Dee68 7 points ago +7 / -0

Great point. The fact that people are awaiting 2024 election cycles is a testament to the fact that many are still asleep.

This was the same in the 2022 cycle. Sleeping and pinning your hopes on the 2022 election.

I do not believe that being awake equates to knowing that there is fraud. That part is known. There was fraud in 2020, and not just in the swings states. States like Montana had a high degree of fraud as well (Bardsfm interview).

Waking up means doing actions like u/pepewarrior0102 is suggesting, but everywhere.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

My take.

The child is a normie.

The dad is someone who wants the child to stay asleep (media, govt, big pharma, big tech, etc). I.e., The COVID shot is NOT a depop shot. Take the COVID shot or you might die of COVID. Trust govt, we are not corrupt. The CIA and FBI can be trusted.

Those like us who are awake are not in the meme.

At least that's how I took it.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just checked out this channel. Thank you!!!

Fall of the Cabal Antarctica Human Trafficking Pedowood Freemasons Q Proofs Frazzeldrip documentaries Giants 9/11 JFK William Cooper Epstein Island Quantum/Free Energy and more......

Tons of stuff. Some I've seen on the internet, some I've been meaning to watch but forgot about, plus new stuff too, and they're all in one place. Thanks, it's like a Christmas present!

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Original Red Pill!

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is the brand that went from a print commercial 30 years ago of

"Ingle Ells, Ingle Ells. Christmas just isn't the same without that J&B"


I'll be grooming for Christmas.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Correct. I did not get tested.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see what you are saying. I have extended family and friends across several states who are just fine. Jabbed.

I find it hard to believe they ALL got saline.

OTOH, Ed Dowd has done some fascinating research with actuarial tables and bureau of labor stats that indicate SOMETHING is very amiss. It all times out with the vaxx. If it is NOT the vaxx, what is it? The numbers are staggering. CDC, NIH, WHO, etc should be all over this, but they are silent on this.

His book is Cause Unknown.

Dee68 0 points ago +1 / -1

Similar experience here. Unjabbed. Early 50s. Maybe 1 minor cold a year, if that.

Since last year, COVID (didn't get tested so I really don't know) was down for 6+ weeks with extreme fatigue and cold symptoms. I have never had fatigue like this.

This year, same timeframe, November. Fatigue and really bad cold, coughing 4-5 weeks. Shedders in the voting places? IDK.

Dee68 4 points ago +4 / -0

I always thought he was mafia. Whenever his name was brought up (parents, relatives, friends) they always added that he was with the mafia. Not a strong source I know, but I always saw him as a gangster. 😊

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks. Ivermectin made a big difference for me. Stress management was a big factor as well. Cleared away many volunteering and social obligations. Now I am very choosy about what I allow into my life. 😊

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

I heard it from RFK Jr himself.

He was speaking about something different and offhandly mentioned that spasmodic-dysphonia, as you state is his condition ( I do not remember the condition, but yours sounds right), was listed in the possible side effects in the flu shot insert.

From what RFK Jr was stating, he did not know that it could be a possible side effect of a flu shot when he was diagnosed with it. He later found out about it as he was doing his work on flu shots and vaxx injuries. IIRC, he is now taking legal action.

I did not save sources on this.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

The neurological symptoms listed in the article are almost identical to Lyme disease when the bacteria colonize in the CNS.

Brain fog and psychosis are very troublesome. I would fly into a rage for no reason - at least as far as normal people were concerned. In reality, the lyme bacteria was causing my brain to be inflamed which in turn would cause panic attacks, rage, inky black depression. My thinking was very muddled.

I would lose words. One day I was trying to describe the color of something. The color was one of the basic 8. It was warm, bright, joyous. I could see it in my mind, but I had no idea what it was called. The word I was looking for was yellow, but it was just gone from my vocabulary.

My spelling became messed up. The word believe turned into belivieveier. I never use to have issues with this prior to Lyme. Even though I am much better now, I think that the bacteria caused some brain damage that has not healed, yet. Issues with spelling and word searching still remain though to a much lesser degree.

If your family members are dealing with this from a psychosis standpoint, they may not even be aware of the fact that they are perceiving reality falsely. Until I was diagnosed, I only had occasional inklings that something was amiss.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Santa Claus.

One day, when I was four, I was in our basement. I looked at the chimney pipe going to the furnace and realized it was not big enough for the dollhouse I got from Santa.

