Government figures say >96% of adults took it & the unvaxxed were banned from pubs, gyms, multiple places 2021-22. There are a few of us who didn’t (most people I knew pre-Covid did) but… anti-vaxxers were & are totally demonised by our MSM & politicians.
The more I look at early Christianity the more I wonder was he sent in to Ireland to bring it under Roman rule. We had a form of Christianity in Ireland / Scotia before him. Look up Pelagius (?4th century - I think dates have been amended a bit). Not popular in Rome because he taught against the Roman doctrine of original sin (which was declared heretical).
IRA went through phases. The politicians that would have been linked to them in most people’s minds (Sinn Féin) are total EU/globalist sellouts.
Irish Republican Brotherhood are putting out letters etc about early 1900s free state laws just after we won independence & that they delegated right to rule to the Dáil but never fully abdicated it & that they are rescinding that (delegated) right to rule on behalf of the people from the Dáil. It’s tied in with the Freeman movement I think. I’m reading into this stuff but you can imagine it’s not exactly on any school, college or government curriculum.
People are finally waking up. Nine protests organised by local communities around the country yesterday evening. Started in EastWall (Dublin near north east docks) a few weeks ago. Regular (3 evening a week) protests. Now spreading.
Government spin doctors are getting ratioed on twitter etc. Government are now floating laws for (1) Hate speech (censorship) & to (2) stop protests outside any type of residences (subject to fine/imprisonments).
One or two distractions are falling on swords in the media (not making full declaration of assets on mortgage applications etc.)
If someone specifically says they don’t want remdesivir, conning them into taking it by fooling them into thinking they are being given “Veklury” is fraud. It is not informed consent. It is violating consent by outright blatant lying and manipulation.
Anyone who does this should be reported to their employer, their professional organisation, their licensing board and sued.
As the others have said, these shots are mRNA, developed as a result of a gene therapy research programme that was switched to using mRNA to stimulate an immune response.
It’s a new class of drug. Not just a new vaccine. They were rushed through trials. Rushed through Phase 2 & 3. Then brought down to kids & to pregnant women. That timeline is CRAZY. It is mind-boggling to me that people don’t see the speed of this as a crazy. It is impossible to know medium or long term effects or dangers. Impossible.
Next, how did they scale production so fast? Factories making an entirely new class of therapeutic, new process, billions of doses… how the heck can they assure quality control???
Then the ethics. Or lack of them. Coerced consent. Bullying people into taking a drug, still in trials, or lose your job. That’s obscene. Utterly obscene. And for what. A cold? IFR is what, 0.15%?
Where you get your information & he knows doctors? That’s Appeal to Authority logical fallacy. Call it out as such, that it’s hierarchical & authoritarian & don’t bother saying names of people like McCullough etc. Who cares who said what. What matters are facts & data.
Yes. High IQ with good but not brilliant career progression. Stopped some things because it felt off or made me feel bad. Switched domain/specialty a few times. Only really started waking up 5/6 years ago. I still work in the same company with people who actively promote parts of this narrative (I don’t know for sure who is complicit vs conned). I never got into the grant game - just didn’t get the hang of writing them or got in with other collaborators to get started. I am so glad of that now. But with my career gone sideways & the credentialism / controlled narrative it has been hard to know what to do to push back (plus my mental health took a nosedive when I realised what was happening, all my family got jabbed/boosted). There are a few of us, and more & more push back but things are so controlled in my country. It’s crazy.
It was a Holocaust. Most land was owned by the English. Which was worked by the Irish. Food was exported during those years. There were scores of mass graves.
We’re watching job losses in Twitter, Stripe etc here in Ireland, wondering who’s next. A lot would be non nationals (twitter, FB etc wanting european language speakers & while we can speak them a bit, we’re anglophone 🤷♀️).
Don’t know and afaik the four all share songwriting credits & royalties for U2 songs - a decision made early on to keep it a band, not Bono & a backing group. I could be wrong, but that’s what I remember about it…
Bono’s usually the lyricist though.
“I stand with the sons of Cain”
Met him once. Not unusual in Ireland. Felt/looked greasy.
Link to ICD 10 site.