Dildoman9000 2 points ago +2 / -0

My points stands regardless of an article. You do not need cursive for a signature, normal long hand isn't easier to imitate than cursive if that's what people are worried about.

I cannot think of any reason we need to write it.

There are 1,000 more important things we should be making children learn.

Dildoman9000 1 point ago +4 / -3

Ffs guys, cursive is the last thing we should be worried about. Children cannot even name who won the Civil War or who even fought in the Civil War.

This is insanely retarded, you don't need cursive for a signature, who the fuck told anyone that?

Dildoman9000 1 point ago +1 / -0

Idk about that, would need evidence of EVERY single family and where they lived and moved. I highly doubt that evidence was ever collected to make that claim. [Extremely personal info especially in light of why they are moving]

Sounds like complete bs, you even think it's improbable.

Because it most likely never happened...

Dildoman9000 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where do you get the idea it was one bomb? It clearly was multiple...

Dildoman9000 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or because she wants to get fucked regularly...

Dildoman9000 4 points ago +4 / -0

People can wake up and change their values....it is possible, I did it when I was 25, I used to be a liberal...

Dildoman9000 0 points ago +2 / -2

Learned this in 9th grade geography...what a fucking low IQ post holy shit.

Dildoman9000 4 points ago +6 / -2

Guys just type in Obama and Clooney on boat and you see they were just on a boat with an Asian guy and maybe his kid, probably another celeb and his son.

They are close to shore with lots of other boats around.

Stop being schizo paranoid imbeciles...

Dildoman9000 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I want to believe but this video doesn't show anything substantial...

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