Delphi373 5 points ago +5 / -0

Aldous Huxley was a globalist member likely of the Fabian society and his brother Julian was a well-known eugenicist. I think his quote is exactly meant for what you spotted. I wouldn't trust him with a 10-foot pole. People think Brave New World and 1984, etc. were warnings - no - they were guidebooks.

Delphi373 6 points ago +6 / -0

I worked in Massachusetts. I knew someone who worked as Mass General and he was good friends with the transplant surgeons. He told me that the doctors would have patients who would go to Mexico to get organs

Delphi373 2 points ago +2 / -0

F this dude. Then why don't we allow them to drink at menstruation?

What a freak.

Delphi373 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well what do they care? They're certainly not signing up for the front lines. It's easy to say you want this and that when it's no skin off your nose - this is the liberal way. They're all about putting signs in their yards, putting a black square on their socials, or drinking from a Starbucks cup that has a rainbow flag or whatever - but don't ask them to actually sacrifice, or feel any pain for whatever it is they promote. They just want the street cred for being the "good guy" in the room - they're all about how they're perceived, not who they actually are.

Delphi373 12 points ago +12 / -0

Thanks Fren! Oh yeah 100% - he definitely knows what he's doing - he's following his WEF marching orders probably...

Delphi373 12 points ago +12 / -0

Zelensky had the ultimate nerve to sit there and think he was going to dictate how this deal went down. As Trump said...he was skating on some SERIOUSLY thin ice. Did he think he could sit there and humiliate Putin in front of Trump, all the while Trump is trying to broker a deal with Putin? How does that make Trump look? If Trump hadn't said something, it'd look like he was agreeing with Zelensky, and that would destroy the gains he'd made with Putin. What an absolute D*CK maneuver by Zelensky.

I think someone gave that little sht marching orders to go in there and sink negotiations and clearly he's following orders and doing what he's been told like the shtty actor he's always been.

He could have gone in there, done some a**-kissing like he should have, and things could have gone well. But noooo - he chose that opportunity in front of ALL those cameras to play the victim but also underhandedly threaten the United States with an "if you don't do something you're next" tactic (which we all know is total bullsh*t) - but by doing so in front of the cameras he put Trump and his cabinet in a VERY awkward position - not unlike that freaky minister woman during the inauguration weekend.

What disgraceful human being. To prolong this useless war, using his people like pawns on a chess board, dressing up and acting the part of some 4 star general while he's entirely sitting in limos and laundering billions of US tax dollars into his accounts.

What a scumbag he is.

Delphi373 1 point ago +1 / -0

About time! That guy is a snake in the grass to say the least!!!

Delphi373 1 point ago +1 / -0

To think we work 4 months out of the year to fund this junk...unbelievable

Delphi373 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah and I remember when they weren’t going to use Russian oil too…

Delphi373 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hep B is one of the worst….

Delphi373 7 points ago +7 / -0

Listen to the disdain in his voice - catturd is popular because he says what most Americans (not just middle America) are thinking. This loser just hates the idea that average Americans have a voice now - and that our voice has been heard.

Delphi373 3 points ago +3 / -0

An uplifting watch for your Sunday afternoon :-)

Delphi373 4 points ago +4 / -0

LOL! Map is slightly wrong though - it's District 2 in Nebraska (Omaha area) that went to Kamala

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