This was in August - no idea why I was thinking about this.

The dollhouse was metal. It could be taken apart, those pieces 'could' fit, BUT there was no way that the floor plan could without being bent. The floor plan had no bends!!

Something was very amiss.

I questioned my mom about things like, "do we ever leave the doors unlocked and does anybody else have keys to our house?"

Once she said no to both, I asked how Santa gets in cause my doll house couldn't fit down the chimney.

She thought for a bit, then caved.

Parents lie.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Only part of that money was for the tomatoes and carrots.

Part of the money was for supplies.

BUT the bulk of the money was for hands on education. How much would you pay for a class to teach you what you just learned last growing season?

Starting out it will be more expensive because we are recovering the lost knowledge of being self sufficient. This is stuff our grandparents knew and lived.

I'm in the same boat. We are overwintering our peppers for the first time - we live in MN. I hope it takes because these plants were prolific.

Melons were a bust for us this year, but I still remember grandma telling us kids to 'save the seeds' when we were eating a sweet one from her garden.

Also, we are trying to get carrot seeds. They are a biennial plant so hopefully next fall we will have seeds.

You hang in there! 😊

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gotcha. Yes, I don't intend to let my son just read it. I will be the filter and will summarize the arguments. At least that's my thinking right now.

My son is aware that the WEF, Klaus Schwab, Gates, Obama, etc all listen to Harari. And that he is an influencer.

Have told my son that Harari, while from Jewish descent, rejects the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and refers to these as fairy tales. So, we are not to accept his thoughts as truth.

I must confess though, as I get into reading Harari's book, I may just need to stop and return the book to the library. We will see.

Was reading something last week (totally different) that started out pretty innocuous, then bit by bit, it turned into lies, and I could actually feel Satan's presence drawing me in further. Stopped immediately and began to actively counteract the lies with the Word of God.

To my knowledge, my son has never had to fight like this. I feel that it is my duty to teach him how to fight. Not only for his sake, but for the sake of his future family. So, that he will be a strong, godly, leader, father, husband for them.

So your warning is well received. Thank you.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

We might be running into a semantic misunderstanding here.

I see avoiding equal to running away and doing nothing.

Harari and his ilk are not something to run away from, but rather something to defeat. It is about knowing your enemy and spotting his tactics and arguments.

It includes sharpening critical thinking skills and discernment so that arguments can be made to refute Harari's garbage before it gains more of a toehold.

Have you seen some of the reviews for his book on Amazon? Glowing. I suspect/hope that these are bot generated. It's like parents praising tranny story hour.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Already do teach bible, patriotic us history, and world history.

Why are you so offended?

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for this.

I will probably borrow this from the library. In order to write a children's book on a complex topic, ideas need to be distilled down to their essence.

From there, arguments against it can be formed.

I homeschool my son who is in high school. The arguments against this evil need to be taught. Harari believes x, it is a lie because of y.

My son (and I as well) need to be better equipped for fighting what is coming at us. I don't think we can safely ignore Harari's level of influence.

I very much appreciate the warning. Thank you!

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Solid reasoning.

Might I suggest adding it though with the following:

Stateside - no customs worries. Ivermectin only. Much higher prices than overseas. Accepts MasterCard.

Before I got comfortable with buying meds like this, I just wanted ivermectin, MasterCard transaction, stateside. This fit the bill AND I did not care so much that the price was considerably higher.

With Reynoldmeds.com shipping out of Singapore, I know better and no longer worry about customs.

Thank you for your consideration. Will defer to your decision. 😊

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

😮 Your question just reminded me of a news report I read about ~10 months ago about a female orangutan that was trafficked.

The handlers would clothe her in a dress, earrings, eye shadow, lipstick, etc. And then pimp her out to wealthy business men.

IIRC I think this occurred in the southeast Asia region.

I did not save the sauce. Sorry. I was pretty disgusted.

My guess is that it might be to distinguish Human ST from other types of ST. And if so, here's where I really would rather not know about all the other types.

EDIT: Here's a story. Might not be the same one I had read. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7829159/prostitute-orangutan-pony-tragic-story/

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0


They take mc and visa. IIRC my pkg came from India. Meds are manufactured in US, Germany, and UK as well as India.

Edit: let me know if you have good luck with this. My second trans may have been a fluke, but I got spooked. 😊

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