DemonDMT 6 points ago +6 / -0

They're not only covering up the sun that's blocking our body from creating Vitamin D naturally so that we have working and functioning cytotoxic CD8 Killer-T Cells to protect us against their synthetic viruses, but they're also dropping aluminum and other heavy metals on us from the c*emtrails, poisoning our lungs, our food crops, and water. They're just blanketing us with toxins and synthetic viruses. They hate the fact that humans are self healing beings, god created machines, their only weapon against us are things that will block and chemically contaminate us so we cannot live long and healthy lives.

DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

The vaccinated who were coerced and forced into it and those that have had no sick thoughts about the unvaccinated wanting to die.. i have sympathy for. But the nazi psychopaths who are grinding their teeth right now becuase they want to see the unvaccinated die so badly from covid; they can go fuck themselves and rest in piss.

DemonDMT 5 points ago +5 / -0

Damn. Imagine having a president that can coherently put words together and serve epic burns? We had that 4 years ago when we werent paying $7 a gallon and $100 for 6 items at the grocery store.

DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

summer of sickness for the vaccinated.

DemonDMT 3 points ago +3 / -0

They want newsome

DemonDMT 10 points ago +10 / -0

Pair this with Vitamin D3, there is a study that shows that individuals with proper levels of Vitamin D (around 50 ng /ml) are far less likely to end up in the hospital for covid-19. Vitamin D3 is huge, but it MUST be at the proper dosage to your weight and MUST be paired with Vitamin K2 (MK7) to chaperone calcium out of the arteries into where calcium is needed like the bones, muscles, etc. Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, Vitamin C (from natural sources; important), Allicin (raw garlic), Sulforaphane (broccoli & broccoli sprouts) and probiotics (Kimchi & Kefir) are the powerhouses of health... not just for covid, but for cancer, and other diseases.

Here is the study: https://communities.win/c/GreatAwakening/p/141Ermv3dQ/peerreviewed-study-996-of-covid-/c

DemonDMT 3 points ago +3 / -0

from the orders of the united nations. every country must stop producing food, stop production, give up their land, give up their freedom and property, stop being self sustainable. You must have a permit to grow food, you must have a permit to capture rain for drinking and watering. Permit here permit there. You can't own your own land, house, car, anything of value. Why don't you want to give up these things? are you selfish? are you uncaring of the environment? Why don't you want to give up your freedom for the collective? the new world dictatorship that is collapsing everything, collapsing the water supply, collapsing the food supply, collapsing the financial markets while they spray you and inject you with poison?

I swear if we don't stand up against this bastardization we will get what we deserve.

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was gonna say atleast his one sentence makes sense before he babbles about something else.

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

if the media says it is and there's enough dumbasses watching TV then it will be.

DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

if you're still asleep at this point you deserve what you get.

DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

oh, from sweden, where they hold all of the globalist meetings. They want us to eat bugs and eachother. They think they are kings and queens "let them eat cake" while they intentionally burn down food processing plants, destroy farms and buy up all the food procesing land, aquifers, and do everything to create artificial food shortages.

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

when we "die" in this realm, we just go to another

DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just think its a psyop advertisement when turdeau and other elite say "i got da monkey pox" or "i got da coofius" to get people scared into getting the waxxines.

DemonDMT 3 points ago +3 / -0

isn't it ironic the same liberal world order that pushed feminism is now pushing transgenderism that is replacing females with males? and if you speak up against it you're transphobe and it's not at all chauvanist? LO-FUCKING-L

DemonDMT 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yes look how fast America turned into China.. centralizing communication into the hands of the government and censoring everything. Treating political dissidents like enemies (unvaccinated and republicans). The re-education camps and quarantine camps are just around the corner.

DemonDMT 3 points ago +3 / -0

mind blowing i saw this full thing on bitchute.

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