They'll probably say something about "Isn't the constitution written to protect the minority voices? That's not how democracy works! Don't we deserve a seat at the table? To have our voices heard?"
They'll probably distance themselves from the politicians but say overall the Democrats had the right ideas and worldview. It's just that the people were corrupt.
In America our Thanksgiving celebrates when the pilgrims sat down and had dinner with the native Indians before ruthlessly slaughtering them. What's the Canadian's reasoning for Thanksgiving. Do you guys also have Canadian black Friday tomorrow?
u/winsanon and u/puncake deserve a medal after all this is over.
I think I know a guy that is doing this. He's paralyzed and going blind, seems to have given up on life. Was against the Vax, but lately he is talking about taking it. This late in the game, even after more and more information is coming out. He knows what he's doing.
Check out the black chick that filmed YouTube channel.
She has a bunch of updates on this case. Serious mental problems. At one point wanted to sue the girl, the police department, and the mall security. I think she's raised over 100K. You can tell she loves the attention. That's her meal ticket and she's not giving it up anytime soon.
Update in her comments "Turning off replies because the neo Nazi Drumpf supporters found it. Good luck trying to make fun of me now, losers!" 🤣🤣