disease HPV (human papilloma virus) which allegedly causes cervical cancer and boys don't have cervixes.

So, I guess it works in this case....?

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. COVID deaths/ # COVID cases < 2%

  2. Uttar Pradesh brought COVID cases to 0 by using ivermectin.

  3. EUA is a lie, see 2. EAU cannot be granted if there is another viable treatment

  4. Many, many Incentives for taking the shot

  5. Georgia Guidestones

  6. Bill Gates talking about pop reduction via vaccines

Items 1-6 were NOT hidden. In fact, these items were ALL available in the public domain via mainstream media.

Given all this, only the truly stupid would need to resort to a coin flip.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. They get really offended and/or pissed if you apply critical thinking to their world.

Shows just how fragile their egos are and that their sacred knowledge can be learned by anyone willing to put in a little time and the internet.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Next time you see her, apologize.

Say something like:

Hey, I'm sorry about how things got heated between us. Obviously I thought you have been keeping up on the latest findings, and failed to consider that you might just have your hands full caring for Mike.

Theres this guy, Ed Dowd, former bigwig in stocks. He has been looking at the figures from the bureau of labor statistics and actuarial table of ins companies. SOMETHING is making people very sick and is causing a substantial increase in all cause mortality rates.

This SOMETHING times out with the introduction of the vaxx.

He does NOT say it's the vaxx. I personally believe that it is, but even if I am wrong, SOMETHING is happening. We can see this from the all cause mortality rates and the bureau of labor statistics OWN DATA.

I'm sorry this is happening to Mike. How is he?

Dee68 5 points ago +5 / -0

Pressure canners of the world, unite!!

I'm with you. I'm not giving up mine either! 😄

Dee68 5 points ago +5 / -0

Didn't they do a similar scenario in the movie The Island - 2005 - starring Ewan McGregor?

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0


number of deaths/number of cases * 100 gives me a < 2% chance of dying


Flipping it around, survival odds of greater than 98%

I'll keep my freedoms.

And as for your friends and family, if you are afraid they can't survive even with these odds, get some ivermectin. Fear porn pusher.

Dee68 8 points ago +8 / -0

Do your grandchildren have a saving relationship with Jesus?

Start with this.

Think how you would respond if your grandchildren were born with a congenital defect of some kind where they were not expected to live to adulthood. What would you prioritize?

Not trying to be harsh on this. I have family in this boat, too.

At some point, you need to come to terms with they probably will be leaving this world a lot sooner. Whose arms will they be delivered into?

This moves you into action and off of worry. I exhort you to continue to pray unceasingly. Research treatment options. Make sure they have a saving relationship with Jesus. Make peace with the situation.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0


I've used it along with Reynoldmeds.com

Dee68 6 points ago +6 / -0

Thank goodness she had you. You were a blessing from God. 💜

Same thing happened to me (toilet, retrieval, shock of holding my baby in the palm of my hand, placing him in a ziplock baggie, traumatic).

Hubby needed to care for our toddler at home while I drove myself to the hospital. We had no one close by.

In retrospect, I should have just skipped the hospital (as they were totally useless) and had a funeral pyre in the backyard.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is my stumbling block on this whole narrative.

There are people in multiple states across the country that I know have taken the shot. Friends and family. Their entire families have been jabbed. These families cross state lines as well.

I am not seeing the terrible results of the jab in these cases.

It would be one heck of a coincidence to say they ALL got saline.

My home school consortium is 400+ families strong in a 60 mile radius.

My church is 600+ members strong in a 20 mile radius.

Liberal to conservative political make up. I SHOULD be seeing deaths and hearing about tons of serious injuries. I am not.

I teach at the homeschool. Teaching staff would be notified. The church would hold funeral services.

Four people is what I got. Two co-workers who were always kinda sickly even before COVID are more sick now. One leg blood clotting issue which was a hereditary risk factor before COVID. One myocarditis flare up which the guy says is now cured - vaxx injury no matter his protestations.

Based on this alone, it is looking like the vaxx is exacerbating preexisting conditions.

The fear narrative does not hold together from what I am seeing. Not in terms of percentage vaxxed nor in terms of how deadly the shots are. According to Tennpenny, a good portion of these people should be near death.

Not trying to make a case for the shots are safe, Ed Dowd' findings documented in Cause Unknown clearly states that something is killing people and this something times out with the vaxx.

Bottomline, both sides are ginning up fear amidst the confusion.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. It's a distraction. You list some good points.

To that I will add Ed Dowd's work on Cause Unknown. He pulls data from actuarial tables and bureau of labor statistics to show that "something" is causing excess mortality and injury to the workforce. His book came out during Christmas.

This coupled will the NFL player dropping "dead" on the field might cause a normie to question what's going on. Can't have that.

I will leave you with this clip from Jesse Ventura.


Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, exactly correct.

If the shots were so good and actually protected a person, why the need for enticement?

Even ignoring the fact that basic science (scientific method, multiple tests and iterations not done) and basic math (# of deaths/# of cases) paint a picture of this being recklessly rushed and NOT NEEDED, the enticements alone should have kicked street smarts into high gear.

Street smarts indicate that a con is in play.

I tried to point this out to people and was told point blank, "you are not a doctor, and my doctor says that this is good."

So, they took the shot.

Here's the hard truth:

A con does not work unless the person WANTS to be conned.

Fear was so great that they WANTED to be conned into believing that the vaxx would make their fear go away.

As soon as their doctor (or anyone they trusted) said, "Take it", they did.

I believe that is a key reason why many here did not take the shot. We are after truth. It is incompatible with being conned.

Those who were coerced into taking the shot, did so for other reasons (keep job, etc). I don't believe it is because they were afraid of COVID because if they were, there would be no need for coercion.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks Gizzard. Appreciate it.

Given that some posters are in split households - spouse took that vaxx or are still sleeping while they didn't or are awake - it stands to reason that the viewing habits are split as well.

Haven't checked your link for specific shows, yet. Except for prime, that is why we subscribe to a specific channel. Once the show is over, we cancel, BUT service is active until the next pay period. Figured others might be doing the same.

Dee68 7 points ago +8 / -1

Just checked.

It's on HBO.

Prime has it as well for $$.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, the fear is the worst.

Had a similar experience at my mother's funeral last year. We were all mask free. A lady comes in with a mask, no harm, no foul. I did not recognize her. We chatted a bit and when she said who she was, I recognized her name as being a very good friend of mom's. I gave her a big smile and reached to shake hands and thank her for the friendship she showed to mom. The words, "Oh thank you" were out as I stuck out my hand. She literally backed up three paces with a look of abject terror in her eyes.

So sad.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

A little child who's trying to be good.

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