DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

usually old people are pressured severely to get it by "doctors". I know my dad's VA forced him to get it, not sure if he did or not.

DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

did she get the shingles vaccine? Shingles are caused by inflammation.

DemonDMT 7 points ago +7 / -0

Let's see, my fully vaccinated manager, my boss, my step nephew, my step sister, all got severely ill. I remember going to work during Omicron, it was a ghost town. I keep hearing at work "oh someones sick" and they all turn out by be vaccinated. I am basically the only unvaccinated at work, I haven't been sick in years.

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mark Slapinski is a Toronto Commentator. I need to do more research on him, hopefully the bullshit he said was just sarcasm.

DemonDMT 3 points ago +3 / -0

Once your vitamin D levels are up, you can take the appropriate amounts per day to keep your levels at or above 50 ng/ml. I do a vitamin D test every 6 months just to make sure things are good. not too high or too low.

I also take NATURAL Vitamin-C every other day.

Zinc, ivermectin 12mg, iodine, and selenium once every 1-2 weeks.

Here's a snippet from this paper: "Our study confirms vitamin D deficiency to be a high-risk factor of severe COVID-19 disease and hospitalization, with 97% of our study’s patient cohort being vitamin D deficient, 55% of these being severely vitamin D deficient, and none had optimal levels.":


I never had the coof ever. I also eat raw broccolli, blueberries and garlic if that helps anything?

I never had to take HCQ or do nebulization but, I have a nebulizer with inhalable saline, just one of those, 1 drop of food grade hydrogen peroxide %3 and 1 lugol's drop of Iodine and inhale every hour until covid symptoms or gone. I have not tried this yet, hopefully I never have to do this, but I keep all of these supplies at home with me just in case.

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

He said "final solution" which was ironic following all the shit he said after. I truly think this was clipped out of context and that he was just being sarcastic as to how Liberals act towards us Unvaccinated. I want to see the entire video before I put him on my shit list.

DemonDMT 8 points ago +8 / -0

I really hope he's just pulling our leg. He did ironically say "final solution". Look at his twitter page, he also rails against Liberals? Need more research on this guy.

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope so, I don't know much about him or Canadian politicians in general. But he sounded serious. I hope he was just joking, I went to his twitter page looks like he supports the convoys? I don't know.

DemonDMT 3 points ago +3 / -0

Make sure to take Vitamin D3 every day until you reach over 50 ng/ml. There is a great at-home test called Cerascreen Vitamin-D that can be bought on Amazon to see what your Vitamin-D level is. I believe this is the most important step if you want to prevent yourself from getting the coof, at least if you do get it, you'll get over it much quicker. I recommend finding out your level then adding that information to this calculator, make sure to take enough vitamin-D a day so you reach your goals. I think this is the most important especially if you live in an area where there's not much sun, and also if you're a darker complexion and getting it naturally will not work as good if at all


DemonDMT 5 points ago +5 / -0

Health before just blindly injecting yourself with toxins... please God I hope Americans really have awakened from this idiocracy of blindly just stabbing ourselves with who-knows-what. Please God, please.

DemonDMT 3 points ago +3 / -0

Parents who refused to do any research on these "vaccines" and carelessly just had them injected need to be put in prison. You don't love your child, if you loved your child you would read every research paper, every single thing about these vaccines before you would EVER even remotely think about injecting them. Parents who relied on the government, and that attractive face on TV sponsored by the drug companies, and the fake TV doctors need to slap themselves in the face, they need to do some SERIOUS internal work, they need to stop the partisan bullshit when it comes to politicizing medicine.

DemonDMT 7 points ago +7 / -0

More non rothchild owned countries will eventually come out to prosecute these corporations

DemonDMT 4 points ago +4 / -0

my libshit brother wants to move to Canada, I think it's great! Enjoy being mask and vax slaves.

DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

pedes sounds a lot like pedos. I have a feeling this term was made up by cointel pro to subconsciously defame us in the minds of outsiders of this community. That's why I don't use it.

DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

Listen to him, also listen to the people who were around during Nazi Germany... we need to listen to our elders more than ever.

DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reaching people with advertisements and paying employees costs money. It's not Alex's fault that running a company costs money, everything costs money. I don't look at him different because he's selling products, huge operations like his costs MONEY. Plus, the establishment are doing everything they can to destroy him, because they don't like the truth getting into the eyes and ears of the sheep. The reason they monopolize all media is to control information, he created his own media, and he can control his own information. Good for him. Like I said, without Alex, I would probably be dead by now, eyes completely closed and believing everything the TV told me because there was no alternative outlet out there to tell another side of a story. Without Alex, there would probably be a lot less people like you and me out there, creating their own alternative media. I thank Alex for warning me about the New World Order and that they would use a pandemic to centralize power. He was right.

DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

The solution is on YOU. Without Alex Jones, I would probably be a fucking moron dead or permanently handicapped because of the jabs. If it wasn't for Alex, I would probably be dead because I would be drinking the fluoride water.

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

Democrats are terrible people, just look at their history: They terrorized black politicians because they wanted the right to vote and the right to be free from slavery. They are STILL terrible people. They never changed.

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

this is big. We're going into a mini ice age. Now you know why the New World Order is rushing to collapse everything.. so when everyone is poor and on the streets they will freeze to death. they pick up the pieces when it warms back up again.

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